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here from r all ugh fuck you guys go deflated some balls and stick em up your ass
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it s not sjw it s everybody sick of your stupid trump shit on r all oh look it s fucking pepe again how kek
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thank god for reddit comments you re saving lives here retard
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i hate people like you corruption is not a better choice you moron
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hehehe go fuck yourself you fucktarded commie cuckrag lol
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sounds like a real whore piece of shit your mom
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fuck you guys america stinks and i dont care about your stupid school shootings anymore
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god damn shut the fuck up nobody cares that you got him to rage hur hur stop breathing oxygen
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he s black urban black fuck you racist
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spez likes sucking hillary s dick thats why
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fuck you you pimple necked 4 eyed sack of shit kys x1000 rawr xd
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you are a fukin cunt
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god damnit this kind of reply tilts me fuck you and your tiny ignorant brain
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lol yea reddit is totally protecting child abusers jesus you are fucking retarded you still dont have proof or evidence of pizzagate go blow it out your ass you uneducated retard
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you re violating your rule of being a jerk why you are attention whoring in every single thread and people cannot ignore you they are sick of you please go home
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president trump is a dangerous delusional lunatic way to open up for civil discussion go fuck yourself
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hillary allowed bill to bang and force himself on women and you all are worried about what trump said 10 years ago what the fuck is wrong with you idiots smfh
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r thathappened for fucks sake you are fucking cancer please do us all a favor and be dead because your rotting maggot infested corpse will benefit the earth more than your lying shitpost god fucking damnit i hate this dickhole of a sub
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i m a bot bleep bloop someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit r bestofnsfw r bustypetite i never wanted this to end https np reddit com r bestofnsfw comments 5hrzwy rbustypetite_i_never_wanted_this_to_end footer if you follow any of the above links please respect the rules of reddit and don t vote in the other threads info r totesmessenger contact message compose to r totesmessenger bot
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fuck off shithead got a problem with that go fuck yourself in a safe space
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you mad bitch boy
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you guys are so heartless good job fucking america over peace
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shut the fuck up you stupid fucking ape nigger
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minorities getting killed by minorites or killing white people happened more in the past 10 years than the entire kkk killed more murders of slaves by black slave holders happened than black black salves were killed by white but nope you ignore that you thin that some reality tv star is literally the worst form of racism in the world where minorities will get killed sorry you fucking minorities quit killing yourselves in chicago and balrimore and quit fucking setting your cities on fire and well have a discussion until then you re nothing but a reactionary bigot who can t understand the simple fact that divisive and racist people like yourself pushed people towards trump what a fucking joke you are
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hows your foot taste you stupid dickrider
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just leave why are people like you even here go dig deeper in your salt mine and leave us all the fuck alone you bring nothing of merit to this sub
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fuck this garbage human being fucking making fun of some wheelchair ridden person wow that shit literally pisses me off want to fucking find him and punch some empathy into his stupid twisted fucking head fuck you bitch boy
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you said soros isn t a jew that makes you retarded there are ethnic jews and there are practicing jews fuck you cry more you sjw cuck you racist anti semetic meh meh meh fucking faggot
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you re a fucking idiot and you re bad at starcraft
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you say this while using a fucking goon on your timekeeper because youre a poorfag who cant afford a battledeck and an av cap ive put over 500 into my able while youre simply putting hubcaps on a mercedes lmfao call your sponsor you fucking worthless faggot or just go get high again and od no one will miss you lmfao fucking faggot ass using shitty rdas because you spent all your money on your suboxone script cause you arent really sober lmfao
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oh but she voted hillary fuck you jewish grandma fuck you
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you fucking cunt how dare you fucking abuse allah like that fucking cunt
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i m a bot bleep bloop someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit r bestofnsfw this make me cum twice super sexy https np reddit com r bestofnsfw comments 5d580t this_make_me_cum_twice_super_sexy footer if you follow any of the above links please respect the rules of reddit and don t vote in the other threads info r totesmessenger contact message compose to r totesmessenger bot
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bitch make yo food wit the hands she jerk dick off wit dawg
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so you think hillary has 60 ill say it again because its clear you cant read you re a fucking moron
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a typical liberal s train of thought i hate donald trump nambla is a perverted organization that i find repulsive donald trump is also repulsive donald trump has an n a m and l in his name so does nambla trump founded nambla seriously do you fucking retards even listen to the shit that comes out of your mouths you sound like complete fucking morons
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this sub is garbage these mods all suck
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fuck you and your incredible sex life
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fuck you and hc yes i am morally superior look at the shit yall caused with your lying cheating bullshit you got trumped and not you want a scape goat fuck all of you who says it is any ones fault but hc every one with have a fucking brain knew she was hated by toooo many fucking people tooo many fuck that ego that lead us to hell fuck you hrc
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oh for fuck sake it s hotter there great go outside and kill yourself
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try me boi im am fucking smart see this thread i made https www reddit com r math comments 59a7xs how_common_is_the_use_of_cis_cos_isin i bet u dont undestand a single word u stupid idiot
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dear colorblind people fuck off sincerely everyone else
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why don t posts like this one get marked as stupid removed mods
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can t believe this fucking cunt is going to be called madame president
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stop sucking scott mercer s dick
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this is libertarianism this is a christian nation fuck gay marriage fuck drugs and an
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show him your tits he might impregnate your ass
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yak is one who is the other you guys are ruining larkin go eat shit and suck a tailpipe
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fuck off you homophobic cunt
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well you re a real fucking winner huh serial cheater tell him and let him dump you i don t believe one iota of your self serving version of this bullshit
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fuck you i m a liberal and i would never fucking do this just go fuck yourself
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someone s triggered by trump s win not surprising given that you re a hillary supporter and a r politics poster
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youre full of shit see above comments
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true to your name u unoriginalrhetoric you are a obtuse fool this is what you leftist idiots do you make absurd claims against trump without even considering other causation maybe david duke supports trump because the nasty liberal ms media has run a billion dollar smear campaign against him painting him as a racist jesus who gives a fuck about david duke militant black groups militant communist fringe groups self deprecating whites who believe reparations should extend to the end of time all these types of racists and idiots support clinton can you spot the hypocrisy you re a fool
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kill yourself you piece of shit you fucking uninstall the internet you imbecelic troglodyte vvgq
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hope you die or suicide fuck off fud creating piece of shit
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stop sucking his stubby dick
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theatrical disaster horribly unfunny juvenile tasteless dumb forced disgusting pathetic and desperate
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you re committing fraud you fucking idiot
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you re a god damned moron and i think you should fucking kill yourself asap faggot
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the fact that this post is upvoted shows how fucking retarded are redditors kill urselves
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here from r all ugh fuck you guys go deflated some balls and stick em up your ass
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you are a fag lol suck my dick id shit on you on your shitty low pop server your crew is all gay cunts
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you re a fucking bully
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trump is a giant pussy https scontent lax3 1 cdninstagram com l t51 2885 15 e35 13298127_1570898686537358_1939531427_n jpg
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your neighbor needed help with 3 minutes of manual labor you guys are becoming socially fucking retarded with this shit
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you re a fucking cunt aint ya get off your high horse already
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bile literally said youre ignoring due process you literally confirmed it fuck off you ignorant cunt
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bullshit jidf post you think people are idiots here get lost you zionist shills whats happening you got orders israel is about to kill more palestinians
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fuck out of here with your sexual preference shit no one cares who you take home and fuck 90 times the word faggot is used it s just to replace idiot or retard but then again everybody is hurt by words now like a bunch of pansies so what can you do
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nice try you re a lying fucking sack of shit like the fuck mouthed diarrheatic shit stain on the fabric of democracy you voted for you fucking cocksuckers have pulled this shit long enough you want civilty you prick civility and the high road got us this nightmare fuck you go drown yourself in your own anal fluids tagged as a cunt grabber liar and set to ignore
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i ve never understood why white nationalists don t become muslim if you hate women s rights gay people jewish people and you are obsessed with light skin islam is the religion of you recite dat shahada and you can be as bigoted as you like and nobody will criticise you for it
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who the fucks downvote me i spend 1 fkn houir caculating everyhting and this fat cunt with no balls just fucking downvote go fuck ur self if i was a fucking shitpost about arteezy you will upvote fucking reddit
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stfu lil bitch boy
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you call our lord and saviour a fag in your name and you try to belittle me go fuck your mother again inbred retard
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mods are fucking tools kys tbh fam
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things like this are what accentuate rape culture and cause men to constantly rape women so women stop making rape jokes all the time this makes men rape women
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you got your head so deep up your on arse bosnians are as white as turks stop spewing your bullshit feeling oppressed as a white male bullshit
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you fuckwit suck a dick he got bought out by ctr and clinton campaign then sold out bernie for shit tons of money going on to work for the clinton campaign you tell me if the people of sandersforpresident wanted the sub shut down fuck you shill go fuck yourself
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https youtu be t4lfu1f7eva literally all of you guys
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get some reading comprehension you stupid fuccboi
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dear white people please stop calling him the donald
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so eloquent you ignorant cunt
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she cheated on you because you re a beta cuck every woman you re ever with will cheat on you because you are pathetic
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can we provide proof that you re a miserable person who hates everyone oh wait here we go https www reddit com user imakefarts comments
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bullshit you fucking liar
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you want me to call names you cant fool me with your stupid story well only stupid person will create stupid story and only stupid will buy that oh wait you havent check my flair
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good fucking riddance oh and fuck you in your fucking neck
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why are you so fucking stupid are you incapable of learning and thinking for yourself you need someone to hold your hand fucking pathetic
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lol you take shit too personal pussy go fuck yourself lol it s true whatever
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oh hey look how pathetically wrong you aree yyyyaaaaaayyyy 1111 https uploadly com 3m5bhjtf
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awww poor you the mean ctr people downvoted you stop being a fucking whiny little bitch and google the shit yourself
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asking for evidence of a baseless claim is cuck your fucking retarded askinh for evidence when claiming california officers are rapists murders and thieves your the cuck for beliving such garbage go lick your mom s stinky cunt
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lol people on this sub act so damm stupid this is so obvious
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fuck donald trump and fucc all u faggits riding the dick like bicecletas
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fucking shill get out maga
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take my upvote eww fucking reddit faggot
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racist xenophobic assaults women just like all your stepdads sister fucker
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lol kill yourself
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i m sorry my difference of opinion bothers you mate i m all for legal repercussions for hilary but this sub being a collective hate cell for women is fucking stupid samantha bee says liberal things on her liberal show made for liberal women so does ellen wendy williams the view every women based current news conversation programs fuck that cunt pig bitch woman though right
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