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Baseline Model trained on irisg444_4c0 to apply classification on Species

Metrics of the best model:

accuracy 0.953333

recall_macro 0.953333

precision_macro 0.956229

f1_macro 0.953216

Name: LogisticRegression(class_weight='balanced', max_iter=1000), dtype: float64

See model plot below:

Pipeline(steps=[('easypreprocessor',EasyPreprocessor(types=               continuous  dirty_float  ...  free_string  useless

SepalLengthCm True False ... False False SepalWidthCm True False ... False False PetalLengthCm True False ... False False PetalWidthCm True False ... False False[4 rows x 7 columns])),('logisticregression',LogisticRegression(C=1, class_weight='balanced',max_iter=1000))])

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Disclaimer: This model is trained with dabl library as a baseline, for better results, use AutoTrain.

Logs of training including the models tried in the process can be found in logs.txt

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