The effect of this is not only to slow down what should be a neutral exchange, but to put pressure on the server to inject personality into a situation where none is required.
Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences.
Статья 13 Конвенции, заключенной между Францией и Италией 28 сентября 1896 года и предусматривающей, что лица, проживающие в Тунисе и сохраняющие итальянское гражданство, будут по-прежнему считаться итальянцами, была сочтена действующей в 1950 году, несмотря на вторую мировую войну.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in Russian using the given reference word translations?
Article 13 of a Convention concluded between France and Italy on 28 September 1896 and providing that persons residing in Tunis and having retained Italian citizenship would continue to be considered Italians, was considered operative in 1950 despite World War II.
(8) The Community has adopted three legal instruments on the basis of Article 13 (1) of the EC Treaty to prevent and combat discrimination on grounds of sex, racial and ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age and sexual orientation. He initiated the founding of the Bauakademie in Berlin and, starting in 1810, was the first professor of archaeology at the newly-founded university (now Humboldt-Universität).
Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences using the given reference word translations.
(8) Die Gemeinschaft hat auf der Grundlage des Artikels 13 Absatz 1 EG-Vertrag drei Rechtsinstrumente erlassen, um Diskriminierung aus Gründen des Geschlechts, der Rasse, der ethnischen Herkunft, der Religion oder der Weltanschauung, einer Behinderung, des Alters oder der sexuellen Ausrichtung zu verhindern und zu bekämpfen. Er initiierte die Gründung der Berliner Bauakademie und war seit 1810 der erste Professor für Archäologie an der damals neugegründeten Universität.
Reporter Miriam Ramirez grabbed a few of the signs and headed out the next morning for a demonstration at the local prosecutor's office over yet another journalist.
Change the given sentences from Chinese to English format.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Chinese?
But even official events have political overtones.
There's screams, gunfire and then, silence.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
The case, which was brought before the competent court in conformity with article 17 of the Lugano Convention, concerned the sale, by the defendant domiciled in Germany, of scale model locomotives to a buyer whose place of business was in the canton of Schaffhausen. Marsa Alam, along with Hurghada, is one of the most important tourist zones of the Red Sea Governorate: 90% of the total hotel fund in this region (69,000 rooms) account for both cities.
In English, what do the given sentences convey?
Дело, переданное на рассмотрение компетентному суду согласно статье 17 Луганской конвенции, касалось продажи уменьшенных моделей локомотивов ответчиком, зарегистрированным в Германии, покупателю, коммерческое предприятие которого находилось в кантоне Шаффхаузен. Марса Алам, наряду с Хургадой, является одной из самых важных туристических зон губернаторства Красного моря: на оба города приходится 90% всего отельного фонда этого региона (69 тысяч номеров).
Изначально планировалось, что полномочия Йенса Столтенберга как генсека НАТО завершатся осенью 2018 года, но в декабре 2017 года руководство альянса приняло решение продлить срок мандата до сентября 2020 года. Так, в 2009 году биохимическим путем был получен гиперцикл, состоящий из двух макромолекул, а в 2012 году тем же путем был реализован гиперцикл из шести макромолекул.
hypercycle means гиперцикл Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Russian language, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Jens Stoltenberg ’ s term as NATO Secretary General was originally scheduled to run out in the fall of 2018, but in December 2017, the leadership of the Alliance decided to extend his mandate until September 2020. In 2009, a hypercycle was obtained by biochemical method, which consisted of two macromolecules, and in 2012 a six macromolecule hypercycle was realized the same way.
Из окон открывается прекрасный вид на величественную гору Гевонт. Это замечательное место для тех, кто ценит спокойствие, а также для любителей лыжного спорта (неподалеку находится горнолыжный центр). « Я не знаю, что я делаю, чувак », - признается Рами в одной из сцен. « Я смотрю на своих родителей, и насколько они сильны, и как они просто знают, что все будет хорошо, потому что у них есть Бог ».
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Russian language, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
The apartment's windows overlook a beautiful panorama of Mount Giewont. Nearby there are ski slopes so it is also an ideal place for those who enjoy winter sports, as well as for those who seek peace. “I don ’ t know what I ’ m doing, man, ” Ramy confesses in one scene.“ I look at my parents and how strong they are, and how they just know everything ’ s going to be okay because they have God. ”
Вторая жертва, 47-летний Хамид Хамдиан из округа Молласани около города Ахваз, некоторое время страдал от проблем с дыханием. Классическая Греция считается влиятельной культурой, которая связана с основой современной западной культуры и выступает в качестве основы западной цивилизации.
Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
The second man, 47-year-old Hamid Hamdian from Mollasani County near Ahwaz city, had been suffering from respiratory disease for some time. Classical Greece is considered to be the influential culture which is linked with the foundation of modern Western culture and stands as the substructure of Western civilization.
Someone came for an interview.
Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences.
Человек пришел на собеседование.
Совет выполняет функции законодательного органа, в то время как городской управляющий выполняет функции главы исполнительной власти и несет ответственность за управление городом и за выполнение законодательных актов совета. Эдит Крессон – бывший комиссар ЕС по вопросам науки и образования – как-то сказала, что « прямое финансирование нанотехнологий принесло бы больше пользы, чем создание CERN ».
What do the following sentences mean in Russian? The given word translations should be used.
The council effectively functions as the city's legislative body with the city manager acting as its chief executive, responsible for the management of day-to-day operations and execution of council legislation. Edith Cresson, a former European Commissioner for Research, once said that, “funding directly nanotechnologies would have been more rewarding than creating CERN. ”
Bei Vergiftungen jedweder Art, auch bei größeren Schnitten oder Brandwunden sollte man sicherheitshalber auf jeden Fall einen Arzt konsultieren, beziehungsweise in akuten und schweren Fällen den Notarzt rufen.
In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
In the case of poisoning of any type, also with larger cuts or burns, one should as a precaution consult with a doctor in any case, or in acute and bad cases call the emergency physician.
In nine out of the ten areas under investigation, the international research team, using historical aerial images and the latest high-resolution satellite data, observed that ice wedges thawed near the surface and that the ground subsided as a result. Since the surgical incisions are made in very discreet places in the eyelid crease or just below the eyelashes, scarring on both the upper and lower eyelids is minimal and usually almost invisible.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
In neun von zehn Untersuchungsgebieten beobachtete das internationale Forscherteam mit Hilfe von historischen Luftbildern und neuesten hochauflösenden Satellitendaten, dass Eiskeile an der Oberfläche tauen und in der Folge der Boden absackt. Da die chirurgischen Einschnitte an sehr diskreten Stellen in der Augenlidfalte oder genau unterhalb der Augenwimpern liegen, ist die Narbenbildung sowohl am Oberlid als auch am Unterlid minimal und in der Regel fast unsichtbar.
​ Most applications in the food industry include mixing. In order to achieve the desired product quality, the whole volume of product should be optimally mixed, and the mixer should not impact the fluids in ways that might jeopardize the final result.
In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Большая часть операций в пищевой промышленности включает процесс смешивания. Для достижения требуемого качества продукции весь ее объем должен быть смешан оптимальным образом, а смеситель не должен оказывать такого влияния на жидкости, которое может негативно сказаться на конечном результате.
Nikolay Dimitrov started piano lessons at 6 and is currently in the 7th grade of the National School of Art in the city of Rousse. This testifies not only to the great tenacity of the Georgian people, but also to the inexhaustible vitality of the Gospel in this land, since in the most turbulent times Georgia ’ s true anchor has been its faith in Jesus Christ.
anker means anchor Please provide the English translation for the following sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Nikolaj Dimitrow begann im Alter von 6 Jahren mit dem Klavierunterricht. Derzeit lernt er in der 7. Klasse der Nationalen Kunstschule der nordbulgarischen Stadt Russe. Das ist nicht nur ein Zeugnis für die große Widerstandskraft des georgischen Volkes, sondern auch für die unerschöpfliche Lebendigkeit des Evangeliums in diesem Land, denn selbst in den turbulentesten Zeiten war der wirkliche Anker Georgiens sein Glaube an Jesus Christus.
Beschreibung Cy Young war einer der besten Pitcher der Baseballgeschichte und hält auch über 100 Jahre nach seinem Karriereende noch Rekorde! Die WVA-Nummern sind ein Ordnungssystem für Brems-, Kupplungs- und sonstige Reibbeläge, die insbesondere bei Straßenfahrzeugen, aber auch im Maschinenbau zum Einsatz kommen.
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Description Cy Young was one of the greatest pitchers in baseball history, and still continues to hold records more than 100 years after his career ended! The WVA numbers are a reference and assignment system for brake linings, clutch facings and other friction materials which will especially be used in road vehicles but also in mechanical engineering.
In Thessaloniki, those interested in historical buildings will find fascinating buildings from the time of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires such as the Rotunda, the Arch of Galerius and the Turkish baths.
Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Wer sich für historische Bauten interessiert, findet in Thessaloniki sehenswerte Gebäude aus dem byzantinischen und osmanischen Reich, wie die Rotunda, den Galerius-Triumphbogen oder das türkische Hamam.
Heute bin ich Beamtin, genauer gesagt arbeite ich als Assistentin eines Richters am "Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo" (Gericht des Bundesstaats São Paulo) und bin sehr glücklich mit meinem Job. Der 13-jährige Joca aber ist verliebt – in das geheimnisvolle Alligator-Mädchen Basano, eine Guaraní, die auf der anderen Seite des Flusses lebt.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in German using the given reference word translations?
Now I am a public servant, more specifically a judge ’ s assistant at the Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo (Court of São Paulo State), and I am very happy with my job. But the 13-year-old Joca is in love with the mysterious alligator girl Basano of the Guaraní people, who lives on the opposite shore.
Если вы опытный турист, отправляйтесь на самую высокую гору национального парка и всего региона Земплин – Кременец (1221 м над у.м.). В 50-е, 60-е и 70-е годы китайский народ упорно трудился и терпел мучительную нищету ради блага нации.
Translate the following sentences from English to Russian, and must use the given word translations.
If you are tourist enthusiast, head to the highest peak of the national park and the entire Zemplín - Kremenec region (1221 m above sea level). During the 1950s, '60s, and' 70s, the populace worked hard, sacrificed, and endured grinding poverty for the good of the nation.
По словам Крамера, второй фактор – это тщательное исполнение и падение цен на ресурсы, благодаря чему производители мебели испытали меньшее влияние тарифов.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the Russian translation for these sentences.
The second factor, Cramer said, is better execution and falling commodity prices, which has allowed the furniture makers to be hurt less by tariffs.
Home to pygmy goats, ducks and even guineafowl, Agriturismo Stovali Domenico Da Lustrinu is a working farm.
perlhühner means guineafowl Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form using the given reference word translations.
Das Agriturismo Stovali Domenico Da Lustrinu ist ein aktiver Bauernhof, auf dem Zwergziegen, Enten und Perlhühner zu Hause sind.
For 40 years, Krapina has been traditionally holding the Kajkavske popevke, a very popular festival of national songs in the Kajkavian dialect. 4) If software is installed on the system which has not been expressly approved by the licensor for this purpose, or if the installed software is modified, warranty or guarantee claims can only be asserted if the customer can prove that the defects are not related to the modifications.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? The given word translations should be used.
Traditionell wird schon 40 Jahre lang in Krapina das Festival "Kajkavske popevke" abgehalten, ein sehr berühmtes Festival von Volksliedern im kajkavischen Dialekt. 4) Wird auf dem System Software installiert, die nicht ausdrücklich vom Lizenzgeber dafür freigegeben ist, oder wird die installierte Software modifiziert, können Gewährleistungs- oder Garantieansprüche nur geltend gemacht werden, wenn der Kunde nachweisen kann, dass die Mängel nicht mit den Modifikationen in Zusammenhang stehen.
С завтрашнего дня в России начнут штрафовать за нарушения в сфере долевого строительства, передает канал "Россия 24".
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Russian?
Starting tomorrow, Russia is starting to issue fines for violations in the field of shared construction, reports channel "Russia 24".
Die lokale Verbindung zum Thema Wein ist auch bei Veranstaltungen wie z. B. der Wahl der Deutschen Weinkönigin, dem Deutschen Weinlesefest mit Winzerfestumzug, dem w.i.n.e.FESTival und dem größten Weinfest der Welt - dem Bad Dürkheimer Wurstmarkt, erkennbar. Andere Experimente haben gezeigt, dass Notoginseng die Produktion von Antikörpern und Interleukinen fördert, was Wissenschaftler dazu veranlasst hat, es bei der Behandlung von Autoimmunkrankheiten zu verabreichen.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
The deep local connection to the subject of wine can be discoverd also at events such as the coronation of the German Wine Queen, the German Wine Harvest Festival with it's grape harvest festival Parade, the w.i.n.e.FESTival and the world largest wine Festival - the Bad Dürkheimer Wurstmarkt. Other experiments have demonstrated that notoginseng promotes the production of antibodies and interleukins, which has led to their administration in the treatment of auto-immune diseases.
Kaiser Shun war in Lishan hochgeachtet, so sehr, dass er, anstatt zu regieren, manchmal gebeten wurde, zu urteilen und Auseinandersetzungen zu bereinigen. So erhöht sich der Druck auf die Regierung, mehr Mittel zur Verbesserung der Fluchtwege und der Kontrollen für den Flughafen Akureyri bereitzustellen, dessen Besucherzahl ständig wächst.
Can you reveal the German translation of the forthcoming sentences? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Emperor Shun was well respected in Lishan, so much so that he, instead of the government, was sometimes asked to judge and settle arguments. This is increasing the pressure on the government to provide more funds to improve escape routes and controls for Akureyri Airport, which is constantly attracting more visitors.
This program provides an opportunity for students to learn how business organizations operate in an international business environment, gain an understanding of development and implementation of international strategies, and to deal with managerial issues related to cross-border business. In 1867, based on the initiative of the Yelabuga merchant Ivan Shishkin, the father of the famous artist, the collapsed tower was rebuilt over the old foundation and covered with iron.
Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences, and must use the given word translations.
Dieses Programm bietet Studenten die Möglichkeit, zu lernen, wie Geschäftsorganisationen in einem internationalen Geschäftsumfeld agieren, ein Verständnis für die Entwicklung und Umsetzung internationaler Strategien zu entwickeln und sich mit Managementfragen im Zusammenhang mit grenzüberschreitenden Geschäften zu befassen. Im Jahr 1867 wurde der eingestürzte Turm auf dem alten Fundament, auf Initiative des Kaufmannes aus Jelabuga Iwan Schischkin, Vater des berühmten Malers, wiederaufgebaut und mit Eisen verstärkt.
Seit 2013 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (PostDoc) in der Abteilung Waldbau und Waldökologie der gemäßigten Zonen, an der Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Verweise zu benachbarten Unterseiten fangen mit ".. /" an, z.B... / UnterSeiten (ein Verweis auf diese Seite). Eine weitere Attraktion ist das Tropicarium, das die Pflanzenwelt verschiedener Tropenlandschaften (z.B. Savanne, Nebelwüste, Monsunregenwald) naturgetreu darstellt.
Please provide the German translation for the following sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Since 2013 Scientific staff member (Postdoc) at the Department of Silviculture and Forest Ecology of the Temperate Zones, Faculty for Forest Science and Forest Ecology, Georg-August-University Göttingen Links to sibling pages start with ".. /", for example.. / SubPages (a link to this page). Another attraction is the tropicarium that depicts the plant world of different tropical landscapes (e.g. savannah, fog deserts, monsoon jungle) in a lifelike way.
"Er war ein ziemlich ruhiger Mann, und er war keine bostache Person", sagte sie.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the German translation for these sentences.
"He was quite a quiet man, and he wasn't a boastful person," she said.
Российские парусники выступят также послами мира: в иностранных портах и российских городах-героях пройдут мероприятия, посвященные освобождению стран от фашизма и подвигу советских воинов. Консолидированная выручка Группы увеличилась в 2018 году на 62,0% по сравнению с 2017 годом – до 321,1 млрд руб. – на фоне сильного роста продаж сопоставимых магазинов, увеличения онлайн-продаж, а также за счёт приобретения сети « Эльдорадо ».
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Russian format, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Russian sailing vessels will also act as ambassadors of peace: events dedicated to the liberation of countries from fascism and the feats of Soviet soldiers will be held in foreign ports and Russian hero-cities. The Group ’ s consolidated revenue in 2018 increased by 62.0% over 2017 to RUB 321.1 billion owing to strong growth in like-for-like store sales, an increase in online sales and the acquisition of the Eldorado network.
The introduction of a bidding mechanism for purchasing electrical energy (January 2017) and building the Iași-Ungheni gas pipeline (August 2014) are only the first steps towards introducing “rules of the game ” that would be beneficial for developing the energy market.
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The given word translations should be used.
Введение механизма аукционов для приобретения электроэнергии (Январь 2017 года) и строительство газопровода Яссы-Унгень (Август 2014 года) представляет собой лишь первые шаги в направлении введения „правил игры ”, благоприятных для развития энергетического рынка.
Today, 50 years after the United Nations Charter entered into force, we have come here with the unflinching confidence that the purposes and principles enshrined in it have served and will serve mankind to attain its aspirations to peace and global security, the equality of peoples and their right to self-determination, international cooperation for development and progress, and respect for freedoms and human rights.
Turn the following sentences from their Russian version to the English version.
Сегодня, 50 лет спустя с того момента, когда вступил в силу Устав Организации Объединенных Наций, мы прибыли сюда с непоколебимой уверенностью в том, что цели и принципы, заложенные в нем, служили и будут служить человечеству для достижения чаяний мира и всеобщей безопасности, равенства народов и их права на самоопределения, международного сотрудничества для развития и прогресса и уважения свобод и прав человека.
Исследования репродуктивной токсичности у животных показали, что флувоксамин влияет на репродуктивную функцию самцов и самок, повышает риск внутриутробной гибели плода и снижает массу тела плода в дозах, превышающих максимальные рекомендованные дозы для человека приблизительно в 4 раза. В результате инцидента, произошедшего в апреле в тюрьме города Сан-Педро-Сула (департамент Кортес), погибли 9 узников. Ещё 18 заключённых были убиты в мае в тюрьме Тегусигальпы (департамент Франсиско Морасан).
fluvoxamine means флувоксамин Please make available the Russian translation for the listed sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Experimental studies of reproductive toxicity in animals have shown that fluvoxamine affects the reproductive function of males and females, increases the risk of fetal death and reduces fetal body weight in doses exceeding the maximum recommended doses for humans by approximately 4 times. Nine inmates were killed in a single incident in April in a San Pedro Sula prison, Cortés department, and a further 18 prisoners were killed in May in a Tegucigalpa prison, Francisco Morazán department.
The Citadines Central Xi'an (Xi'an Xinleting Chengzhong Jiudian Gongyu) is ideally located in the city center, placing it within short walking distance of historic sites like the Drum and Bell Towers and the Muslim Quarter with its bustling food streets.
Convert the subsequent sentences from German into English, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Das Citadines Central Xi`an Hotel (Xi`an Xinleting Chengzhong Jiudian Gongyu) befindet sich idealerweise im Zentrum und liegt in unmittelbarer Nähe zu den historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten, dem Trommel- und Glockenturm und dem moslemische Viertel mit den lebhaften Food-Strassen.
While we do not know how these accounts were compromised, we suspect that weak passwords and password reuse are the cause, especially since over 600 million passwords have surfaced in 2016 from breaches affecting other sites. It is our conviction that the global challenges of our times – climate change, environmental degradation, refugee crises, new arms races, etc. – call for a politically unified Europe which is prepared to assume responsibilities beyond its own borders.
Please provide the English translation for the following sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Wir wissen nicht genau, wie diese Konten kompromittiert wurden. Wir vermuten jedoch, dass schwache Passwörter und die Wiederverwendung von Passwörtern die Ursache sind, vor allem, da seitdem über 600 Millionen Passwörter im Jahr 2016 aus Datenpannen aufgetaucht sind, die andere Websites betreffen. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass die globalen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit – Klimaveränderung, ökologische Zerstörungen, Flüchtlingsbewegungen, neues Wettrüsten usw. – ein politisch geeintes Europa erfordern, das bereit ist, Verantwortung auch über die eigenen Grenzen hinaus zu tragen.
It would be really great to bring together three of my favorite historical figures: the samurai Miyamoto Musashi, Carl Gustav Jung and Aristophanes.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Russian to English language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Было бы здорово собрать вместе три моих любимых исторических деятелей: самурая Миямото Мусаси, Карла Густава Юнга и Аристофана.
Доля угля в первичной структуре энергопотребления в Китае снизилась с 76,2 процента в 1990 году до 68,9 процента в 2005 году, в то время как доля нефти, газа и гидроэнергии возросла, соответственно, с 16,6 процента, 2,1 процента и 5,1 процента в 1990 году до 21,0 процента, 2,9 процента и 7,2 процента в 2005 году.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Russian? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
The share of coal in China's primary energy mix decreased from 76.2 per cent in 1990 to 68.9 per cent in 2005, whereas the shares of oil, gas and hydropower increased from 16.6 per cent, 2.1 per cent and 5.1 per cent in 1990 to 21.0 per cent, 2.9 per cent and 7.2 per cent in 2005 respectively.
Национальный театр принадлежит к самым важным чешским культурным учреждениям с богатой художественной традицией, которая помогла сохранить и развить самые важные черты нации - чешский язык и смысл чешского музыкального и драматического мышления. Основатель Музея русского импрессионизма Борис Минц: « Мемориал Таля – это один из сильнейших шахматных турниров в мире, и для нас большая честь, что уже второй раз он проводится в Музее русского импрессионизма.
Translate the following sentences from English to Russian, and must use the given word translations.
The National Theatre belongs to the most important Czech cultural institutions, with a rich artistic tradition, which helped to preserve and develop the most important features of the nation – the Czech language and a sense for a Czech musical and dramatic way of thinking. Founder of the Museum of the Russian Impressionism Boris Mints: “Tal Memorial is one of the strongest chess tournaments in the world, and it is a great honour for us to host it in the Museum of the Russian Impressionism for the second time.
Obwohl keiner davon sehr stark gewesen ist, ist Hurrikan Isaac einer der heftigsten, und der Kurs, den er eingeschlagen hat, bringt hohe Schäden mit sich. Astronomen, die auf der Suche nach dokumentarischen Beweisen antiker astronomischer Phänomene waren (Eklipsen, Kometen, Feuerbälle, etc.), entdeckten, dass Aufzeichnungen in Ost-Asien den europäischen Aufzeichnungen jahrhundertelang überlegen waren.
In terms of German, what do the next sentences imply? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
While none of them have been very severe, Hurricane Isaac is one of the strongest, and the path it has taken has caused a lot of damage. Astronomers who have sought documentary evidence of ancient astronomical phenomena (eclipses, comets, fireballs, etc.) have found that East Asian records are far superior to European records for many centuries.
8.1 We guarantee that the products and / or services fulfill the contract, the specifications stated in the offer, the reasonable requirements of reliability and / or serviceability and the statutory stipulations and / or government regulations that existed on the date that the contract was concluded.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
8.1 Wir garantieren, dass die Produkte und / oder Dienstleistungen den vertraglichen Bestimmungen, den im Auftrag angegebenen Spezifikationen, den angemessenen Anforderungen in Bezug auf Zuverlässigkeit und / oder Gebrauchsfähigkeit und den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen und / oder behördlichen Vorschriften entsprechen, die zum Zeitpunkt gegolten haben, an dem der Vertrag geschlossen wurde.
Спортивный директор LSU Джо Аллева поблагодарил правоохранительные органы района за их "усердие и стремление к справедливости".
Can you reveal the Russian translation of the forthcoming sentences?
LSU athletic director Joe Alleva thanked area law enforcement for its "diligence and pursuit of justice."
He left Pyongyang in July saying that progress had been made, only for North Korea within hours to denounce him for making "gangster-like demands."
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
In Europe, there are 90 autochthonous languages, of which 37 are spoken as national languages and 53 are considered to be "stateless" languages such as Catalan and Occitan, each spoken by about six million people.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
In Europa gibt es 90 autochthone Sprachen, davon werden 37 als Nationalsprachen gesprochen und 53 gelten als „staatenlose Sprachen“ wie Katalanisch und Okzitanisch, das jeweils von sechs Millionen Menschen gesprochen wird.
Statt am heutigen Samstag werde die Ministerin erst am Montag vor der Vollversammlung der Vereinten Nationen sprechen, teilte ihr Sprecher Adam Austen mit.
Can you reveal the German translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Instead of today, Saturday, the minister will not speak before the United Nations general assembly until Monday, shared her spokesperson Adam Austen.
Please provide the Chinese translation for the following sentences.
Wildlife photography is often taken for granted, but like photography in general, a picture is worth a thousand words.
For example, Fujian proposed to announce the public services and convenience of residence permit holders to the public at least every 3 years
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences?
MZ is a mobile gaming platform that connects millions of people across the globe, with a track record of delivering some of the world ’ s most successful mobile games on the market including Game of War, Mobile Strike and Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire. After Nazi Germany invaded Soviet Union in June 1941 an agreement between Polish government in exile and Stalin was negotiated. On that basis thousands of Polish citizens were released from prisons and labor camps.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
MZ ist eine mobile Gaming-Plattform, die Millionen von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt verbindet und einige der erfolgreichsten Handyspiele auf dem Markt anbietet, darunter Game of War, Mobile Strike und Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire. Nach der Invasion Nazi-Deutschlands in die Sowjetunion im Juni 1941 wurde zwischen der polnischen Exilregierung und Stalin ein Abkommen ausgehandelt, auf dessen Grundlage Tausende von polnischen Staatsbürgern aus Gefängnissen und Arbeitslagern freigelassen wurden.
Normalerweise dient diese öffentliche Datenbank dazu, die Verfügbarkeit und die Besitzverhältnisse einer Domain zu prüfen, aber Marketingfirmen und Gauner können sie auch zu anderen Zwecken nutzen, z.B. um Spam zu verschicken oder zum Identitätsdiebstahl. Wenn du wieder mit deinem Ex zusammenkommen willst, weil er dir wirklich wichtig ist und du dir eine gemeinsame Zukunft mit ihm vorstellen kannst, dann leg los und versuche, ihn zurückzugewinnen!
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the German format, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Normally, this public database is used to verify the availability of a domain name and who it belongs to, but marketing companies and scammers can also exploit it for other purposes, like sending spam or identity theft. If you want to get back together because you genuinely care for your ex and you can see yourself having a future with him, then go ahead and try to get him back!
Hepatic granulomas have many causes (see Table: Causes of Hepatic Granulomas); drugs and systemic disorders (often infections) are more common causes than primary liver disorders. The assembly system of Flip Around is influenced by Chinese and Korean architecture, which is known for the use of wooden dowels instead of nails and screws to connect the pieces. ”
granulom means granuloma.holzdübel means dowel Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Granulome der Leber haben viele Ursachen (siehe Tabelle: Granulome der Leber), Medikamente und systemische Erkrankungen (meist Infektionen) sind häufiger die Ursache als primäre Lebererkrankungen. Das Montagesystem von Flip Around ist von der chinesischen und koreanischen Architektur beeinflusst, die dafür bekannt ist, dass man Holzkeile und Holzdübel statt Nägel und Schrauben zum Verbinden der Teile verwendet. “
Erfahren Sie, wie Jerez als Heimat von Sherry und des Kartäuser-Pferdes bekannt wurde, sowie von anderen, wenig bekannten Geheimnissen, die von einem sachkundigen Führer enthüllt wurden.... Mehr erfahren
Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Learn how Jerez became known as the home of sherry and the Carthusian horse, plus other little-known secrets revealed by an expert guide.... Learn More
Однако представитель банка сообщил новостному агентству AFP, что банку неизвестно о возбужденном в отношении него уголовном расследовании, и не стал комментировать судебные процедуры.
Can you reveal the Russian translation of the forthcoming sentences?
But a spokesperson told the AFP news agency that it was not aware a criminal probe had been opened and did not comment on judicial processes.
Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences.
The purpose of this approach is to bypass the United States and prevent the United States from impeding financial transfers.
The commander of a government checkpoint in government-controlled Hnutove (20km north-east of Mariupol) said people were not allowed to carry coal or firewood through the checkpoint but could carry up to 50kg of food and unlimited amounts of water.
Transform the upcoming sentences from Russian language to English language, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Командир правительственного блокпоста в подконтрольном правительству с. Гнутово (20км к северо-востоку от Мариуполя) сообщил, что людям не разрешалось провозить уголь или дрова, однако они могли провозить до 50кг продуктов питания и неограниченное количество воды.
Das aus dem Vigileo Monitor und dem FloTrac Sensor bestehende FloTrac System verwendet einen klinisch validierten Algorithmus, um Informationen über das kontinuierliche Herzzeitvolumen (CCO), das Schlagvolumen (SV) und die Schlagvolumen-Variation (SVV) in Echtzeit zu liefern. Dabei ist ein ausgewogener Schlaf nicht nur gesund, sondern macht uns auch intelligent, kreativ, schön und schlank. Denn das Hirn lernt im Tiefschlaf. Der gesteigerte Serotonin- und Dopamin-Spiegel macht uns glücklich und energiegeladen, das Immunsystem wird gestärkt, die Haut regeneriert sich und das Hormon Leptin reduziert das Hungergefühl.
Translate the following sentences from English to German, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
The FloTrac system, consisting of the Vigileo monitor and the FloTrac sensor, uses a clinically validated algorithm to provide continuous cardiac output (CCO), stroke volume (SV) and stroke volume variation (SVV) in real-time. Balanced sleep is not only healthy, but it also helps you be intelligent, creative, beautiful and slim – because the brain learns during deep sleep; the increased serotonin and dopamine levels that occur make us happy and full of energy; the immune system is strengthened; the skin regenerates; and the hormone leptin reduces the feeling of hunger.
When all available resources are effectively used across the functional departments of an organization, creativity and ingenuity can transpire.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Russian to English.
Когда все доступные ресурсы эффективно используются во всех функциональных подразделениях организации, то могут проявиться креативность и изобретательность.
(a) Mourad Benchellali, born in 1981, a French national, resident in Vénissieux, France, was reportedly arrested during the fall of 2001 during the United States-led intervention against the Taliban regime and al-Qua'idah organization in Afghanistan. The male Indochinese tiger reaches a length of 2.55-2.85 m, has a weight of 150 to 195 kg (though there are larger specimens, weighing more than 250 kg).
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Russian to English language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
a) Мурад Бенчеллали, 1981 года рождения, гражданин Франции, проживающий в Венисьё, Франция, согласно сообщению, был арестован осенью 2001 года в ходе возглавляемого Соединенными Штатами вторжения в Афганистан, направленного против талибского режима и организации Аль-Каида. Самец индокитайского тигра достигает длины 2,55 — 2,85 м, имеет массу тела от 150 до 195 кг (хотя встречаются и более крупные экземпляры, весом свыше 250 кг).
After completing the restore process, you have to restart the computer in the Safe Mode, and then remove the latest changes in the system, such as the installation of new devices, device drivers, and system updates.
Transpose the next sentences from the Russian format to the English format, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
После завершения процесса восстановления вам необходимо перезагрузить компьютер в безопасном режиме, а затем удалить последние изменения в системе, такие как установка новых устройств, драйверов устройств и системных обновлений.
Оздоровительный комплекс Чабанка принял своего первого посетителя 8 июня 2000 года и вот уже более 10 лет двери комплекса открыты для всех, кто заботится о своем здоровье, кто хочет отдохнуть от суматохи большого города и отогреться под южным солнышком на берегу Черного моря.
Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Wellness Center ‘ Chabanka ’ received its first visitor June 8, 2000 and for more than 10 years the doors of the wellness centre are open to all who care about their health and want to have a break from the bustle of a big city, get warm under the sun on the southern shore of the Black Sea.
The positive thing is that nowadays there are more voices and more people who react towards all the bad things that happen around us; however, we feel that we need to wait many years to see Cypriot society functioning the way we want.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Positiv ist, dass es heutzutage mehr Stimmen und mehr Menschen gibt, die auf all die schlimmen Dinge reagieren, die um uns herum geschehen. Wir sind jedoch immer noch der Meinung, dass wir viele Jahre warten müssen, bis die zypriotische Gesellschaft so funktioniert, wie wir es wollen.
There are numerous hotels in Lido di Ostia that are ideal for a business trip, a family holiday, a weekend getaway or an outing with friends in Lido di Ostia. Yesterday (6 January) a UN school in Jabaliya refugee camp which was being used as a shelter, was struck by Israeli shells and about 40 people killed.
granate means shell Translate the following sentences from German to English, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Es gibt zahlreiche Hotels in Lido di Ostia, die ideal für Geschäftsreisen, einen Familienurlaub, einen Wochenendtrip oder einen Ausflug mit Freunden in Lido di Ostia sind. Gestern (am 6. Januar) wurde eine UN-Schule im Jabaliya-Flüchtlingslager, die als Zuflucht genutzt wurde, von israelischen Granaten getroffen und etwa 40 Menschen wurden getötet.
Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic, is a member of the genus Allium, which includes onions and leeks, and is used in different cuisines worldwide. The shipper is responsible to provide the original or a copy of the original commercial invoice or any other document required by the courier company and / or by the customs authorities.
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Allium sativum, allgemein bekannt als Knoblauch, gehört zur Gattung Allium, zu der auch Zwiebeln und Lauch gehören, und wird in verschiedenen Küchen weltweit verwendet. Der Absender ist dafür verantwortlich, das Original oder eine Kopie der ursprünglichen Handelsrechnung oder eines anderen von der Kurierfirma und / oder den Zollbehörden geforderten Dokuments vorzulegen.
Tears filled his eyes as he recounted feeling the violent earthquake shake the fifth-floor hotel room he shared with his wife and daughter.
Convert the subsequent sentences from German into English.
Tränen füllten seine Augen, als er erzählte, wie das heftige Erdbeben das Hotelzimmer in der fünften Etage erschütterte, das er mit seiner Frau und Tochter teilte.
2 The Syrian military chief Naaman was afflicted with leprosy, but he was advised that in Israel there was a prophet of Jehovah who could cure him.
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements, and must use the given word translations.
2 Сирийский военачальник Нееман страдал проказой, и ему сказали, что в Израиле есть пророк Иеговы, который мог бы его исцелить.
В прошлом месяце федеральный апелляционный суд в Вашингтоне постановил, что глава EPA превысил свои полномочия, пытаясь отложить выполнение принятого администрацией Обамы правила, требующего от нефтяных и газовых компаний отслеживать и снижать утечки метана.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in Russian?
Last month, a federal appeals court in Washington ruled the EPA administrator overstepped his authority in trying to delay implementation of an Obama administration rule requiring oil and gas companies to monitor and reduce methane leaks.
1332, Duke Albrecht II of Austria, grandson of Rudolf I the Roman-German king and ancestor of the Habsburg Empire, founded the Gaming Charterhouse, which was temporarily the largest Carthusian monastery in Europe and acquired special significance when Albrecht II. relocated his family tomb from Königsfelden Abbey in the Argovia, to strengthen his territorial lordship.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English?
Herzog Albrecht II. von Österreich, Enkel von Rudolfs I., des römisch-deutschen Königs und Stammvater des Habsburgerreichs, gründete 1332 die Kartause Gaming, das zeitweise das größte Kartäuserkloster Europas war. Besondere Bedeutung erlangte es, weil Albrecht II. damit auch seine Familiengruft vom Kloster Königsfelden im Aargau hierher verlegte, um seine Landesherrschaft zu stärken.
Bazaar GNU Bazaar ist ein System zur Versionskontrolle, mit dem man im Laufe der Zeit an Projektdateien vorgenommene Änderungen protokollieren kann. Dazu zählen u. a. Arbeiten zur historischen Grammatik und Semantik des Deutschen, zum Verhältnis von Sprache und Kultur, zur Geschichte der Sprachtheorie, zur Dialektologie, Lexikologie / Lexikographie, Textlinguistik und zur Einbettung des Deutschen in den europäischen Sprachkontext. Es gibt eine Reihe von Minzblättern, die du nehmen kannst, z.B. Schokoladenminze, Pfefferminze und Grüne Minze.
It would be helpful if you could provide the German translation of the ensuing sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Bazaar GNU Bazaar is a version control system that allows you to record changes to project files over time. It includes works on the historical grammar and semantics of German, on the relationship of language and culture, on the history of language theory, on dialectology, on lexicology / lexicography, text linguisticsand on the location of German in the European linguistic context. There are a variety of mint leaves you can use, including chocolate mint, spearmint, and peppermint.
In 2000 – 2011, 449 million tons of iron and 30 million tons of manganese were produced in Kazakhstan; an increase in the reserves amounted to 1,702 million tons and 66 million tons, respectively. Presenting his film in Cannes, Sergei Loznica thanked his “favorite film festival for the opportunity to share this story with an international audience. ”
марганец means manganese Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
В 2000 – 2011 годах в Казахстане было добыто 449 млн т железа и 30 млн т марганца, при этом прирост запасов составил 1 702 млн т и 66 млн т соответственно. Представляя свой фильм в Каннах, Сергей Лозница поблагодарил свой « любимый кинофестиваль за возможность поделиться этой историей с международной аудиторией ».
• Sitzungscookies: Sie werden auf dem Computer des Benutzers gespeichert, um lediglich technische und funktionale Anforderungen zu erfüllen, um Sitzungskennungen zu übertragen, die für eine sichere und effiziente Erkundung der Website erforderlich sind. Sie werden am Ende der "Sitzung" (daher der Name) mit dem Schließen des Browsers gelöscht.
Switch the specified sentences from their English form to German form, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
• Session cookies: they are stored on the user's computer for mere technical and functional requirements, for the transmission of session identifiers necessary to allow the safe and efficient exploration of the site; they are deleted at the end of the "session" (hence the name) with the closing of the browser.
6 And let the priest take cypress wood, and Hyssop and purple cloth, and cast it upon the cow as she burneth. 7 And let the priest wash his clothes and bathe his flesh in water, and then come into the host, and the priest shall be unclean unto the evening.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English?
6 Und der Priester soll Zedernholz und Isop und scharlachrote Wolle nehmen und auf die brennende Kuh werfen 7 und soll seine Kleider waschen und seinen Leib mit Wasser baden und darnach ins Lager gehen und unrein sein bis an den Abend.
In April, more than 6,000 people were forced to flee their homes in Nariño Department following repeated outbreaks of fighting between the army and guerrilla groups. The cultural life in Helenendorf began with the formation in 1893 of the German Society (Deutscher Verein), originally a male club with a library, a reading room and a bowling alley.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
В апреле в департаменте Нариньо свыше 6000 человек были вынуждены покинуть свои дома из-за постоянных боестолкновений между правительственными войсками и отрядами вооружённой оппозиции. Общественная культурная жизнь в Еленендорфе началась с образования в 1893 году « Немецкого общества » (нем. Deutscher Verein), первоначально представлявшего собой мужской клуб с библиотекой, читальным залом и кегельбаном.
As noted by the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography in her report to the Council at its twelfth session, the relevant legislation should be clear and comprehensive and should treat child pornography on the Internet as a grave violation of the rights of the child and as a criminal act.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? The given word translations should be used.
Как было отмечено Специальным докладчиком по вопросу о торговле детьми, детской проституции и детской порнографии в ее докладе Совету на его двенадцатой сессии, соответствующее законодательство должно быть четким и всеобъемлющим и должно рассматривать детскую порнографию в Интернете в качестве тяжкого нарушения прав ребенка и уголовного деяния.
Nothing was ever stated openly, but I had no doubt that my employment at MAIN was a consequence of the arrangements Uncle Frank had made three years earlier, in addition to my experiences in Ecuador and my willingness to write about that country ’ s economic and political situation.
Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Об этом никогда не упоминалось вслух, но у меня нет никаких сомнений, что моя работа в МЕЙН была следствием мер, предпринятых дядей Фрэнком тремя годами раньше, в дополнение к моему опыту работы в Эквадоре и моему желанию писать об экономической и политической ситуации в этой стране.
Единственный путь укрепить авторитет Организации Объединенных Наций и стремление ее членов добиться стабильности на континенте — это принять осуществимые и практические меры, которые позволят реализовать цели в области искоренения нищеты и решить другие социальные проблемы в Африке.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Russian version, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
The only way to confirm the credibility of the United Nations and the keenness of its members to achieve stability in the continent is the adoption of implementable and practical measures that would realize objectives such as the elimination of poverty as well as other social problems in Africa.
To facilitate the vaccinees and reduce the waiting time for vaccination, the Health Bureau will send medical staff to Macao middle schools, primary schools, kindergartens and nurseries from October to December to perform collective influenza vaccination to the children, students, teachers and staff; in addition, the Health Bureau will also arrange staff to go to the institutions of the elderly and disabled, public sectors or other institutions with a large number of people to perform collective influenza vaccination.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences.
Du kannst dir sicher sein, dass deine postpartalen Blutungen normal sind, wenn du verstehst, was du zu erwarten hast, wann du zum Arzt gehen solltest und wie du die Symptome einer postpartalen Hämorrhagie erkennst (eine seltene, jedoch gravierende Erkrankung). Ist die Anonymisierung aktiv, kürzt Google IP-Adressen innerhalb von Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union oder in anderen Vertragsstaaten des Abkommens über den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum, weswegen keine Rückschlüsse auf Ihre Identität möglich sind.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German? The given word translations should be used.
You can be certain that your postpartum bleeding is normal by understanding what to expect, knowing when you should contact a doctor, and recognizing the symptoms of a postpartum hemorrhage (a rare but serious condition). If anonymisation is active, Google abbreviates IP addresses within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area, which is why it is not possible to draw any conclusions about your identity.
Между тем расстояние между рифом Гордона и берегом Синая составляет 1.200 метров при глубине 300 метров, а между рифом Джексона и островом Тиран - всего 800 метров при глубине 70 метров. Согласно легенде, в этом месте был создан мир, когда Бог Виракоча вышел из озера и создал солнце, звезды и первых людей.
Kindly submit the Russian interpretation for the next sentences, and must use the given word translations.
Meanwhile the distance between Gordon Reef and Sinai's shore is 1.200 meters, with a depth of 300 meters, whereas between Jackson Reef and Tiran Island the distance is only 800 meters with a depth of 70 meters. According to legend, it was in this place where the world was created, when the god Viracocha came out of the lake and created the sun, the stars and the first people.
And I thought that was brilliant."
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from German to English language.
Und ich dachte, das war brillant.“
По классификации Национального банка Украины Банк относится к группе банков с частным капиталом (в соответствии с критериями распределения банков на группы на 2017 год) и по состоянию на начало апреля 2017 года занимает 22 место по размеру активов среди 90 платежеспособных банков Украины.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Russian? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
According to the classification of the National Bank of Ukraine, the Bank is in the group of banks with private capital (as per criteria for allocating banks to groups in 2017) and, as at the beginning of April 2017, ranked the 22nd by assets among the 90 solvent banks of Ukraine.
20. Если предприятие такого типа не может действовать независимо от головной компании и является всего лишь пассивным держателем активов и пассивов (такая ситуация иногда описывается как работа в режиме автопилота), то оно не учитывается как отдельная институциональная единица, кроме случаев, когда оно является резидентом страны, отличной от страны их головной компании.
passive means пассив What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Russian? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
20. An entity of this type that cannot act independently of its parent and is simply a passive holder of assets and liabilities (sometimes described as being on auto-pilot) is not treated as a separate institutional unit unless it is resident in an economy different from that of its parent.
Ваши данные могут быть переданы третьим лицам, если это необходимо для предоставления наших услуг или функций (например, ваш адрес отправляется курьеру для доставки). Мы гарантируем, что эти стороны обязуются обрабатывать эти данные ответственно и в соответствии с действующим законодательством.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Russian using the given reference word translations?
Your data may be transferred to third parties if this is necessary for the provision of our services or functions (for example, your address is sent to a courier for delivery). We warrant that these parties undertake to process this data responsibly and in accordance with applicable law.
Важным итогом внешней политики России в конце XVII в. стало заключение первого русско-китайского договора 1689 г. в Нерчинске. — Все обстоятельства трагедии парома « Эстония » 28 сентября 1994 года, унесшей жизни более 800 человек из Эстонии, Финляндии, Швеции, в реалиях современной Европы не могут остаться тайной.
In terms of Russian, what do the next sentences imply? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
The important event in the foreign policy of Russia at the end of XVII century was a conclusion of the first Russian-Chinese treaty 1689 in Nerchinsk. The circumstances of the tragic sinking of the MS Estonia on September 28, 1994, which claimed thousands of lives of Estonian, Finnish and Swedish nationals, can no longer remain a secret in the realities of modern Europe.
В 1993 году в штате Сеара произошел случай, который позволяет судить о характере мер, принимаемых в настоящее время в Бразилии в целях борьбы с практикой применения пыток: трое полицейских оказались причастными к применению пыток в отношении задержанного; компетентными государственными органами были вызваны медицинские эксперты для осмотра жертвы, начальник соответствующего подразделения был уволен, было проведено уголовное расследование, а виновные полицейские были арестованы и отданы под суд.
In Russian, what do the given sentences convey? The given word translations should be used.
A case that had occurred in the State of Ceará in 1993 should serve as an example of the nature of the measures currently taken in Brazil to combat torture: three policemen had been seen engaged in the act of torturing a detainee; the competent State authorities had called in medical experts to examine the victim, dismissed the head of the unit concerned, conducted a criminal investigation, and arrested and prosecuted the policemen.
The first political crisis — the April Crisis of 1917 — took place on April 20 and 21 (May 3 and 4), when the workers and soldiers of Petrograd took action against the Provisional Government ’ s policy of continuing the imperialist war; the crisis demonstrated that dual power was to be short-lived.
Switch the specified sentences from their Russian form to English form, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Первый политический Апрельский кризис 1917 [20 — 21 апреля (3 — 4 мая)], когда рабочие и солдаты Петрограда выступили против проводившейся Временным правительством политики продолжения империалистической войны, показал, что двоевластие недолговечно.
At the time, The New York Times reported that he had suffered from “terminal blood dyscrasia, a rare disorder that affects the bone marrow and red blood cells. ”
дискразия means dyscrasia Switch the specified sentences from their Russian form to English form, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
В то время, « The New York Times » сообщила, что он страдал от « терминальной дискразии крови » — редкого заболевания, поражающего костный мозг и клетки крови.
Скажем иначе: христианская религия – стержень любой европейской философии, ее нравственный (в конечном счете, личностный) базис, а богословие – наука, изучающая этот базис.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Russian using the given reference word translations.
Let us say in another way: Christian religion is the shank of European philosophy, its moral (ultimately, personal) basis, and theology is a science, which researches that basis.
Ende 2001 wurden 13% der nachgewiesenen offiziellen Bestände an Fremdwährungsreserven weltweit in Euro vorgehalten, im Vergleich zu 68,3% in US-Dollar, 4,9% in Japanischen Yen, 4% in Pfund Sterling und 0,7% in Schweizer Franken. Dieses Model machte ihr Debüt als pornographische Darstellerin im Jahr 2007 und hat einen schnellen Erfolg aufgrund ihres Aussehens, ihrem heißen Arsch und dicken Brüsten.
Translate the following sentences from English to German, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
At the end of 2001, 13% of the identified official holdings of foreign reserves in the world were in euro, compared with 68.3% for the US dollar, 4.9% for the Japanese yen, 4% for the pound sterling and 0.7% for the Swiss franc. This model made her debut as a pornographic actress in 2007 and had a fast success due to her look, hot butt and big boobs.
Die Bandbreite seines Songwritings ist beachtlich: von Country-Rock über Soul bis zu „Late-Night-Blues“ gibt es kaum eine Atmosphäre, die er mit seinem expressiven Gesang nicht heraufzubeschwören vermag.
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German, and must use the given word translations.
The range of his songwriting is impressive: from country rock to “late-night blues ”, passing by soul, there is hardly an atmosphere that he is not able to conjure with his expressive lyrics.
Небулайзер (распылитель) – это прибор, который превращает раствор лекарственного средства в облачко тумана (аэрозоль) из мелких частиц для вдыхания. Целью небулайзерной терапии является доставка терапевтических доз желаемого препарата в ткани органов дыхания за короткое время (5-10 мин).
sprayer means распылитель.nebulizer means небулайзер Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Russian language using the given reference word translations.
Nebulizer (sprayer) is a device that converts the drug solution into a cloud of mist (aerosol) of small particles for inhalation. The aim of the nebulizer therapy is to deliver therapeutic doses of the desired drug into the respiratory tissues over a short period of time (5-10 min).
“In 2017, the alliance was created that consisted of 17 leaders among Chinese producers of medical equipment; today there are already 20 companies, including those that make medical equipment for the leading world companies such as Siemens, Philips and others.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences using the given reference word translations.
« В 2017 году был создан альянс, куда вошли 17 ведущих китайских производителей медицинского оборудования, сегодня это уже 20 компаний, в том числе те, которые производят медоборудование для ведущих мировых фирм таких, как Сименс, Филипс и других.
All three villas are still available for sale, and their prices are different based on their position: Villa A – 1.200.000 EUR Villa B – 1.050.000 EUR Villa C – 1.150.000 EUR The villa has three floors, own access to the sea, and own swimming area.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from German to the English language.
Alle drei Villen sind noch zum Verkauf verfügbar und ihre Preise unterscheiden sich je nach ihrer Position: Villa A – 1.200.000 EUR Villa B – 1.050.000 EUR Villa C – 1.150.000 EUR Die Villa hat drei Etagen, einen eigenen Zugang zum Meer und einen eigenen Badebereich.
Согласно ученым, присутствие реки Рио Хамза может объяснить относительно небольшую соленость воды вокруг устья реки Амазонка.
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Russian, and must use the given word translations.
According to the researchers, the presence of the Rio Hamza River might account for the relatively low salinity of the waters around the mouth of the Amazon.
Singing Catches On: Benefit Concerts For many years the Balthasar Neumann Academy has worked closely with various youth choirs and choir schools. From 2019 / 20 the Academy will be expanding its community work to include the Choir School at St Peter ’ s Church in Hamburg, which some 160 children and adolescents regard as their musical home.
Please provide the English translation for the following sentences.
Singen macht Schule: Benefizkonzert Schon seit vielen Jahren besteht eine rege Zusammenarbeit der Akademie Balthasar Neumann mit verschiedenen jungen Chören und Chorschulen – und ab der Saison 2019 / 2020 auch mit der Singschule an der Petrikirche, unter deren Dach rund 160 Kinder und Jugendliche ihre sängerische Heimat finden.
88% sind davon überzeugt, dass es sehr nützlich ist, neben der Muttersprache weitere Sprachen zu sprechen und nahezu jeder EU-Bürger (98%) ist der Meinung, dass das Erlernen einer Sprache sehr wichtig für die Zukunft der Kinder ist. Die 4. Überprüfungskonferenz (21.-30. November) tagte vor dem Hintergrund wiederholter Einsätze von Chemiewaffen in Syrien seit 2013, der Einsätze im Irak 2015-2017 sowie der Anschläge mit Nervenkampfstoffen am Flughafen von Kuala Lumpur (2017) und den Straßen von Salisbury (April 2018).
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to German? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
88% of them are convinced that it is very useful to speak additional languages next to your mother tongue and almost all the EU citizens (98%) are of the opinion that learning languages is very important for the future of their children. The Fourth Review Conference (21 – 30 November) met against the background of repeated use of chemical weapons in Syria since 2013, the use of chemical weapons in Iraq between 2015 and 2017, and attacks involving nerve gas at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in 2017 and in the streets of Salisbury in April 2018.
We are a group of volunteer animal rights activists from Brasov, which founded the association called "ANU - Animals Need Us, Brasov" on 29th March, 2011. According to an estimate of the IMF, growth in the global economy in 2017 was, at 3.7%, 30 basis points higher than assumed at the start of the year, and also exceeded the growth achieved in the prior year (2016: 3.2%).
Transform the upcoming sentences from German language to English language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Wir sind eine Gruppe von ehrenamtlichen Tierschützern aus Brasov, die am 29.03.2011 den Verein "ANU - Animals Need Us, Brasov“ gegründet hat. Das Wachstum der Weltwirtschaft fiel laut Schätzung des IWF im Jahr 2017 mit 3,7% um 30 Basispunkte höher aus als zu Beginn des Jahres erwartet und übertraf auch das im Vorjahr erzielte Wachstum (2016: 3,2%).
Sharp Corporation — одна из самых известных японских корпораций, занимающаяся производством электроники. Корпорация основана в 1912 году. Штаб-квартира находится в Осака, Япония. Последний российский император Николай Александрович Романов (Николай II) вступил на престол в 1894 г. после смерти отца императора Александра III и правил до 1917 г., пока обстановка в стране не усложнилась.
Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Russian language, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Sharp Corporation is one of the most known Japanese corporations, producing electronic products. The corporation was founded in 1912 and is headquartered in Osaka, Japan. The last Russian emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov (Nikolai II) took the throne in 1894 after the death of the father of Emperor Alexander III and reigned until 1917, until the situation in the country became more complicated.
Такая любовь к гороху вполне объяснима – он не только вкусный, но и полезный: белка в нем почти столько же, сколько в говядине, а кроме того, много важных аминокислот и витаминов.
It would be helpful if you could provide the Russian translation of the ensuing sentences, and must use the given word translations.
Such a love for peas is quite explicable — it is not only tasty, but also useful: there is almost as much protein in it as in beef, and in addition, many important amino acids and vitamins.
17 октября 2017 года ЕСПЧ постановил, что дело о мошенничестве против Алексея и Олега Навальных по жалобе компании « Ив Роше » было рассмотрено в России с нарушением права на справедливый суд.
Please make available the Russian translation for the listed sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
On 17 October 2017, ECHR decided that the case of fraud against Alexei and Oleg Navalny on the complaint of the company "Yves Rocher" was considered in Russia with violation of the right to a fair trial.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in Chinese?
The defendant Xiaoju Technology advocated that the case be transferred to the Beijing Intellectual Property Court for trial with inadequate evidence. The Court dismissed the defendant Xiaoju Technology Co., Ltd.’s objection to the jurisdiction of the case, and ordered it assume the acceptance fee for the case.
Im Herbst 1936 kehrte er nach Deutschland zurück, wurde zunächst Ballettmeister am Stadttheater Aachen. Es folgten bis 1944 Engagements als Tänzer, Choreograf und Bühnenbildner in verschiedenen deutschen Städten. Bereits in der Vergangenheit wussten viele prominente Persönlichkeiten den Reiz dieser Gegend zu schätzen, wie der Märchenkönig Ludwig II, Kaiserin Sissi oder Richard Wagner.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the German translation for these sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
In autumn 1936 he returned to Germany, initially taking a position as ballet master at Stadttheater Aachen; engagements as a dancer, choreographer and stage designer in various cities in Germany followed up to 1944. Already in the past, several celebrated personalities appreciated the attractiveness of this area, as for instance the fairy-tale king Ludwig II, empress Sissi or Richard Wagner.
Die Laufzeit der Szene beträgt 16 Minuten, beide Mädchen sehen gut aus und Sie können sie in süßen Kleidern sehen und auch einen kurzen Blick auf ihre Brüste werfen. Die Stadt Peine wurde im 13. Jahrhundert um die damalige Peiner Burg angelegt und ist heute Mittelzentrum des Landkreise Peine mit etwa 50 000 Einwohnern.
Translate the following sentences from English to German using the given reference word translations.
The runtime of the scene is 16 minutes, both girls are good looking and you can see them in cute dresses and you can take a peek at their breasts as well. The town of Peine was founded in the 13th century around the former Peine Castle and is now the centre of Peine rural district, which has around 50,000 inhabitants.