Victor Mustar PRO


AI & ML interests

Building the UX of this website



victor's activity

replied to their post 1 day ago
replied to their post 1 day ago
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It should be publicly available today or tomorrow max

replied to their post 5 days ago
replied to enzostvs's post 14 days ago
replied to fdaudens's post 16 days ago
replied to their post 21 days ago
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Let the API inference compute up for all models like before

What kind of models where you running?

replied to John6666's post 21 days ago
replied to louisbrulenaudet's post 23 days ago
replied to John6666's post 27 days ago
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We're looking at it with the team, coming back to you soon.

replied to bartowski's post 28 days ago
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is this the only way to "DM" on HF?

Yes this is the best way :)

Picture this: I upload a model to an organization, someone who follows me now has no idea that I've uploaded a model or to where, unless they also watch those repos (which also floods them with other notifications)

People who follow you will see that you uploaded a model to an organization in their following feed. (also maybe there should be a new feature to be explicitly notified about new repositories).

What if our main Huggingface page was a collection of both models that we've uploaded specifically to our profile, as well as models we've uploaded to organizations? That way it would all be contained in one central followable location, and I wouldn't have concerns about losing followership if I wanted to upload to an organization all of a sudden.

Yeah, I think that's a good idea - it just makes sense 👀. We will have to see if something like that is possible without cluttering up the profile pages too much. But we'll try.

I think we'll be doing a social features sprint soon and this is exactly the kind of feedback we need! Thank you so much!

replied to their post about 1 month ago
posted an update about 1 month ago
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🙋 Calling all Hugging Face users! We want to hear from YOU!

What feature or improvement would make the biggest impact on Hugging Face?

Whether it's the Hub, better documentation, new integrations, or something completely different – we're all ears!

Your feedback shapes the future of Hugging Face. Drop your ideas in the comments below! 👇
replied to their post about 1 month ago
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8 hits in 25s but I have no clue how many misses there were if any.

As soon as you miss you loose but yes not super clear maybe.

posted an update about 1 month ago
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How good are you at spotting AI-generated images?

Find out by playing Fake Insects 🐞 a Game where you need to identify which insects are fake (AI generated). Good luck & share your best score in the comments!

posted an update about 2 months ago
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Hugging Face famous organisations activity. Guess which one has the word "Open" in it 😂
  • 2 replies
replied to their post 3 months ago
replied to their post 3 months ago
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I am thinking more and more about having something like this as a first-class feature in HuggingChat 👀.

posted an update 3 months ago
replied to alvdansen's post 3 months ago
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This is perfect! exactly what I needed thanks!!

replied to m-ric's post 3 months ago
replied to m-ric's post 3 months ago
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Tokencost is great! (need a Text-To-$ Space :))

replied to singhsidhukuldeep's post 3 months ago
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The UI based on node expanding on navigation is smart!

replied to Korakoe's post 3 months ago
posted an update 3 months ago
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Together MoA is a really interesting approach based on open source models!

"We introduce Mixture of Agents (MoA), an approach to harness the collective strengths of multiple LLMs to improve state-of-the-art quality. And we provide a reference implementation, Together MoA, which leverages several open-source LLM agents to achieve a score of 65.1% on AlpacaEval 2.0, surpassing prior leader GPT-4o (57.5%)."

Read more here:

PS: they provide some demo code: ( - if someone release a Space for it it could go 🚀
  • 1 reply
posted an update 4 months ago
replied to lucifertrj's post 4 months ago
replied to fdaudens's post 4 months ago
replied to their post 4 months ago
replied to their post 4 months ago
replied to their post 4 months ago
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Happy to provide a ZeroGPU grant if needed :)

replied to KingNish's post 4 months ago
replied to gsarti's post 4 months ago
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Hi, I think you are right not sure about a simple UI pattern that could work for it. I'll think about it.

replied to mlabonne's post 4 months ago
posted an update 4 months ago
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> We introduced a new model designed for the Code generation task. Its test accuracy on the HumanEval base dataset surpasses that of GPT-4 Turbo (April 2024). (90.9% vs 90.2%).

@Bin12345 interested in a ZeroGPU Spaces for Bin12345/AutoCoder
  • 6 replies
replied to their post 4 months ago
replied to KingNish's post 4 months ago
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Question: why instruct-pix2pix instead of cosxl?

posted an update 4 months ago
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✨ Tools are now available in HuggingChat (

In short, Tools allow HuggingChat to plug any ZeroGPU Space as a tool HuggingChat can use, offering limitless possibilities.

For the release we plugged 6 tools that you can use right now on command-R+, we plan to expand to more models.

We'll also allow you to add your own tools (any ZeroGPU space is compatible). For more info check out this discussion: huggingchat/chat-ui#470

Kudos to @nsarrazin @Saghen and @mishig for the release <3
replied to KingNish's post 4 months ago
replied to flashback29's post 4 months ago
replied to leonardlin's post 4 months ago
replied to JunhaoZhuang's post 4 months ago
replied to hakunamatata1997's post 4 months ago
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Interested too, there's no OCR leaderboard?

replied to KingNish's post 4 months ago
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I didn't know lol but that's great to hear. (If you have any feedback feel free to share btw)

replied to KingNish's post 4 months ago
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Out of curiosity did you use dev mode while building it?

replied to codelion's post 4 months ago
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Thanks for sharing (I was a bit worried after seeing that:)

replied to as-cle-bert's post 4 months ago
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Interesting! need a Space to showcase what it can do :)

replied to their post 5 months ago
replied to KingNish's post 5 months ago
replied to ehristoforu's post 5 months ago
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I think I get better results without negative prompt but could be wrong 👀

replied to ehristoforu's post 5 months ago
replied to KingNish's post 5 months ago
posted an update 5 months ago
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The hype is real: a mysterious gpt2-chatbot model has appeared on the LLM Arena Leaderboard 👀.
It seems to be at least on par with the top performing models (closed and open).

To try it out: -> then click on the Direct Chat tab and select gpt2-chatbot.

Take your bet, what do you think it is?
posted an update 5 months ago
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Am I the only one who think command-r-+ is a better daily Assistant than ChatGPT-4? (and it's not even close :D)
posted an update 5 months ago
replied to kadirnar's post 5 months ago
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Looks clean! need a ZeroGPU Spaces to play with it 👀

replied to Jaward's post 5 months ago
replied to wangfuyun's post 5 months ago
replied to codelion's post 5 months ago
replied to HeshamHaroon's post 5 months ago