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where the fuck did you get that i was a trump supporter dumbass i m a muslim american i ll be the first one in a labor camp if he becomes president fuck you and your prejudiced generalizations you re trump s america people like you caused this
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shut the fuck up you cuck
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stfu you autistic fuck
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oh my god are you fucking retarded
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why the fuck do you sound so entitled your dad owes you nothing here you are suggesting it s a good idea to lie to your dad for money stop being a bitch and pay for your own education look at you crying and stressing because daddy won t pay for your bills you re a fucking adult grow up
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l m f a o holy shit r new holy fuck you seriously think being an autistic virgin in a first world country is even remotely comparable to being kidnapped from your country and forced to work until you die what a fucking joke if you quit this woe is me shit and went out of your comfort zone and got help you too could have a good life thinking that you have no value to anyone else is why you re sitting on this pathetic sub justifying to yourself why your life sucks so goddamn much
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fuck off you immature idiot
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go play in traffic you fucking idiot twat
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no fucking shit you re a trump fan
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this clearly triggered trump supporters lol at some of these comments
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hey wolf fuck you in your lilly white zionist jew ass
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please stop using this stupid word ghosted i mean fuck off and learn english
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jesus christ your brain is a fucking dud huh these thing seriously equate in your mind you fucking crumb
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delete this thread you are not undergoing ddos you have bad internet downs kys
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yo bro fuck low iq trash
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go fuck yourself socialist piece of shit we re trying to make society more free
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fuck you alaska you dumb fucks
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hey mother fucking pinoys i hope tonight duterte fuck all you drug addicts davao gets bombed again by moro your mom overseas maid die from dropping from high rise buildings your mom overseas whore die from getting raped in hotel typhoon haiyan come again and blow your shit fuck country away abu sayyaf kill your whole family die jesus bte mary dog gets his churches all burn all catholic children get raped fuck your shit fuck country may typhoon haiyan come and blow your shit fuck away
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you should work on your reading comprehension i said asshole comments like yours are why people hate reddit nobody gives a shit if microsoft gave you 10 for nothing
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gay retard
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you re a complete fucking asshole for using the word retarded
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you re a massive faggot go fuck yourself
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fuck you and fuck your correct the record bullshit
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you are such a fucking riot fanboy stop sucking their dick
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this sub needs to fuck off
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fuck off this shit old socialist retard couple keep to blm girls off his stage yet you think he could run the usa let alone win the race you are either a fucking idiot or a karma whore which actually makes you the first anyway
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you dumb fucks are accusingly a women of being a witch ignorant fucks like you all throughout history can t wait till you all eat a shit sandwich tuesday
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go fuck yourself fucking hypocrites
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fuck off moron
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great fucking analogy fucking apologist
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then why d a fucking pigass pig cop tell me this fucking scum pig cops
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you really should kill yourself
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wow look you re incapable of defending your point because you can t either you re a complete fucking moron or you re trolling me either way fuck off
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yay ya get rid of that shitty fucking religion fucking islam sucks pig dick fucking die islam
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im asking the mods not you numbnuts
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you re a cunt pal go fuck yourself
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go kill yourself for adding to the cancer shit problem
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itt people coddling op because she s a woman you re a major slut op and you deserve to be dumped who in their right mind would continue dating you after you got used and cummed in by 20 men right in front of them you re fucking disgusting
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folly go kill yourself defending these trash policies
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how in the fuck was that white supremacism you re probably one of the fucking retards that believe that only white people aren t allowed to be proud of who they are i m in no way a white supremacist just tired of retarded narcissistic elitists like you honestly believing that anyone that disagrees with you is a retarded bigoted racist fuck off to the hell hole you spawned in
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repost of the front page today stop fucking spewing garbage check before you post links
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kill yourself druggo cunt bitch
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lol this sub is literally retarded
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trump got fucking rekt btfo
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stop distinguishing your posts you desperate mod whore
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you re a fucking faggot
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who gives a shit hillary supporters would be the only idiots dumb enough to sign up for a for profit school president trump 2016 nothing you can say or sling or fart out will change that for the majority of us just give up ya dumb bitches nobody wants a bitch president shes just to blonde stupid and bitchy
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fuck all you reddit butt hurt fucks fuck you all fuck you fucking fuckers fuck you
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shut up you fat black crippled dyke
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on what you fucking idiot
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fuck you r news mods putting being politically correct over spreading important news shameful again fuck you
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oh are decades not fucking years you piece of shit fucking asshole trying to take away from the veracity of the commentors comment fuck you bitch maga
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how about your shit org actually win something before you come in here and try to lecture us bitch
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if omnis refuse to go vegan because some vegans offended them they need to grow a fucking pair and stop being pussies ur not a 5 year old who does what u want because your god damn feelings are hurt dumbest excuse to not go vegan omg my feelings are hurt by vegans no way im going vegan tl dr grow the fuck up
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are u like a reddit psychologist get lost u faggot
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lol you triggered cuck pussy
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damn your comment history is toxic as fuck you seem like a real piece of shit human huh
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in b4 this is not metahhhhh you are so stupid go kill yourself shitposts
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aaaaaaaaaah every fucking day with these stupid fucking memes i ve had it up to here with stupid fucking memes you guys make me want to kill myself is that what you fucking want for me to fucking kill myself and write on my suicide note cause of suicide couldn t handle all of the stupid fucking memes killed myself because that s what it might as well fucking say you guys are literally l i t e r a l l y incapable of having even the simplest of fucking discussion without pepe this god emperor that here s a pic of huuuuggeeee wall built by the mexicans hahahahahahahahaha robert byrd amirite fucking stop it you pathetic fucking retards you are such fucking cancer that i cannot even fathom how you fucking scumbags live your dumb lonely lives my mom burst into my room to bring me a plate of chicken tendies and i literally shrieked at her to stop with fucking memes and hit the plate of chicken tendies out of her hand i m having a fucking breakdown i cannot fucking deal with this right now my mom wasn t supposed to be a subscriber to the_donald fuck don t you people have a job to get to schoolwork to finish or a family to attend to do you literally do anything productive with your lives other than post stupid fucking memes on the donald subreddit of this god forsaken website you fucking people make me sick
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i m a bot bleep bloop someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit r circlebroke2 racist title transphobic title edition https np reddit com r circlebroke2 comments 4okv8h racist_title_transphobic_title_edition footer if you follow any of the above links please respect the rules of reddit and don t vote in the other threads info r totesmessenger contact message compose to r totesmessenger bot
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there it is hilary is a proven traitor thats kept out of jail only because of money and influence she is literally undermining democracy this is proven in her emails she is proven unfit you don t know me at all i haven t said a single fucking racist thing a single fucking xenophobic thing a single fuckign misogynistic thing i have a fucking college education my guess is your a very insecure person fuck your bullshit in fact how about you leave this country if your so concerned fucking pathetic you personally attack people like that you know why you did that because im asking for proof and you can t provide it
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shut the fuck up we just got fucked in the ass fuck off with your caps block me if you must mods fuck this bullshit let s fucking fix this fuck watching trump rallies trump isn t getting elected by his own merits trumps best quality is not being hillary if you don t fucking understand this yet get fucked you re a retard the fbi just bukkaked all of us can we please fucking grow up and stop hillary clinton fuck your memes they don t help fucking facts help fucking digging through emails helps your memes are fucking shit any retard can make a meme do something fucking productive you really fucking think trump can win this shit with rally speechs no one gives a fuck about that shit the only thing that s going to elect trump is hillary going down fuck the coats burn the fucking coat rack do something fucking productive or get the fuck out of here because being a retard and using fucking caps about a state no one gives a fuck about is counter productive
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lmfao fuck this gay earth
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you say i3 i5 i7 all get the same fps basically thats not true at all delete this entire post you fucking liar you are the reason this subreddit it fucked you are a piece of shit troll mother fucker http i imgur com hnkdrgz png http i imgur com hnkdrgz png http i imgur com hnkdrgz png http i imgur com hnkdrgz png http i imgur com hnkdrgz png http i imgur com hnkdrgz png you troll piece of shit i fuck your mother
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the only pussy is someone who gets offended when their safe space is intruded you stupid fucks
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ban me too faggot your sub is gay
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fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez fuck u spez
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because retard pussy liberals without fathers
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no you fucking moron
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because zezima isn t a cunt who needs to die
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this sub sucks fucking dick l8r
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wrong kill the evil cunt
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is being a wimp white bitch bannable
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stupid white catholics unlike a pure beautiful diverse religion like islam catholicism exists only to create white supremacy and enslave minorities kill all catholics kill all christians racist pieces of shit
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shut the fuck up faggot and kill yourself u lowercase_thoughts
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you are stupid you aren t qualified to be heard fuck off now sarcasm is for losers with low self esteem learn some social skills bitch fuckin white people
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durr hurr god emperor hurrr you people are beyond retarded
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this is test server you dumb idiot
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you think you know your own opinion wrong reddit knows your personal opinion better than you do ya dumbass seriously though your downvotes are fucking retarded lol
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because you re a retard
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mods please delete this shitpost
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nice try libtard now go vote for hillary clinton and kill yourself
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says the one whose responses consistently are fuck you faggot suck my dick faggot or shut the fuck up bitch you are no better clearly hey remember when you got for harassing that girl that joined chat or when you left because spideyjust roasted you so hard yeah exactly stop picking on another just because you think you re better than them quit being pathetic inb4 i m a degenerate that does drugs
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desperation mode here fuck you all this sub needs to die
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haha fucking die you disgusting cunt
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you re a stupid ass fuck shut the fuck up already you have no fucking idea what you re talking about you got caught in your stupidity multiple times and you keep trying to water down the conversation to wiggle out of it too bad it s not fucking working
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enjoy your fucking downvote faggot
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what a stupid fucking comment
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you cant leave the names on stop harrassing the stupid bitch anyway you little fag
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yes what does an apu have to do with an igpu what the fuck is this question what is an apu if not a cpu igpu you re a fucking idiot we are talking about igpus on intel chips what the fuck does a full solution like an apu matter for intel you stupid fuck what a fucking moron i swear fuck off not sure why i am even responding to idiots who don t know what an apu is lol you re a fucking moron take amd s dick out of your mouth already faggot
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apparently you cant post women because its offensive boo fucking hoo hey mod you mad what did you take in school women studies
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you got your head so deep up your on arse bosnians are as white as turks stop spewing your bullshit feeling oppressed as a white male bullshit
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sincerely fuck you
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all people have sex your classmate herein such a tits http cbvidfree com id12130
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kill yourself retarded netdecking pieces of shit like you aren t worth the air you waste
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bigoted cunt and you wonder why mods ignore you
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that s not hate speech you dumb cunt
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jesus you are delusional every barbaric shit wizard who makes an isis pledge prior to murdering innocent people believes this you fucking lunatic
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what a fucking idiot donald trump and the media will use this attempt to their advantage
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shut the fuck up you fucking pussy ass faggot ass bitch i m sick and tired of you mother fuckers thinking that you own all this shit a nd you run this shit you don t run dick you cum guzzling cunt fuck you fuck whatever shitty belief system you bow too and most importantly fuck the government
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