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no one cares get this shit off the sub you faggot
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you guys also spamming fucking jeesus man i dont want your trump clinton shit on all anymoreeeeeeeeeee
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this shit isn t funny you gay retards
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that s not legitimate in any fucking way and you are fucking racist sexist piece of fucking shit
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why dont u fuck off yourself cunt
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got fired for being a lazy fuck pulls race card fucking faggot
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so you re proud to have no brain fucking cuck
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exactly believers are fucking retarded
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quit being so dumb and cut contact with that slut she already ruined her marriage and now she s trying to ruin yours and you re not any better you have sweet caring faithful wife who loves you and here you are calling her lazy and who doesn t read on the internet
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fuck hillary fuck donald fuck hillary supporters fuck donald supporters i wish i were surprised at any of this bullshit election
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and people talk about how shes smoking hot in this sub yuck i wouldn t fuck her with your dick
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wrong check out shiria law you dumb fucking cunt
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what is this fucking facebook mods this is normie trash
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how dare you use the word retarded kill yourself
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fucking off you hindi cunt
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i am a bot here is your colorized photo http sayanythingblog com files 2013 01 1310231094 prochoice abortion protest london_749645 jpg
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fuck you mother fucker you gained an enemy for life im rich as fuck without having to work so i have no life and ima fucking annoy the shit out of you you bitch you pussy you fag lick ass bitch
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go suck a bag of dick you retarded cunt pakistani traditional mens orange long shirts http assets myntassets com assets images 1521246 2016 9 16 11474026106713 sanwara men kurta pyjama 3141474026106049 1 jpg
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holy shit you guys found another racist person somewhere get this to the front page idiots
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fuck you fuck everyone fuck the world you fuckingg bastards
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source http spankfilth com video hot white girl blows this dick and takes load in mouth non mobile friendly site
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hahahahaha super smart you re a fuckin joke you idiot join the rest of the trump pussies by getting in line to get ass fucked by putin you inbred retard scum
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fuck you u gallowboob and your absolutely fucking shit titles you post on reddit all day is it hard to not make an absolute shit title
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your first post got deleted and now you try to repost it fuck off with this bullshit
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im sorry mods pls no ban
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you re an idiot pal he said school shooting not assault by firearm you dumb shit
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nope today you fucked up by being a pussy
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furiously shitposting yo why do the mods hate us no fun allowed fucking basement dwelling cuck nazis
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clinton is a lying fraudulent cunt who literally raped haiti
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no one fucking asked you just shut the fuck up hater
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hope he beats you to death dumb bitch fuck you
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how much did hillary pay you to take control of your account your entire post history is defending liberal media sites bashing pizzagate posts and calling the people who believe it s real retarded and vote manipulating users who disagree with you https www reddit com r conspiracy comments 5icefx it_is_so_hard_to_beleve_so_many_people_would db74c6v
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stop being such a fucking dumb piece of shit
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r u triggered bro
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yes you fucking are http foreignpolicy com 2017 01 30 sorry mr president the obama administration did nothing similar to your immigration ban you lying fucks disgust me
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because fuck you retard untradable cancer nigger
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fucking faggot cunt idiot you smell like absolute shit maybe kill yourself before you make a shitty post like this
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really dude holy shit your fucking creepy you watching me faggot want a kiss can you stop fucking deleting shit that doesn t need deleted i forgot only hate towards the dev team and the game is allowed please leave your house ok your pc and reddit score will still be there when to get back you know what a blood clot is you know how they form get off your fat ass sometime before one breaks loose and your bloated carcass flops over in you computer chair you disgusting puke of a human being now if you re disabled and can t leave your house i m sorry go fuck yourself some more bitch
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the 10 000 other cant log in servers are down posts weren t good enough for your dumb ass fucking retard
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will you just fuck off seriously every thread i see your hateful garbage it s degenerate transsexuals this or deport refugees that fuck you mate just fuck you
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you guys need to check your fucking sources you look like idiots
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little black kid you fucking sjws
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seriously fucking jump down a set of stairs and break your neck fucking drive your car into a preschool and rapr all the children you can until you get shot by the police eat dead people and vomit up their clothes and then hang yourself on the gate lunch your mom in the face and fuck your dad until your asshole bleeds cum and blood you fucking dont know pain and you do t know triggered go to aushwitz and look up zeifman tell me how many fucking names come up ypu fucking cunt i hope you lose everyone you know and live to see people mock it you fucking swine you fucking tumour on the soul of reason you fucking shadow in the peripherals of humanity a fucking pox on your soul cunt
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you are so fucking pathetic wow
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go fuck yourself you white knight never had sex in your life little bitch
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you re a fucking nigger dude
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no one cares about your stupid wife op
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goddamn stfu and enjoy some memes you boring fuck if it upsets you that much true dota exists you stupid goose dick
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bitch bitch bitch moan moan moan
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your a stupid idiot who prob salty asf
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k faggot this community sucks anyway
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why are you singling out older white men are you racist ask yourself do i feel superior to this type of guy you re racist and being racist is racist
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you are dumb as fuck son
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i m a bot bleep bloop someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit r notcirclejerk bernie sanders is more popular than ever r political _revolution https np reddit com r notcirclejerk comments 52oid8 bernie_sanders_is_more_popular_than_ever footer if you follow any of the above links please respect the rules of reddit and don t vote in the other threads info r totesmessenger contact message compose to r totesmessenger bot
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https www reddit com r wayofthebern comments 5ndo2j corey_robin_verified_account_coreyrobin_why_are compact pro trump sub hang yourself
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boohoo who gives a fuck what he does stop being a pussy
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nikki churchill lmao what and is retard the only insult your 12 year old brain can think up jesus you re a fucktard lol
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you are a stupid og dick rider
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i think women sequester themselves in women only spaces to avoid social retards like you little cry baby boys on reddit are such an embarrassment to the gender no wonder so many of you are forever alones you fucking deserve to be
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die in a fire nigger lover you can t stop president trump this is your world now
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oh my god this subreddit is disgusting you guys keep your out of context strawman shit im out
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this sub literally linked to all of these polls to specifically artificially inflate the trump numbers last night this post is like congratulating yourself for having sex after jerking yourself off
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hey fuck you assholes get fucked nobody wants to see your shit
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oh boohoo a fat cow popped a screaming hunk of shit outta her front hole and wants sympathy for it too bad fuck off i bet you re a breeder huh
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it s because you re an sjw posting manipulative drama provoking sjw shit to get points dude
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you accomplished nothing your life is meaningless you are an internet troll with no ability to think for yourself you have become the very defintion of a neo liberal all progress is lost in your quip because you are a shit eating cnn liberal
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let s make this the post game thread since mods suck dick
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you sound like some dumb bitch that gets bullied irl and vents off typing stupid shit on reddit
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kill yorsefl faggot
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u are a fucking liar or your girlfriends are dumb as fuck
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hes impeding traffic you fuck nut get on the fucking sidewalk your riding a fucking bike you fucking hippie piece of shit god just run all these fart sniffing fucks over
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fuck off with your sjw bullshite you pathetic trump supporting troll jesus wept you guys are dull as fuck
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whoa breaking news you fucking losers have no lives fuck trump
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lol if doing something in a fucking video game makes you feel like you ve achieved something kill yourself because you really gotta fucking suck at life for something so small to make you feel so big understand you are fucking bad that rank is a fucking number you re not fucking good you re benefiting from your fucking team its not fucking you this must be console because there are people new to fps and they have been in the top 500 for the last fucking month this game in no fucking way demonstrates skill and your fucking proof of it
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thought this subreddit was a joke when i first made it just people trying to show the typical stupid trump supporter but no you guys are fucking serious about this shit you post
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suck a dick you potato eating cucks america and president trump are the winners from today and now on long live president trump long live the usa fuck you ireland starve to death
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guy tries to behead cop whilst screaming allahu akbar the far right must be stopped do you listen to yourself you braindead cunt
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you re a fucking bitch for invading his privacy like that
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literally kill yourself you smug shitposting fuck
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lmfao keep deleting your shit nigger
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i cant wait until you get swept in the alcs you fucking pussy ass bitches
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go back to r worldnews you dumb fuck
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stormrage you probably recognize it from this reddit thread http archive is ocwbt
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stop being all gay and wimsy you sensitive pussies
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trump got fucking rekt btfo
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fucking liberal scum
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fuck fat fucks like chris christie and fuck israel
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hahaha so funny trump is going to be president because of sanders and his supporters like you guys being stubborn ass holes hahahaha hilarious hahahahaha oh man this is sooooo funny
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what a stupid stupid comment go sit in the corner you fucking mook
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hate me for what you re the bitch ass who thinks people should get out of the country because they said something you don t like on reddit seriously you re a fucking joke the fact that you think your rants will have any affect on me shows how self centered you are the fact that you think i m supporting trump because i defended someone s free speech and said that trump said nothing wrong in this instance shows how fucking dumb you are now stop commenting before you make yourself look worse and then go get help for your ptsd
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white people lol
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lmao you trump trolls are so desperate go back to r the_donald
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will you ban yourself from r seattle since you doxxed yourself u careless please
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no one is going to support your desire to rape children just kill yourself or something
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laroomslissi1971 tumblr com fuck girl sluty 50
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fuck you cunt
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no muslims are all child decapitating terrorist fucks seriously fuck muslims
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then u a fake fan cunt fuck u
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if you murder cartoonists for offending you fuck you i don t care how you are treated you should be treated bad if you worship a child molesting warlord people want to whine about trump making comments in a private conversation with a friend about grabbing them by the pussy and accusing him of rape because of it but just ignore muslims who worship a guy who took child slaves as brides fuck muslims they deserve what they are going to get
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we president now hurr durr so funny fucking retard
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