Florent Daudens


AI & ML interests

AI & Journalism



Posts 63

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IBM & NASA just released open-source AI model for weather & climate on Hugging Face.

Prithvi WxC offers insights beyond forecasting, tackling challenges from local weather to global climate. Potential apps: targeted forecasts, severe weather detection & more. https://huggingface.co/Prithvi-WxC

This is impressive. Check out this comparison of the Ida hurricane between ground truth and the AI model's prediction.
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Wikimedia Enterprise just dropped full English & French Wikipedia on Hugging Face as structured JSON 🀯

Key points:
1. Parsed articles ready for machine learning pipelines
2. Perfect for AI model development - from pre-training to RAG
3. Includes metadata, Wikidata links, and content scores
4. Licensed under GFDL and CC BY-SA 4.0 (some content may have additional terms)

I've been testing it, and it's a game-changer. The structured format is like a supercharged version of raw Wiki dumps.

Thoughts on potential applications? I'm particularly interested in how this could improve AI language models' factual accuracy. Drop your ideas in the comments!

Dataset: wikimedia/structured-wikipedia

#AI #OpenData #Wikipedia #MachineLearning


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