You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: todo.grocery_shopping_list = 2 switch.garden_lights 'Garden lighting control' = on media_player.google_nest_hub 'Google Assistant Smart Display' = playing;Triple 9;vol=0.91 todo.garden_care_schedule 'Garden care planner' = 18
how many things are on the grocery shopping organizer at the moment?
there are 2 things on the grocery shopping organizer currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: light.patio 'Patio Light' = on;darkolivegreen (57, 81, 4);12% media_player.living_room 'Living Room Media' = on;Power Yoga Collection: 3 Full-Length Programs;vol=0.7 todo.insurance_renewal_alerts = 2 light.downstairs_livingroom_lifx 'Downstairs Living Room Light' = off;85% light.back_family_room_warm 'Back Family Room Warm Light' = off media_player.office_pc_speakers 'Office Computer Speakers' = on;WWI: The Complete Story - 100th Memorial Edition;vol=0.79 media_player.xbox_one 'Xbox One' = idle;vol=0.87 cover.guest_bathroom 'Guest bathroom blinds' = closed vacuum.left_corner_bot 'Left corner dirt sucker' = cleaning light.downstairs_master_bedroom_homekit 'Downstairs Master Bedroom Light' = off;palevioletred (202, 99, 176);66% light.upstairs_cinema_zwave 'Upstairs Cinema Light' = on;darkcyan (12, 93, 181);97% timer.tea_steeping 'Tea steeping countdown' = active light.study_3 'Study Lights' = on;29% lock.garden_gate 'Garden gate lock' = locked lock.safety_deposit 'Safety deposit box' = unlocked lock.conservatory 'Conservatory Lock' = unlocked switch.front_yard_lights 'Front Yard Lights Switch' = off fan.bathroom_down 'Fan in downstairs bathroom' = on light.front_stairwell_ge 'Front Stairwell Light' = off;peru (170, 138, 48);16% lock.front_door_1 'Main entry lock' = locked climate.nest_learning 'Nest Learning Thermostat' = fan_only;Auto Low;17C;50% light.front_library_ge 'Front Library Light' = off;goldenrod (215, 166, 66) light.downstairs_corridor_mqtt 'Downstairs Corridor Light' = off;tan (192, 171, 153)
how many things are on the insurance renewal alerts at the moment?
there are 2 things on the insurance renewal alerts currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: todo.garden_care_schedule = 2 light.downstairs_basement_mqtt 'Downstairs Basement Light' = on;black (35, 22, 45) light.kitchen_counter 'Kitchen counter lights' = off;chocolate (212, 102, 56);44% switch.driveway_lights 'Driveway lighting control' = off light.living_room_1 'Living Room Lights' = off;49% media_player.apple_tv_4k 'Apple 4K Streaming Device' = standby;vol=0.73 light.front_dining_ge 'Front Dining Light' = on;limegreen (81, 221, 31) light.downstairs_sitting_mqtt 'Downstairs Sitting Room Light' = on;greenyellow (182, 238, 37);17% media_player.roku_living 'Roku Living Room' = off media_player.backyard_outdoor_projector 'Backyard Projector' = off 'Office Blinds' = closed light.kitchen_bar_warm 'Kitchen Bar Warm Light' = off;mediumseagreen (74, 242, 104);80% vacuum.hallway_neato 'Hallway path cleaner' = cleaning light.back_entryway_lifx 'Back Entryway Light' = on;95% lock.file_cabinet 'File cabinet lock' = locked cover.left_door 'Left Garage Door' = closed light.upstairs_mudroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Mudroom Light' = off;darkorchid (171, 54, 229);5% light.upstairs_den_zigbee 'Upstairs Den Light' = off;58% light.living_room 'Living Room Light' = off;45% light.downstairs_observatory_homekit 'Downstairs Observatory Light' = off;mediumpurple (166, 108, 205);32% light.upstairs_sitting_zwave 'Upstairs Sitting Room Light' = on;cornflowerblue (77, 141, 239);3% fan.kitchen_2 'Kitchen Fans' = off
how many things are on the garden care planner at the moment?
there are 2 things on the garden care planner currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: todo.kids_homework_deadlines = 2 light.front_porch 'Front Porch Light' = off switch.den_lights 'Den Lights Switch' = off todo.family_event_planner 'Family event planner' = 1 light.garage_osram 'Garage Osram' = off
how many things are on the kids homework deadlines at the moment?
there are 2 things on the kids homework deadlines currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: light.bathroom_1 'Bathroom Light' = off;14% light.upstairs_den_zigbee 'Upstairs Den Light' = off;22% todo.vacation_planning = 2 lock.laundry_room 'Laundry Room Lock' = locked
how many things are on the vacation planning assistant at the moment?
there are 2 things on the vacation planning assistant currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: light.back_den_warm 'Back Den Warm Light' = off;olivedrab (141, 161, 27);19% todo.movie_watchlist = 3 switch.master_bedroom_lights 'Master Bedroom Lights Switch' = off fan.nursery 'Nursery Fan' = off light.downstairs_fireplace_mqtt 'Downstairs Fireplace Light' = on;dimgray (114, 81, 112);25% light.downstairs_corridor_mqtt 'Downstairs Corridor Light' = off;mediumorchid (173, 65, 205);41% media_player.sunroom_cd_player 'Sunroom CD Player' = off light.above_dining_table 'Dining Table Light' = off;57% vacuum.right_stairwell_sweeper 'Right stairwell cleaner' = docked 'Kitchen Light' = on vacuum.front_hall_samsung 'Front hall sweeping bot' = returning cover.somfy_living 'Living Room Blinds' = closed light.chandelier_front_hallway 'Front Hallway Chandelier' = off;seagreen (34, 168, 87) light.downstairs_office_mqtt 'Downstairs Office Light' = off;indianred (206, 64, 59);61% timer.bedroom_lamp_timer 'Bedroom lamp scheduler' = active light.master_bedroom_lamp 'Master Bedroom Lamp' = on;slategray (113, 104, 138) light.front_pantry_homekit 'Front Pantry Light' = off vacuum.under_sofa_cleaner 'Under sofa cleaner' = docked 'Office Media Player' = off light.back_sunroom_warm 'Back Sunroom Warm Light' = off;indianred (237, 72, 102) switch.garage_workshop_lights 'Garage Workshop Lights Switch' = off media_player.sonos_living 'Sonos Living Room' = on;Little Lies;vol=0.61 light.front_corridor_homekit 'Front Corridor Light' = on;olivedrab (131, 139, 28);68% light.front_playroom_homekit 'Front Playroom Light' = on;midnightblue (26, 26, 76);40% timer.laundry_machine_1 'Laundry cycle tracker' = idle
what is the current number of items on your movie night watchlist?
yes, there are currently 3 items on your movie night watchlist.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: light.basement_workshop_mqtt 'Basement Workshop Light' = on;mediumturquoise (83, 217, 208);46% light.philips_hue_1 'Philips Hue' = on;darkseagreen (150, 207, 131) light.back_lounge_warm 'Back Lounge Warm Light' = on;seagreen (69, 154, 82);23% media_player.xbox_den 'Den Xbox console' = standby;vol=0.55 cover.hallway_2 'Second hallway blinds' = open media_player.sonos_arc 'Sonos Smart Soundbar' = paused;Van Damme Collection: (Bloodsport / Timecop);vol=0.83 'Office Blinds' = open light.upstairs_fireplace_zwave 'Upstairs Fireplace Light' = off;64% todo.movie_watchlist = 3 media_player.master_bedroom 'Master Bedroom Media' = on;La novia de América;vol=0.92 light.kitchen_floor_cool 'Kitchen Floor Cool Light' = off media_player.sony_4k_projector 'Sony Home Cinema Projector' = buffering;Star Wars: The Complete Saga - Episodes I-VI;vol=0.33 light.front_sideyard_ge 'Front Side Yard Light' = off lock.rear_gate 'Rear gate lock' = unlocked switch.pantry_lights 'Pantry Lights Switch' = on light.hallway 'Hallway Light' = off light.downstairs_cinema_mqtt 'Downstairs Cinema Light' = on;lime (9, 228, 29);48%
what is the current number of items on your movie night watchlist?
yes, there are currently 3 items on your movie night watchlist.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: todo.grocery_shopping_list = 3 light.kitchen_microwave_warm 'Kitchen Microwave Warm Light' = off;61% lock.walk_in_closet 'Walk-In Closet Lock' = unlocked todo.home_renovation_planner 'Home renovation scheduler' = 9
what is the current number of items on your grocery shopping organizer?
yes, there are currently 3 items on your grocery shopping organizer.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration) Devices: light.downstairs_cinema_mqtt 'Downstairs Cinema Light' = on;91% todo.workout_routine_tracker 'Workout routine scheduler' = 15 light.kitchen_toaster_cool 'Kitchen Toaster Cool Light' = off;mediumturquoise (60, 205, 205);61% switch.study_room_lights 'Study Room Lights Switch' = off lock.master_bedroom 'Master Bedroom Lock' = unlocked lock.bike_rack 'Bike rack lock' = locked cover.garage 'Garage Blinds' = closed light.hallway_upstairs 'Upstairs hallway light' = on;3% lock.ski_storage 'Ski Storage Lock' = unlocked todo.family_event_planner = 3 media_player.onkyo_tx_sr 'Onkyo Home Theater Receiver' = off light.downstairs_entryway_mqtt 'Downstairs Entryway Light' = off;mediumaquamarine (95, 229, 133);86% switch.front_gate_lighting 'Front gate lights switch' = off lock.basement 'Basement Lock' = locked timer.kitchen_oven 'Kitchen oven timer' = active light.front_balcony_homekit 'Front Balcony Light' = on;tomato (247, 89, 90);35% light.upstairs_courtyard_zwave 'Upstairs Courtyard Light' = on;73% media_player.roku_living 'Roku Living Room' = off light.front_cinema_homekit 'Front Cinema Light' = on light.nursery 'Nursery Light' = off;49% lock.back_door 'Backyard entry lock' = locked
what is the current number of items on your family event planner?
yes, there are currently 3 items on your family event planner.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: light.downstairs_bathroom_warm 'Downstairs Bathroom Warm Light' = off;olive (145, 124, 2);98% fan.front_porch 'Front Porch Fan' = off light.back_closet_warm 'Back Closet Warm Light' = on;29% vacuum.kitchen_xiaomi 'Kitchen vacuum' = docked lock.front_door 'Front Door Lock' = unlocked lock.side_door 'Side entry lock' = unlocked light.upstairs_balcony_zwave 'Upstairs Balcony Light' = on;93% light.office_desk 'Office Desk Light' = off;39% todo.garden_care_schedule = 3 lock.fence_gate 'Fence gate lock' = locked cover.rv 'RV Garage Door' = closed light.kitchen_freezer_warm 'Kitchen Freezer Light' = on light.back_attic_lifx 'Back Attic Light' = on;49% light.driveway 'Driveway Light' = on;6% todo.grocery_shopping_list 'Grocery shopping organizer' = 24 light.kitchen_1 'Main Kitchen Light' = off todo.warranty_tracker 'Warranty expiration tracker' = 28 light.kitchen_cabinet_warm 'Kitchen Cabinet Warm Light' = on cover.hallway 'Hallway Blinds' = closed lock.garden_gate 'Garden gate lock' = unlocked light.back_zen_warm 'Back Zen Light' = off;41% cover.chamberlain_1 'Chamberlain' = closed light.kitchen_counter 'Kitchen Counter Light' = off;32% light.front_zen_ge 'Front Light' = on;crimson (231, 47, 67) media_player.sonos_beam 'Sonos Compact Soundbar' = standby;vol=0.01 switch.hallway_lights 'Hallway Lights Switch' = on lock.sauna 'Sauna Door Lock' = unlocked cover.bathroom 'Bathroom Blinds' = open vacuum.downstairs_guest_room 'Downstairs guest room vac' = cleaning
what is the current number of items on your garden care planner?
yes, there are currently 3 items on your garden care planner.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration) Devices: light.upstairs_master_bedroom_hue 'Upstairs Master Bedroom Hue' = on;turquoise (47, 210, 241) timer.morning_alarm 'Morning wakeup alarm' = active light.front_nursery_homekit 'Front Nursery Light' = on;42% fan.back_porch 'Back Porch Fan' = on media_player.sonos_beam 'Sonos Compact Soundbar' = off lock.basement 'Basement Lock' = locked todo.family_event_planner = 3 light.downstairs_basement_mqtt 'Downstairs Basement Light' = off;darkolivegreen (122, 94, 46);100% lock.bedroom_3 'Third Bedroom Lock' = unlocked cover.pet_entry 'Pet entry door' = open light.nursery 'Nursery Light' = on;yellowgreen (113, 214, 62);57% light.downstairs_workout_mqtt 'Downstairs Workout Light' = on;61% 'Study Light' = on;orangered (245, 85, 27);35% climate.netatmo_smart 'Netatmo Smart Thermostat' = cool;Auto High;69F;24% climate.nest_learning 'Nest Learning Thermostat' = cool;Auto Low;74F;47% light.upstairs_lounge_zigbee 'Upstairs Lounge Light' = on;orangered (243, 75, 39);16% lock.sunroom 'Sunroom Lock' = unlocked light.bedroom_2 'Bedroom Light' = off;darkgray (178, 171, 144) media_player.laptop_stream 'Streaming laptop' = off lock.kitchen_door 'Kitchen entry lock' = unlocked media_player.sunroom_cd_player 'Sunroom CD Player' = paused;Dark Film Mysteries Film Noir Collector's Set;vol=0.68 switch.dining_room_lights 'Dining Room Lights Switch' = on light.back_nursery_warm 'Back Nursery Warm Light' = off 'study fan' = on light.back_den_warm 'Back Den Warm Light' = off;goldenrod (194, 199, 30);74% switch.porch_lights 'Porch Lights Switch' = on media_player.epson_home_cinema 'Epson Video Projector' = off todo.movie_watchlist 'Movie night watchlist' = 6 light.bathroom_1 'Bathroom Light' = off light.yeelight_smart 'Yeelight Smart Light' = on light.front_living_room_ge 'Front Living Room Light' = off;93% 'Workshop Garage Door' = open
what is the current number of items on your family event planner?
yes, there are currently 3 items on your family event planner.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration) Devices: 'Garden Light' = on cover.wine_cellar 'Wine cellar door' = closed todo.workout_routine_tracker 'Workout routine scheduler' = 24 lock.tool_shed 'Tool Shed Lock' = unlocked light.kitchen_rack_cool 'Kitchen Rack Cool Light' = off;90% light.downstairs_basement_mqtt 'Downstairs Basement Light' = off;39% light.side_hallway_hue 'Side Hallway Hue' = off;15% fan.bedroom_master 'Master Bedroom Fan' = off timer.morning_coffee 'Morning coffee brew timer' = active light.attic 'Attic Light' = off;31% lock.electric_gate 'Electric gate lock' = locked fan.porch 'Porch ceiling fan' = off switch.shed_lights 'Shed Lights Switch' = on fan.back_porch 'Back Porch Fan' = on light.back_stairwell_warm 'Back Stairwell Warm Light' = on;indigo (93, 0, 120) todo.bill_payment_reminders = 3 switch.loft_lights 'Loft Lights Switch' = on light.front_library_ge 'Front Library Light' = off;royalblue (46, 66, 249);26% 'Office Blinds' = closed lock.garden_gate 'Garden gate lock' = locked fan.kitchen_island 'Cooling kitchen fan' = on
what is the current number of items on your bill payment reminders?
yes, there are currently 3 items on your bill payment reminders.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: vacuum.patio_doorway_vac 'Patio doorway cleaner' = cleaning cover.wine_cellar 'Wine cellar door' = closed todo.weekend_projects 'Weekend DIY projects list' = 11 media_player.desktop_computer_media_suite 'Desktop Computer Media Center' = idle;vol=0.15 light.kitchen_wall_cool 'Kitchen Wall Cool Light' = on;69% todo.home_renovation_planner = 3 light.downstairs_stairwell_homekit 'Downstairs Stairwell Light' = on;palegreen (184, 241, 169);100% light.front_cinema_homekit 'Front Cinema Light' = on;37% light.workbench 'Garage workbench light' = off;97% light.front_stairwell_ge 'Front Stairwell Light' = off;48% light.downstairs_observatory_homekit 'Downstairs Observatory Light' = on;firebrick (176, 23, 0);87% media_player.backyard_outdoor_projector 'Backyard Projector' = playing;Doctor Who: Complete Series 9;vol=0.73 light.closet_under_stairs 'Under-stairs closet light' = on;59% fan.living_room_center 'Center living room fan' = on lock.front_door_1 'Main entry lock' = unlocked light.hallway 'Hallway Light' = on;40% light.upstairs_sitting_zwave 'Upstairs Sitting Room Light' = on;10% light.chandelier_front_hallway 'Front Hallway Chandelier' = off;30% lock.workshop_cabinet 'Workshop cabinet lock' = locked
what is the current number of items on your home renovation scheduler?
yes, there are currently 3 items on your home renovation scheduler.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: cover.guest 'Guest Garage Door' = open light.front_sideyard_ge 'Front Side Yard Light' = off;80% lock.boathouse 'Boathouse Lock' = locked lock.garden_gate 'Garden gate lock' = locked light.front_library_ge 'Front Library Light' = on;seagreen (2, 130, 79);24% light.front_attic_homekit 'Front Attic Light' = off;palevioletred (242, 68, 140) media_player.hallway_wall_speaker 'Hallway Wall Speaker' = playing;The Banshees of Inisherin;vol=0.16 light.back_attic_lifx 'Back Attic Light' = on;olive (153, 113, 14);11% light.front_cinema_homekit 'Front Cinema Light' = on;slateblue (68, 33, 205);59% lock.workshop_cabinet 'Workshop cabinet lock' = unlocked todo.family_event_planner = 3 light.upstairs_children_bedroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Children's Bedroom Light' = on;90% light.upstairs_fireplace_zwave 'Upstairs Fireplace Light' = on;88% media_player.basement_projector_setup 'Basement Projector System' = off timer.timer0 'General purpose timer' = idle lock.filing_room 'Filing Room Lock' = unlocked 'Office Fan' = on media_player.master_bedroom 'Master Bedroom Media' = off vacuum.right_stairwell_sweeper 'Right stairwell cleaner' = docked fan.bathroom 'Bathroom Fan' = on media_player.garage 'Garage Media Player' = buffering;Dragon Ball Z Kai: Season 4;vol=0.87 cover.spare 'Spare Garage Door' = closed cover.hallway 'Hallway Blinds' = closed
what is the current number of items on your family event planner?
yes, there are currently 3 items on your family event planner.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: fan.garage_workshop 'Garage workshop fan' = off climate.johnson_glas 'Johnson Controls GLAS Smart Thermostat' = off;On High;68F;56% light.kitchen_freezer_warm 'Kitchen Freezer Light' = off light.back_bedroom_warm 'Back Bedroom Warm Light' = on;mediumseagreen (73, 212, 106);22% light.back_study_lifx 'Back Study Light' = on;67% media_player.apple_tv_4k 'Apple 4K Streaming Device' = on;Kojak: Season 2;vol=0.49 light.deck_left 'Left deck light' = off;dodgerblue (11, 122, 230);19% light.downstairs_master_bedroom_homekit 'Downstairs Master Bedroom Light' = off;11% media_player.kitchen_radio 'Kitchen Radio Player' = off todo.recipe_collection = 3 switch.zoo_enclosure_lighting 'Zoo enclosure lighting control' = on vacuum.basement_deebot 'Basement deebot' = cleaning light.front_sunroom_ge 'Front Sunroom Light' = on;13% fan.living_room_2 'Living Room fan' = on lock.yoga_room 'Yoga Room Lock' = locked cover.bathroom 'Bathroom Blinds' = open lock.wine_cellar 'Wine cellar lock' = unlocked switch.kitchen_lights 'Kitchen Lights Switch' = on light.back_basement_lifx 'Back Basement Light' = on;46% light.upstairs_dining_zigbee 'Upstairs Dining Light' = off cover.one_car 'One Car Garage' = open todo.car_maintenance_log 'Car maintenance tracker' = 20 light.kitchen_window_cool 'Kitchen Window Cool Light' = off;black (61, 19, 25);31% timer.upstairs_hallway 'Upstairs hallway timer' = active light.aquarium 'Aquarium Light' = off;79% 'Kitchen Media Player' = on;Step Up 3D;vol=0.33 timer.baby_nap_timer 'Baby nap monitor' = active media_player.patio_outdoor_speakers 'Patio Outdoor Speakers' = off light.back_lounge_warm 'Back Lounge Warm Light' = on;pink (241, 202, 194);29% fan.living_room_1 'Living Room fan' = on switch.driveway_lights 'Driveway lighting control' = on media_player.samsung_qled_tv 'Samsung Quantum Dot TV' = idle;vol=0.11 fan.patio 'Patio Fan' = off
what is the current number of items on your recipe collection?
yes, there are currently 3 items on your recipe collection.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: light.downstairs_nursery_mqtt 'Downstairs Nursery Light' = on;80% light.living_room_ceiling 'Living Room Ceiling Light' = on;darkslategray (74, 42, 61) light.front_zen_ge 'Front Light' = off;silver (166, 220, 189) media_player.ps5_living_room 'Living room PS5' = idle;vol=0.93 fan.bedroom_right 'Right-side bedroom fan' = on lock.tool_shed 'Tool Shed Lock' = locked light.front_workout_homekit 'Front Workout Light' = on;65% switch.study_room_lights 'Study Room Lights Switch' = on todo.grocery_shopping_list = 3 fan.kitchen_2 'Kitchen Fans' = off light.side_hallway_hue 'Side Hallway Hue' = on;mediumpurple (156, 153, 250);48% light.back_fireplace_lifx 'Back Fireplace Light' = on;violet (233, 123, 243);36% light.upstairs_entryway_zwave 'Upstairs Entryway Light' = on;darkslateblue (105, 68, 127);69% light.upstairs_sunroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Sunroom Light' = on media_player.xbox_one 'Xbox One' = off light.dining_room_1 'Dining Room Light' = off;yellowgreen (151, 202, 39);36% timer.entryway_chandelier 'Entryway chandelier timer' = active switch.bedroom_lights 'Bedroom Lights Switch' = on switch.hallway_lights 'Hallway Lights Switch' = off light.front_closet_homekit 'Front Closet Light' = on;84% light.upstairs_stairwell_zigbee 'Upstairs Stairwell Light' = off;slateblue (96, 121, 205);79% vacuum.upstairs_bathroom_vac 'Upstairs bathroom helper' = docked
what is the current number of items on your grocery shopping organizer?
yes, there are currently 3 items on your grocery shopping organizer.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: light.garden_2 'Garden Light' = on;dimgray (116, 80, 144);83% light.upstairs_attic_zwave 'Upstairs Attic Light' = off;34% media_player.apple_tv 'Apple TV media player' = off light.garage_workbench_cool 'Garage Workbench Cool Light' = on;71% light.back_playroom_lifx 'Back Playroom Light' = off;purple (111, 34, 96) fan.bathroom_down 'Fan in downstairs bathroom' = off light.living_room 'Living Room Light' = on;42% switch.kitchen_lights 'Kitchen Lights Switch' = on cover.guest_room 'Guest Room Blinds' = open light.driveway 'Driveway Light' = off;mediumaquamarine (99, 189, 164);13% todo.weekend_projects = 3 light.kitchen_fridge_warm 'Kitchen Fridge Warm Light' = off;87% lock.yale_living 'Yale Living Room' = locked light.patio 'Patio Light' = off;30% light.basement_workshop_mqtt 'Basement Workshop Light' = on;thistle (213, 193, 251);24%
what is the current number of items on your weekend diy projects list?
yes, there are currently 3 items on your weekend diy projects list.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: light.kitchen_bar_warm 'Kitchen Bar Warm Light' = off light.back_washroom_lifx 'Back Washroom Light' = off;85% light.attic 'Attic Light' = off;58% fan.laundry_room 'Laundry room fan' = off lock.ski_storage 'Ski Storage Lock' = unlocked switch.boathouse_lights 'Boathouse Lights Switch' = on switch.playroom_lights 'Playroom Lights Switch' = off media_player.entryway_voice_assistant 'Entryway Voice Assistant' = off media_player.lounge_hi_fi_system 'Lounge Hi-Fi Audio' = on;Game of Thrones: S3(Viva SC/Rpkg/DVD);vol=0.89 light.upstairs_guest_bedroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Guest Bedroom Light' = off;mediumpurple (156, 119, 250) light.kitchen_sink_cool 'Kitchen Sink Cool Light' = off;10% cover.spare 'Spare Garage Door' = closed switch.porch_lights 'Porch Lights Switch' = on fan.living_room 'Living Room Fan' = off climate.thermostat_lux_geo 'Lux Geo Wi-Fi Thermostat' = off;On High;71F;80% cover.liftmaster_2 'LiftMaster' = open lock.nursery 'Nursery Door Lock' = unlocked todo.bill_payment_reminders = 4
how many objects are there on the bill payment reminders presently?
yes, there are 4 objects presently on the bill payment reminders.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration) Devices: lock.electric_gate 'Electric gate lock' = locked light.back_mudroom_warm 'Back Mudroom Warm Light' = on;limegreen (24, 239, 46) todo.anniversary_planner = 4 light.downstairs_cinema_mqtt 'Downstairs Cinema Light' = off;71% light.garage_osram 'Garage Osram' = off;91% media_player.xbox_one 'Xbox One' = on;The Imitation Game;vol=0.04 fan.garage 'Garage Fan' = off light.living_room_ceiling 'Living Room Ceiling Light' = off;49% cover.living_room_large 'Main living room blinds' = closed media_player.garage_workshop_stereo 'Garage Workshop Stereo' = off switch.pool_area_lighting 'Pool area lighting control' = on timer.laundry_countdown 'Laundry cycle timer' = idle light.master_bedroom_lamp 'Master Bedroom Lamp' = on;powderblue (197, 234, 229);34% switch.rear_yard_lights 'Rear Yard Lights Switch' = off timer.kids_room_nightlight 'Kids room nightlight timer' = active
how many objects are there on the anniversary event planner presently?
yes, there are 4 objects presently on the anniversary event planner.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: media_player.kitchen_radio 'Kitchen Radio Player' = playing;Madea's Family Reunion;vol=0.38 switch.bathroom_fan 'Bathroom Fan Switch' = on todo.book_reading_list = 4 light.back_cinema_lifx 'Back Cinema Light' = off;springgreen (4, 233, 116);92% media_player.harman_kardon_aura 'Harman Kardon Glass Speaker' = on;Black Panther;vol=0.4 light.study_1 'Study Lights' = on;76% cover.wine_cellar 'Wine cellar door' = open vacuum.smart_home_automator 'Smart home cleaning bot' = idle light.patio_1 'Outdoor patio light' = on lock.balcony_door 'Balcony access lock' = unlocked fan.living_room 'Living Room Fan' = off timer.morning_coffee 'Morning coffee brew timer' = active light.front_washroom_homekit 'Front Washroom Light' = on;83% todo.workout_routine_tracker 'Workout routine scheduler' = 24 light.downstairs_mancave_homekit 'Downstairs Man Cave Light' = off;95% light.downstairs_library_homekit 'Downstairs Library Light' = on;dodgerblue (0, 136, 255);60% light.back_utility_warm 'Back Utility Warm Light' = on;mediumaquamarine (97, 201, 179);13% cover.kids_room 'Kids' room blinds' = open lock.wine_cellar 'Wine cellar lock' = locked fan.attic_2 'Attic Fans' = on light.upstairs_sunroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Sunroom Light' = on;darkslategray (15, 91, 49);15% climate.johnson_glas 'Johnson Controls GLAS Smart Thermostat' = heat;On High;15C;54% vacuum.upstairs_bathroom_vac 'Upstairs bathroom helper' = docked
how many objects are there on the reading list organizer presently?
yes, there are 4 objects presently on the reading list organizer.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: light.downstairs_recreation_homekit 'Downstairs Recreation Light' = off light.kitchen_counter_cool 'Kitchen Counter Cool Light' = off;lightcoral (254, 141, 153) media_player.backyard_outdoor_projector 'Backyard Projector' = off cover.chamberlain_1 'Chamberlain' = open light.lifx_master 'Master Light' = on;70% media_player.bose_bedroom 'Bose Bedroom' = off light.back_courtyard_lifx 'Back Courtyard Light' = on light.outdoor 'Outdoor Lights' = on;steelblue (41, 128, 152);34% lock.yale_living 'Yale Living Room' = unlocked light.upstairs_balcony_zwave 'Upstairs Balcony Light' = on;tomato (252, 102, 88) light.back_sideyard_warm 'Back Side Yard Warm Light' = on;mediumaquamarine (129, 199, 165) todo.recipe_collection 'Recipe collection' = 15 light.kitchen_freezer_warm 'Kitchen Freezer Light' = on;dodgerblue (37, 145, 247);69% light.back_workout_lifx 'Back Workout Light' = off light.kitchen_floor_cool 'Kitchen Floor Cool Light' = on;77% media_player.chrome_cast_bedroom 'Bedroom Chromecast' = off media_player.home_theater_system_living_room 'Living Room Home Theater' = off 'Kitchen Blinds' = closed todo.workout_routine_tracker = 4 switch.irrigation_system 'Irrigation System Switch' = off light.downstairs_master_bedroom_homekit 'Downstairs Master Bedroom Light' = off;darkslategray (56, 36, 55) fan.attic_ventilation 'Attic ventilation fan' = on switch.security_system 'Security system switch' = off cover.basement 'Basement Garage Door' = open light.front_bedroom_homekit 'Front Bedroom Light' = off;limegreen (53, 212, 53);49% climate.honeywell_lyric_t6 'Honeywell Lyric T6 Pro' = heat;Auto Low;68F;23%
how many objects are there on the workout routine scheduler presently?
yes, there are 4 objects presently on the workout routine scheduler.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: lock.driveway_gate 'Driveway gate lock' = locked fan.guest_room 'Guest Room Fan' = off fan.laundry_room 'Laundry room fan' = off todo.warranty_tracker = 4 cover.main 'Main Garage Door' = open lock.rear_gate 'Rear gate lock' = unlocked light.kitchen_trashbin_cool 'Kitchen Trash Bin Cool Light' = off;darkseagreen (161, 211, 140);20% light.kitchen_ceiling_cool 'Kitchen Ceiling Cool Light' = on fan.attic_2 'Attic Fans' = on media_player.denon_av_receiver 'Denon Audio-Video Receiver' = off light.front_fireplace_homekit 'Front Fireplace Light' = off cover.upper_level 'Upper Level Garage' = open 'Loft Lock' = locked light.kitchen_window_cool 'Kitchen Window Cool Light' = on;lightseagreen (59, 167, 169);80% 'Kitchen Media Player' = off light.front_lounge_ge 'Front Lounge Light' = on switch.home_theater_lighting 'Home theater lights control' = off climate.tado_smart 'Tado Smart Thermostat' = heat_cool;On Low;19C;46% light.hallway 'Hallway Light' = off;mediumorchid (203, 82, 227) light.kitchen_freezer_warm 'Kitchen Freezer Light' = on;87% light.garden_path 'Garden path lighting' = off;darkslategray (49, 95, 58);54% lock.home_theater 'Home Theater Lock' = locked
how many objects are there on the warranty expiration tracker presently?
yes, there are 4 objects presently on the warranty expiration tracker.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: light.philips_hue_2 'Philips Hue' = on cover.chamberlain_1 'Chamberlain' = open light.upstairs_sitting_zwave 'Upstairs Sitting Room Light' = off;yellowgreen (133, 234, 46);54% media_player.home_theater 'Home Theater Media' = off media_player.garage_workshop_stereo 'Garage Workshop Stereo' = off cover.sunroom 'Sunroom Blinds' = open light.master_bedroom_2 'Master Bedroom Lights' = on;44% media_player.roku_living 'Roku Living Room' = standby;vol=0.3 todo.subscription_management = 4 vacuum.hallway_neato 'Hallway path cleaner' = docked light.back_stairwell_warm 'Back Stairwell Warm Light' = off;yellowgreen (169, 204, 13);74% cover.front_window 'Front Window Blinds' = closed light.living_room_2 'Living Room Lights' = off;30% switch.loft_lights 'Loft Lights Switch' = on light.kitchen_display_warm 'Kitchen Display Warm Light' = on;lightgreen (171, 241, 109) light.upstairs_arcade_zigbee 'Upstairs Arcade Light' = on;64% light.back_cinema_lifx 'Back Cinema Light' = on;29% light.downstairs_cinema_mqtt 'Downstairs Cinema Light' = on cover.garage 'Garage Blinds' = open light.front_office_mqtt 'Front Office Light' = off light.attic 'Attic Light' = off;22% switch.sunroom_lights 'Sunroom Lights Switch' = off switch.living_room_lights 'Living Room Lights Switch' = on light.office_desk 'Office Desk Light' = on;turquoise (58, 237, 189);5%
how many objects are there on the subscription management tool presently?
yes, there are 4 objects presently on the subscription management tool.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: climate.johnson_glas 'Johnson Controls GLAS Smart Thermostat' = off;Auto Low;80F;46% switch.under_cabinet_lights 'Under Cabinet Lights Switch' = off light.yeelight_smart 'Yeelight Smart Light' = on;98% todo.insurance_renewal_alerts = 4 timer.driveway_security_lights 'Driveway security timer' = active light.upstairs_hallway_zwave 'Upstairs Hallway Light' = on;mediumorchid (234, 51, 222);91% cover.nursery 'Nursery Blinds' = closed lock.pantry 'Pantry Lock' = unlocked light.downstairs_entryway_mqtt 'Downstairs Entryway Light' = on;11% switch.pantry_lights 'Pantry Lights Switch' = on lock.mudroom 'Mudroom Lock' = unlocked fan.outdoor 'Outdoor fan' = off light.downstairs_office_mqtt 'Downstairs Office Light' = off;springgreen (2, 203, 115);65% light.upstairs_closet_zwave 'Upstairs Closet Light' = on;46% vacuum.basement_deebot 'Basement deebot' = docked light.kitchen_sideboard_cool 'Kitchen Sideboard Cool Light' = on;4% switch.loft_lights 'Loft Lights Switch' = on fan.bedroom_master 'Master Bedroom Fan' = off light.upstairs_bathroom_homekit 'Upstairs Bathroom Light' = on;62% cover.guest_bathroom 'Guest bathroom blinds' = open light.back_office_lifx 'Back Office Light' = on;42% switch.utility_room_lights 'Utility Room Lights Switch' = off light.upstairs_fireplace_zwave 'Upstairs Fireplace Light' = on;37% cover.sunroom 'Sunroom Blinds' = closed
how many objects are there on the insurance renewal alerts presently?
yes, there are 4 objects presently on the insurance renewal alerts.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: media_player.bose_bedroom 'Bose Bedroom' = off lock.driveway_gate 'Driveway gate lock' = locked light.upstairs_mudroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Mudroom Light' = on;darkorchid (177, 45, 213);35% light.chandelier_front_hallway 'Front Hallway Chandelier' = on;24% 'Office Fan' = off light.upstairs_library_zigbee 'Upstairs Library Light' = on;75% light.back_yard_zwave 'Back Yard Light' = off;turquoise (37, 226, 218);57% light.upstairs_master_bedroom_hue 'Upstairs Master Bedroom Hue' = off;29% switch.laundry_room_lights 'Laundry Room Lights Switch' = off light.kitchen_oven_warm 'Kitchen Oven Warm Light' = off;mediumvioletred (195, 31, 136) lock.tool_shed 'Tool Shed Lock' = unlocked todo.warranty_tracker = 4
how many objects are there on the warranty expiration tracker presently?
yes, there are 4 objects presently on the warranty expiration tracker.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration) Devices: light.downstairs_playroom_mqtt 'Downstairs Playroom Light' = off;lightsteelblue (188, 172, 233);92% climate.emerson_sensi_touch 'Emerson Sensi Touch Wi-Fi Thermostat' = fan_only;Off;73F;12% light.front_entryway_homekit 'Front Entryway Light' = on;silver (193, 199, 203);0% media_player.bose_bedroom 'Bose Bedroom' = idle;vol=0.84 light.front_porch 'Front Porch Light' = off;60% timer.morning_coffee 'Morning coffee brew timer' = active switch.under_cabinet_lights 'Under Cabinet Lights Switch' = off light.kitchen_windowseat_warm 'Kitchen Window Seat Warm Light' = off;7% todo.family_event_planner = 4 media_player.patio_outdoor_speakers 'Patio Outdoor Speakers' = off light.upstairs_balcony_zwave 'Upstairs Balcony Light' = off;63% light.workbench 'Garage workbench light' = on;75% cover.boat 'Boat storage door' = open fan.indoor_gym 'Indoor Gym Fan' = off light.front_lounge_ge 'Front Lounge Light' = off;mediumblue (8, 22, 199);41% lock.secure_storage 'Secure storage lock' = unlocked light.downstairs_bathroom_warm 'Downstairs Bathroom Warm Light' = on;chocolate (184, 101, 27) lock.gym 'Home Gym Lock' = locked light.master_bedroom_1 'Master Bedroom Lights' = on;80% light.upstairs_library_zigbee 'Upstairs Library Light' = on;firebrick (202, 42, 19);82% light.kitchen_ceiling_cool 'Kitchen Ceiling Cool Light' = off;tan (201, 163, 144);63% switch.utility_room_lights 'Utility Room Lights Switch' = on light.kitchen_cornice_warm 'Kitchen Cornice Warm Light' = off;87% media_player.lounge_hi_fi_system 'Lounge Hi-Fi Audio' = off cover.basement 'Basement Garage Door' = closed cover.shed_1 'First shed door' = open switch.front_yard_lights 'Front Yard Lights Switch' = on fan.living_room_1 'Living Room fan' = off switch.deck_lights 'Deck Lighting Switch' = on light.front_office_mqtt 'Front Office Light' = off;sandybrown (221, 173, 102);33% lock.pool_gate 'Pool Gate Lock' = locked fan.ceiling_2 'Ceiling Fans' = on
how many objects are there on the family event planner presently?
yes, there are 4 objects presently on the family event planner.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: light.bathroom_2 'Bathroom Light' = on;73% todo.subscription_management = 4 media_player.lounge_hi_fi_system 'Lounge Hi-Fi Audio' = off fan.front_porch 'Front Porch Fan' = off light.back_library_warm 'Back Library Warm Light' = off switch.zoo_enclosure_lighting 'Zoo enclosure lighting control' = on lock.bike_rack 'Bike rack lock' = unlocked cover.bathroom_1 'First bathroom blinds' = closed light.kitchen_2 'Second Kitchen Light' = off;lightgreen (132, 254, 119);46% light.front_playroom_homekit 'Front Playroom Light' = on;brown (173, 41, 65) fan.shed 'Shed fan' = off
how many objects are there on the subscription management tool presently?
yes, there are 4 objects presently on the subscription management tool.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: lock.utility_room 'Utility room lock' = unlocked light.front_basement_homekit 'Front Basement Light' = on;26% lock.workshop_cabinet 'Workshop cabinet lock' = locked todo.weekend_projects = 4 cover.main 'Main Garage Door' = closed fan.back_porch 'Back Porch Fan' = on
how many objects are there on the weekend diy projects list presently?
yes, there are 4 objects presently on the weekend diy projects list.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: fan.living_room 'Living Room Fan' = off todo.anniversary_planner 'Anniversary event planner' = 16 switch.irrigation_system 'Irrigation System Switch' = on switch.balcony_lighting 'Balcony lighting control' = off media_player.study_room_audio_book_player 'Study Audio Book Player' = off cover.living_room_large 'Main living room blinds' = closed light.downstairs_utility_homekit 'Downstairs Utility Light' = off fan.kids_room 'Kids' room fan' = off lock.walk_in_closet 'Walk-In Closet Lock' = locked todo.car_maintenance_log = 4 light.downstairs_sideyard_homekit 'Downstairs Side Yard Light' = off;45%
how many objects are there on the car maintenance tracker presently?
yes, there are 4 objects presently on the car maintenance tracker.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: light.upstairs_attic_zwave 'Upstairs Attic Light' = off;lightcyan (210, 247, 237) light.upstairs_sitting_zwave 'Upstairs Sitting Room Light' = off lock.service_entrance 'Service entrance lock' = locked light.living_room 'Living Room Light' = off;darkorchid (167, 65, 177);29% switch.irrigation_system 'Irrigation System Switch' = on todo.anniversary_planner = 5 vacuum.smart_home_automator 'Smart home cleaning bot' = docked light.upstairs_study_zwave 'Upstairs Study Light' = on;1% cover.one_car 'One Car Garage' = open switch.bedroom_lights 'Bedroom Lights Switch' = off lock.driveway_gate 'Driveway gate lock' = locked light.downstairs_washroom_mqtt 'Downstairs Washroom Light' = off;lightseagreen (53, 197, 149);31% light.living_room_ceiling 'Living Room Ceiling Light' = on;26%
could you tell me how many pieces there are on the anniversary event planner at this time?
i can tell you that there are 5 pieces on the anniversary event planner at this time.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration) Devices: light.downstairs_tv_room_homekit 'Downstairs TV Room Light' = off;deeppink (232, 12, 186);94% light.front_attic_homekit 'Front Attic Light' = off;87% todo.home_renovation_planner = 5 cover.lawn_equipment 'Lawn equipment door' = open 'Kitchen Light' = off;darkolivegreen (73, 122, 10);24% light.hot_tub 'Hot tub lighting' = off;26% light.downstairs_mudroom_homekit 'Downstairs Mudroom Light' = on;39% cover.somfy_living 'Living Room Blinds' = closed light.kitchen_pantry_cool 'Kitchen Pantry Cool Light' = on;mediumturquoise (66, 191, 237);31% lock.mudroom 'Mudroom Lock' = locked light.kitchen_table_warm 'Kitchen Table Warm Light' = on;forestgreen (38, 141, 49);26% lock.mailbox 'Secure mailbox lock' = unlocked light.upstairs_master_bedroom_hue 'Upstairs Master Bedroom Hue' = off timer.downstairs_closet_light 'Downstairs closet timer' = active switch.bathroom_fan 'Bathroom Fan Switch' = off climate.nest_learning 'Nest Learning Thermostat' = off;On High;63F;79% 'Kitchen Fan' = off light.philips_hue_1 'Philips Hue' = off;darkslategray (71, 21, 54);6% light.downstairs_washroom_mqtt 'Downstairs Washroom Light' = on;royalblue (52, 69, 202);61% lock.laundry_room 'Laundry Room Lock' = unlocked light.upstairs_stairwell_zigbee 'Upstairs Stairwell Light' = off light.front_playroom_homekit 'Front Playroom Light' = on;86% media_player.nintendo_switch 'Nintendo Switch' = off light.bathroom_mirror 'Mirror lights' = off;mediumpurple (152, 146, 207) 'Office Lock' = unlocked media_player.sonos_kitchen 'Sonos Kitchen' = off
could you tell me how many pieces there are on the home renovation scheduler at this time?
i can tell you that there are 5 pieces on the home renovation scheduler at this time.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: lock.laundry_room 'Laundry Room Lock' = unlocked light.upstairs_dining_zigbee 'Upstairs Dining Light' = off;59% light.back_bedroom_warm 'Back Bedroom Warm Light' = off;firebrick (162, 1, 46) fan.study_1 'Study fan' = off todo.car_maintenance_log = 5
could you tell me how many pieces there are on the car maintenance tracker at this time?
i can tell you that there are 5 pieces on the car maintenance tracker at this time.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: lock.greenhouse 'Greenhouse Lock' = unlocked lock.service_entrance 'Service entrance lock' = unlocked media_player.roku_living 'Roku Living Room' = on;The Last Samurai [Widescreen] by Tom Cruise;vol=0.71 vacuum.dining_area_bissel 'Dining area dirt remover' = docked fan.porch 'Porch ceiling fan' = on switch.attic_lights 'Attic Lights Switch' = on todo.family_event_planner = 5 lock.dining_room 'Dining Room Lock' = unlocked light.dining_room_chandelier 'Dining Room Chandelier' = off light.downstairs_mancave_homekit 'Downstairs Man Cave Light' = off;62% light.deck_left 'Left deck light' = on;61% light.front_bedroom_homekit 'Front Bedroom Light' = off;9% lock.fence_gate 'Fence gate lock' = locked media_player.sonos_beam 'Sonos Compact Soundbar' = on;When the Game Stands Tall;vol=0.74 light.downstairs_sideyard_homekit 'Downstairs Side Yard Light' = off;darkslateblue (105, 60, 113);46% light.back_fireplace_lifx 'Back Fireplace Light' = on;deeppink (227, 3, 192);65% light.front_dining_ge 'Front Dining Light' = on;4% lock.yale_kitchen 'Yale Kitchen' = locked cover.side_2 'Side garage door' = open light.upstairs_fireplace_zwave 'Upstairs Fireplace Light' = off light.office_2 'Office Light' = on;58% vacuum.left_corner_bot 'Left corner dirt sucker' = cleaning lock.bike_rack 'Bike rack lock' = locked light.study_2 'Study Lights' = off;74% lock.yale_living 'Yale Living Room' = unlocked
could you tell me how many pieces there are on the family event planner at this time?
i can tell you that there are 5 pieces on the family event planner at this time.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: switch.loft_lights 'Loft Lights Switch' = on switch.irrigation_system 'Irrigation System Switch' = off lock.gun_safe 'Gun safe lock' = unlocked light.aquarium 'Aquarium Light' = off;mediumseagreen (91, 224, 103);50% lock.porch_door 'Porch door lock' = locked todo.grocery_shopping_list = 5 fan.study_2 'Study fan' = on lock.filing_room 'Filing Room Lock' = locked
could you tell me how many pieces there are on the grocery shopping organizer at this time?
i can tell you that there are 5 pieces on the grocery shopping organizer at this time.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: lock.safety_deposit 'Safety deposit box' = locked todo.pet_vaccination_schedule = 5 media_player.panasonic_4k_bluray_player 'Panasonic Blueray Player' = on;Yes;vol=0.28 switch.water_feature_lights 'Water Feature Lights Switch' = on light.front_porch 'Front Porch Light' = off;indigo (91, 3, 97);64% cover.wine_cellar 'Wine cellar door' = closed cover.kids_room 'Kids' room blinds' = closed todo.insurance_renewal_alerts 'Insurance renewal alerts' = 12 light.kitchen_windowseat_warm 'Kitchen Window Seat Warm Light' = off;39% light.front_courtyard_homekit 'Front Courtyard Light' = off light.back_tv_room_warm 'Back TV Room Warm Light' = off;seagreen (13, 118, 86);0% media_player.patio_outdoor_speakers 'Patio Outdoor Speakers' = idle;vol=0.74 light.back_sideyard_warm 'Back Side Yard Warm Light' = on;lightgreen (90, 246, 102);19% todo.bill_payment_reminders 'Bill payment reminders' = 3 light.above_dining_table 'Dining Table Light' = off;crimson (202, 18, 70);22% light.downstairs_balcony_mqtt 'Downstairs Balcony Light' = off;81% light.front_cinema_homekit 'Front Cinema Light' = off;23% light.downstairs_recreation_homekit 'Downstairs Recreation Light' = off;darkslateblue (65, 59, 181) media_player.apple_tv_4k 'Apple 4K Streaming Device' = idle;vol=0.11 cover.bike_storage 'Bike Storage Garage' = open cover.two_car 'Two Car Garage' = closed media_player.samsung_qled_tv 'Samsung Quantum Dot TV' = off 'Loft Lock' = unlocked cover.bathroom_1 'First bathroom blinds' = closed light.downstairs_stairwell_homekit 'Downstairs Stairwell Light' = on media_player.echo_dot 'Kitchen Echo Dot' = on;The Virginian: Season 2;vol=0.29 light.kitchen_window_cool 'Kitchen Window Cool Light' = off;75%
could you tell me how many pieces there are on the pet vaccination scheduler at this time?
i can tell you that there are 5 pieces on the pet vaccination scheduler at this time.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration) Devices: lock.kennel 'Animal Kennel Lock' = locked timer.backyard_floodlights 'Backyard floodlight controller' = paused light.downstairs_mancave_homekit 'Downstairs Man Cave Light' = on;25% todo.anniversary_planner 'Anniversary event planner' = 17 light.front_washroom_homekit 'Front Washroom Light' = on todo.daily_chores_list = 5 lock.laundry_room 'Laundry Room Lock' = locked lock.workshop_cabinet 'Workshop cabinet lock' = unlocked
could you tell me how many pieces there are on the daily chores tracker at this time?
i can tell you that there are 5 pieces on the daily chores tracker at this time.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: media_player.nintendo_switch_dock 'Nintendo Console Dock' = off vacuum.downstairs_guest_room 'Downstairs guest room vac' = docked vacuum.hallway_neato 'Hallway path cleaner' = cleaning light.upstairs_observatory_zigbee 'Upstairs Observatory Light' = on;olivedrab (144, 147, 31);95% light.downstairs_master_bedroom_homekit 'Downstairs Master Bedroom Light' = on;deeppink (225, 48, 170);70% light.front_bedroom_homekit 'Front Bedroom Light' = off;brown (166, 56, 73);36% switch.living_room_lights 'Living Room Lights Switch' = off lock.back_door 'Backyard entry lock' = unlocked light.downstairs_lounge_homekit 'Downstairs Lounge Light' = on;firebrick (184, 23, 26);66% fan.bathroom 'Bathroom Fan' = off vacuum.upstairs_bathroom_vac 'Upstairs bathroom helper' = cleaning light.hallway 'Hallway Light' = off;91% lock.greenhouse 'Greenhouse Lock' = unlocked lock.pantry 'Pantry Lock' = locked light.kitchen_mirror_cool 'Kitchen Mirror Cool Light' = on;85% switch.utility_room_lights 'Utility Room Lights Switch' = off cover.wine_cellar 'Wine cellar door' = open todo.recipe_collection 'Recipe collection' = 31 light.back_sitting_lifx 'Back Sitting Room Light' = off;darkslateblue (92, 51, 119);87% switch.driveway_lights 'Driveway lighting control' = off todo.workout_routine_tracker = 5 light.downstairs_basement_mqtt 'Downstairs Basement Light' = off light.bathroom 'Bathroom Light' = on;55% 'Loft Lock' = unlocked lock.tool_shed 'Tool shed lock' = unlocked light.downstairs_observatory_homekit 'Downstairs Observatory Light' = on lock.file_cabinet 'File cabinet lock' = unlocked
could you tell me how many pieces there are on the workout routine scheduler at this time?
i can tell you that there are 5 pieces on the workout routine scheduler at this time.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: light.downstairs_mancave_homekit 'Downstairs Man Cave Light' = off;51% light.upstairs_sunroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Sunroom Light' = on;4% light.bathroom_1 'Bathroom Light' = on;blueviolet (126, 60, 249);38% light.workbench 'Garage workbench light' = off;12% lock.terrace_door 'Terrace door lock' = locked todo.warranty_tracker = 5 vacuum.kitchen_xiaomi 'Kitchen vacuum' = cleaning light.upstairs_attic_zwave 'Upstairs Attic Light' = off;84% fan.kids_room 'Kids' room fan' = off fan.back_porch 'Back Porch Fan' = on light.downstairs_livingroom_lifx 'Downstairs Living Room Light' = off;75% light.upstairs_zen_zigbee 'Upstairs Zen Light' = on;darkkhaki (191, 179, 96);44% lock.front_gate 'Front Gate Lock' = locked light.downstairs_pantry_mqtt 'Downstairs Pantry Light' = off;crimson (214, 6, 96);84% light.dining_room 'Dining Room Light' = on;lightcoral (240, 128, 141);18% light.front_office_mqtt 'Front Office Light' = off;lightpink (234, 171, 193) cover.living_room 'Living Room Blinds' = open light.basement 'Basement Light' = off cover.basement 'Basement Blinds' = closed media_player.attic_vinyl_turntable 'Attic Vinyl Record Player' = off media_player.master_bedroom 'Master Bedroom Media' = off light.front_yard 'Front yard lighting' = on;blueviolet (96, 30, 217);51%
could you tell me how many pieces there are on the warranty expiration tracker at this time?
i can tell you that there are 5 pieces on the warranty expiration tracker at this time.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: fan.study_1 'Study fan' = on todo.kids_homework_deadlines = 5 cover.somfy_living 'Living Room Blinds' = open
could you tell me how many pieces there are on the kids homework deadlines at this time?
i can tell you that there are 5 pieces on the kids homework deadlines at this time.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: light.front_balcony_homekit 'Front Balcony Light' = on;magenta (223, 16, 211);74% switch.office_lights 'Office Lights Switch' = off lock.home_theater 'Home Theater Lock' = locked light.garage_osram 'Garage Osram' = off;limegreen (67, 244, 53);45% vacuum.left_corner_bot 'Left corner dirt sucker' = docked light.kitchen_cabinet_warm 'Kitchen Cabinet Warm Light' = off;limegreen (36, 208, 25);54% light.yeelight_smart 'Yeelight Smart Light' = on light.kitchen_windowseat_warm 'Kitchen Window Seat Warm Light' = on;darkslategray (16, 91, 98);6% light.kitchen_trashbin_cool 'Kitchen Trash Bin Cool Light' = on;green (11, 128, 14);95% light.aquarium 'Aquarium Light' = on;lawngreen (103, 235, 30) light.back_courtyard_lifx 'Back Courtyard Light' = off;brown (123, 11, 59);88% vacuum.hallway_neato 'Hallway path cleaner' = docked 'Studio Lock' = unlocked lock.filing_room 'Filing Room Lock' = locked lock.guest_room 'Guest Room Lock' = locked 'Office Media Player' = off lock.front_door 'Front Door Lock' = unlocked switch.driveway_lights 'Driveway lighting control' = off switch.master_bedroom_lights 'Master Bedroom Lights Switch' = on light.front_bedroom_homekit 'Front Bedroom Light' = off;18% light.driveway 'Driveway Light' = off;49% light.back_tv_room_warm 'Back TV Room Warm Light' = on light.garage_workbench_cool 'Garage Workbench Cool Light' = on;92% todo.grocery_shopping_list = 5 light.downstairs_observatory_homekit 'Downstairs Observatory Light' = on;mediumpurple (179, 142, 235);52% todo.family_event_planner 'Family event planner' = 17 light.dining_room 'Dining Room Light' = on;4% media_player.samsung_hw_q90r 'Samsung Surround Soundbar' = playing;Marley & Me / Mr Popper's Penguins / Mrs Doubtfire / We Bought a Zoo Quad Feature;vol=0.33 lock.utility_room 'Utility room lock' = unlocked lock.bike_storage 'Bike Storage Lock' = unlocked light.upstairs_sunroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Sunroom Light' = on;22% light.philips_hue_2 'Philips Hue' = on;61% fan.bedroom 'Bedroom Fan' = on
could you tell me how many pieces there are on the grocery shopping organizer at this time?
i can tell you that there are 5 pieces on the grocery shopping organizer at this time.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: lock.sunroom 'Sunroom Lock' = unlocked light.kitchen_table_warm 'Kitchen Table Warm Light' = on cover.patio 'Patio Blinds' = closed fan.laundry_room 'Laundry room fan' = off light.front_dining_ge 'Front Dining Light' = off;2% lock.den 'Den Lock' = locked switch.study_room_lights 'Study Room Lights Switch' = on light.kitchen_pantry_cool 'Kitchen Pantry Cool Light' = off;21% cover.back_window 'Back Window Blinds' = open todo.pet_vaccination_schedule = 5 light.downstairs_mancave_homekit 'Downstairs Man Cave Light' = on;2% todo.kids_homework_deadlines 'Kids homework deadlines' = 29 cover.golf_cart 'Golf cart door' = closed 'Workshop Garage Door' = open media_player.garage 'Garage Media Player' = standby;vol=0.23 switch.bedroom_lights 'Bedroom Lights Switch' = off light.kitchen_desk_warm 'Kitchen Desk Warm Light' = off;deeppink (234, 41, 151)
could you tell me how many pieces there are on the pet vaccination scheduler at this time?
i can tell you that there are 5 pieces on the pet vaccination scheduler at this time.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: media_player.onkyo_tx_sr 'Onkyo Home Theater Receiver' = standby;vol=0.35 todo.birthday_reminder_list = 6 light.front_bedroom_homekit 'Front Bedroom Light' = on;whitesmoke (238, 243, 235)
what's the count of items on the birthday reminder list now?
the count of items on the birthday reminder list now is 6.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration) Devices: cover.golf_cart 'Golf Cart Garage' = closed light.downstairs_zen_homekit 'Downstairs Zen Light' = off;12% cover.nursery 'Nursery Blinds' = closed lock.front_gate 'Front Gate Lock' = unlocked todo.warranty_tracker 'Warranty expiration tracker' = 0 timer.front_porch_lights 'Front porch light timer' = idle 'Kitchen Fan' = on light.downstairs_washroom_mqtt 'Downstairs Washroom Light' = off;darkslateblue (116, 55, 148) lock.storage_room 'Storage Room Lock' = unlocked light.kitchen_island_cool 'Kitchen Island Cool Light' = off;cadetblue (73, 165, 178);55% switch.shed_lights 'Shed Lights Switch' = off lock.side_door 'Side entry lock' = unlocked light.downstairs_entryway_mqtt 'Downstairs Entryway Light' = off light.back_family_room_warm 'Back Family Room Warm Light' = on;darkslategray (43, 35, 41);26% fan.study_2 'Study fan' = on light.patio 'Patio Lights' = on;16% todo.bill_payment_reminders 'Bill payment reminders' = 21 todo.weekend_projects = 6 light.kitchen_microwave_warm 'Kitchen Microwave Warm Light' = off;96% fan.guest_bedroom 'Guest room fan' = off
what's the count of items on the weekend diy projects list now?
the count of items on the weekend diy projects list now is 6.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: climate.johnson_glas 'Johnson Controls GLAS Smart Thermostat' = fan_only;On Low;24C;22% light.bedroom_1 'Bedroom Light' = off;darkslateblue (36, 65, 125);26% light.upstairs_children_bedroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Children's Bedroom Light' = off;14% light.front_stairwell_ge 'Front Stairwell Light' = off;80% media_player.xbox_den 'Den Xbox console' = off light.kitchen_windowseat_warm 'Kitchen Window Seat Warm Light' = on;mediumspringgreen (19, 215, 140);83% light.downstairs_sitting_mqtt 'Downstairs Sitting Room Light' = off todo.car_maintenance_log 'Car maintenance tracker' = 4 switch.water_feature_lights 'Water Feature Lights Switch' = off lock.laundry_room 'Laundry Room Lock' = locked todo.book_reading_list = 6 fan.kids_room 'Kids' room fan' = on lock.closet 'Closet Door Lock' = unlocked light.kitchen_cornice_warm 'Kitchen Cornice Warm Light' = off;61% light.front_washroom_homekit 'Front Washroom Light' = off;saddlebrown (147, 55, 20) switch.playroom_lights 'Playroom Lights Switch' = on light.upstairs_workout_zwave 'Upstairs Workout Light' = on;mediumaquamarine (94, 190, 159);94% light.back_library_warm 'Back Library Warm Light' = off;mediumvioletred (209, 44, 171);59% light.front_living_room_ge 'Front Living Room Light' = off;indigo (65, 14, 176) media_player.lg_oled_tv 'LG OLED Television' = off cover.pet_entry 'Pet entry door' = closed media_player.harman_kardon_aura 'Harman Kardon Glass Speaker' = off light.downstairs_courtyard_mqtt 'Downstairs Courtyard Light' = off vacuum.under_bed_cleaner 'Under bed dust collector' = docked light.kitchen_sideboard_cool 'Kitchen Sideboard Cool Light' = off timer.meditation_clock 'Meditation duration tracker' = active cover.master_bedroom 'Master Bedroom Blinds' = open light.downstairs_utility_homekit 'Downstairs Utility Light' = on switch.kitchen_lights 'Kitchen Lights Switch' = off light.front_fireplace_homekit 'Front Fireplace Light' = off;deeppink (255, 11, 155);4% climate.sinope_smart 'Sinopé Smart Thermostat' = auto;Off;66F;45%
what's the count of items on the reading list organizer now?
the count of items on the reading list organizer now is 6.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: lock.gun_safe 'Gun safe lock' = locked todo.garden_care_schedule = 6 media_player.garage_workshop_stereo 'Garage Workshop Stereo' = on;Castle: Season 8;vol=0.36 lock.closet 'Closet Door Lock' = locked lock.conservatory 'Conservatory Lock' = locked lock.bike_rack 'Bike rack lock' = unlocked light.upstairs_guest_bedroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Guest Bedroom Light' = off;90% media_player.sonos_arc 'Sonos Smart Soundbar' = idle;vol=0.24 light.front_tv_room_ge 'Front TV Room Light' = off;goldenrod (215, 200, 59);51% light.downstairs_study_mqtt 'Downstairs Study Light' = off;crimson (235, 47, 50);29%
what's the count of items on the garden care planner now?
the count of items on the garden care planner now is 6.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: todo.vacation_planning = 6 cover.somfy_living 'Living Room Blinds' = open light.guest_room 'Guest room Lights' = off;black (53, 1, 2);78% light.back_attic_lifx 'Back Attic Light' = on;indigo (71, 4, 57);20% cover.left_door 'Left Garage Door' = open lock.living_room 'Living Room Lock' = unlocked light.philips_hue_1 'Philips Hue' = off;54% fan.attic_ventilation 'Attic ventilation fan' = on fan.ceiling_2 'Ceiling Fans' = on 'Office Blinds' = closed cover.rv_storage 'RV storage door' = closed vacuum.smart_home_automator 'Smart home cleaning bot' = paused media_player.patio 'Patio Media Player' = off switch.study_room_lights 'Study Room Lights Switch' = off switch.living_room_lights 'Living Room Lights Switch' = on switch.pool_area_lighting 'Pool area lighting control' = on light.back_balcony_lifx 'Back Balcony Light' = off timer.morning_coffee 'Morning coffee brew timer' = active vacuum.living_room_roomba 'Living room vacuum' = docked media_player.xbox_den 'Den Xbox console' = standby;vol=0.48 lock.front_door_1 'Main entry lock' = unlocked switch.patio_lights 'Patio Lights Switch' = on light.front_stairwell_ge 'Front Stairwell Light' = off fan.attic_3 'Attic Fans' = on light.kitchen_windowseat_warm 'Kitchen Window Seat Warm Light' = on light.garden_1 'Garden Light' = off;peru (190, 140, 74);38% light.back_pantry_lifx 'Back Pantry Light' = off;darkturquoise (15, 205, 200) media_player.apple_tv_4k 'Apple 4K Streaming Device' = on;Dancer and the Dame;vol=0.89 media_player.nintendo_switch_dock 'Nintendo Console Dock' = idle;vol=0.3 todo.garden_care_schedule 'Garden care planner' = 16 cover.two_car 'Two Car Garage' = closed
what's the count of items on the vacation planning assistant now?
the count of items on the vacation planning assistant now is 6.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: media_player.living_room 'Living Room Media' = off switch.loft_lights 'Loft Lights Switch' = on todo.family_event_planner = 6 media_player.samsung_qled_tv 'Samsung Quantum Dot TV' = off fan.honeywell_turbo 'Honeywell Turbo Fan' = on vacuum.upstairs_dyson 'Upstairs dust buster' = cleaning switch.pantry_lights 'Pantry Lights Switch' = on climate.johnson_glas 'Johnson Controls GLAS Smart Thermostat' = cool;Auto Low;66F;75% light.back_recreation_warm 'Back Recreation Warm Light' = on;black (7, 21, 40) light.downstairs_study_mqtt 'Downstairs Study Light' = off;thistle (214, 198, 213);41% cover.boat 'Boat storage door' = open light.front_utility_ge 'Front Utility Light' = off light.front_den_ge 'Front Den Light' = off;limegreen (88, 222, 21);20% 'Kitchen Light' = on;4% light.upstairs_guest_bedroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Guest Bedroom Light' = on;29% light.bathroom_2 'Bathroom Light' = off;86% media_player.roku_bedroom 'Roku Master Bedroom' = off cover.bathroom_1 'First bathroom blinds' = closed light.garage 'Garage Light' = off;88% fan.attic_1 'Attic Fans' = off media_player.nintendo_switch_dock 'Nintendo Console Dock' = off light.downstairs_bathroom_warm 'Downstairs Bathroom Warm Light' = on;39% climate.emerson_sensi_touch 'Emerson Sensi Touch Wi-Fi Thermostat' = off;Auto High;17C;43% light.kitchen_desk_warm 'Kitchen Desk Warm Light' = off;28%
what's the count of items on the family event planner now?
the count of items on the family event planner now is 6.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: light.kitchen_microwave_warm 'Kitchen Microwave Warm Light' = off;mediumpurple (177, 123, 200) light.upstairs_guest_bedroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Guest Bedroom Light' = off;wheat (245, 220, 190) cover.ikea_smart 'Ikea Smart Blinds' = open vacuum.right_stairwell_sweeper 'Right stairwell cleaner' = docked todo.vacation_planning = 6 lock.filing_room 'Filing Room Lock' = unlocked 'Office Media Player' = off light.upstairs_playroom_zwave 'Upstairs Playroom Light' = off;76% lock.pool_gate 'Pool Gate Lock' = unlocked lock.elevator 'Private Elevator Lock' = unlocked 'Office Lock' = unlocked light.garage 'Garage Light' = on;4% lock.workshop_cabinet 'Workshop cabinet lock' = unlocked switch.pantry_lights 'Pantry Lights Switch' = on light.upstairs_corridor_zigbee 'Upstairs Corridor Light' = on;27% cover.liftmaster_1 'LiftMaster' = closed fan.outdoor_kitchen 'Outdoor kitchen fan' = on light.philips_hue_2 'Philips Hue' = off;lightgreen (107, 235, 93) light.upstairs_attic_zwave 'Upstairs Attic Light' = on media_player.patio_outdoor_speakers 'Patio Outdoor Speakers' = off light.upstairs_observatory_zigbee 'Upstairs Observatory Light' = off;crimson (236, 8, 85) cover.liftmaster_2 'LiftMaster' = closed vacuum.kitchen_xiaomi 'Kitchen vacuum' = docked 'Studio Lock' = unlocked climate.netatmo_smart 'Netatmo Smart Thermostat' = auto;On Low;16C;67%
what's the count of items on the vacation planning assistant now?
the count of items on the vacation planning assistant now is 6.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: todo.recipe_collection = 6 light.kitchen_sideboard_cool 'Kitchen Sideboard Cool Light' = off cover.guest_room 'Guest Room Blinds' = open fan.kitchen_island 'Cooling kitchen fan' = on cover.bathroom_1 'First bathroom blinds' = closed cover.back_window 'Back Window Blinds' = open
what's the count of items on the recipe collection now?
the count of items on the recipe collection now is 6.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: todo.warranty_tracker = 6 lock.vehicle_gate 'Vehicle gate lock' = locked media_player.entryway_voice_assistant 'Entryway Voice Assistant' = on;The American President / Dave;vol=0.04 light.back_office_lifx 'Back Office Light' = off;94% light.front_utility_ge 'Front Utility Light' = on;lime (3, 250, 63);37% lock.ski_storage 'Ski Storage Lock' = unlocked
what's the count of items on the warranty expiration tracker now?
the count of items on the warranty expiration tracker now is 6.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: 'Studio Lock' = unlocked todo.garden_care_schedule = 6 light.front_yard 'Front yard lighting' = on;darkkhaki (182, 161, 84);62% light.downstairs_dining_homekit 'Downstairs Dining Light' = on;deeppink (242, 37, 117);73%
what's the count of items on the garden care planner now?
the count of items on the garden care planner now is 6.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: vacuum.upstairs_dyson 'Upstairs dust buster' = cleaning light.upstairs_sunroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Sunroom Light' = on;0% vacuum.basement_deebot 'Basement deebot' = returning todo.pet_vaccination_schedule = 6 fan.patio 'Patio Fan' = on
what's the count of items on the pet vaccination scheduler now?
the count of items on the pet vaccination scheduler now is 6.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: light.back_arcade_warm 'Back Arcade Warm Light' = on;30% media_player.panasonic_4k_bluray_player 'Panasonic Blueray Player' = off lock.elevator 'Private Elevator Lock' = unlocked cover.craft_room 'Craft room blinds' = closed light.downstairs_utility_homekit 'Downstairs Utility Light' = on;orchid (213, 98, 233);31% light.downstairs_mancave_homekit 'Downstairs Man Cave Light' = off;darkmagenta (134, 1, 166) fan.study_1 'Study fan' = on switch.outdoor_security_lights 'Outdoor Security Lights Switch' = on cover.garage 'Garage Blinds' = closed media_player.sony_ps_lx310bt 'Sony Bluetooth Turntable' = idle;vol=0.64 switch.loft_lights 'Loft Lights Switch' = on 'Office Light' = on;greenyellow (171, 232, 76);52% 'Office Fan' = off 'Kitchen Media Player' = off media_player.master_bedroom 'Master Bedroom Media' = off light.bathroom 'Bathroom Light' = off;55% cover.upper_level 'Upper Level Garage' = closed fan.bedroom_master 'Master Bedroom Fan' = on fan.patio 'Patio Fan' = on switch.sauna_lights 'Sauna Lights Switch' = off light.patio_1 'Outdoor patio light' = off;cornflowerblue (108, 173, 245);15% light.front_den_ge 'Front Den Light' = on;6% vacuum.upstairs_dyson 'Upstairs dust buster' = docked light.upstairs_utility_zigbee 'Upstairs Utility Light' = off;85% light.kitchen_desk_warm 'Kitchen Desk Warm Light' = off;86% cover.sunroom 'Sunroom Blinds' = open todo.family_event_planner = 6
what's the count of items on the family event planner now?
the count of items on the family event planner now is 6.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: media_player.fire_tv_stick 'Fire TV Stick' = playing;Revenge: Season 3;vol=0.22 switch.rear_yard_lights 'Rear Yard Lights Switch' = on 'Office Light' = off;pink (254, 173, 217);2% cover.skylight 'Skylight blinds' = open lock.wine_cellar 'Wine cellar lock' = locked light.front_yard_osram 'Front Yard Osram' = on;darkgreen (15, 76, 13);87% cover.front_window 'Front Window Blinds' = closed media_player.sunroom_cd_player 'Sunroom CD Player' = on;Live at Austin City Limits;vol=0.52 light.upstairs_closet_zwave 'Upstairs Closet Light' = on;black (24, 17, 43);20% lock.yale_kitchen 'Yale Kitchen' = unlocked todo.car_maintenance_log = 7 fan.bathroom_down 'Fan in downstairs bathroom' = on light.front_yard 'Front yard lighting' = off;lightgreen (135, 228, 165);94% light.back_mancave_warm 'Back Man Cave Warm Light' = on;91% light.kitchen_fridge_warm 'Kitchen Fridge Warm Light' = off;75% switch.deck_lights 'Deck Lighting Switch' = on vacuum.back_deck_sweeper 'Back deck area cleaner' = cleaning fan.attic_ventilation 'Attic ventilation fan' = on light.kitchen_cabinet_warm 'Kitchen Cabinet Warm Light' = on;52% switch.living_room_lights 'Living Room Lights Switch' = off light.front_mudroom_ge 'Front Mudroom Light' = on;deeppink (255, 32, 180) todo.home_renovation_planner 'Home renovation scheduler' = 0 light.living_room 'Living Room Light' = on;gainsboro (227, 203, 239);57% switch.patio_lights 'Patio Lights Switch' = off switch.closet_lighting 'Closet lighting control' = off lock.driveway_gate 'Driveway gate lock' = unlocked media_player.roku_living 'Roku Living Room' = off lock.file_cabinet 'File cabinet lock' = unlocked switch.conservatory_lights 'Conservatory Lights Switch' = on light.office_1 'Office Light' = off;80% light.hallway 'Hallway Lights' = on;magenta (212, 14, 237) light.front_pantry_homekit 'Front Pantry Light' = off;darkseagreen (122, 193, 128);99% light.kitchen_display_warm 'Kitchen Display Warm Light' = on;63%
how many units can be found on my car maintenance tracker at the present moment?
you will find 7 units on my car maintenance tracker at the present moment.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: media_player.lg_oled_tv 'LG OLED Television' = off fan.study_2 'Study fan' = on climate.tado_smart 'Tado Smart Thermostat' = heat_cool;Off;67F;52% cover.dining_room 'Dining Room Blinds' = closed vacuum.living_room_roomba 'Living room vacuum' = docked todo.home_renovation_planner 'Home renovation scheduler' = 11 switch.guest_room_lights 'Guest Room Lights Switch' = off todo.vacation_planning 'Vacation planning assistant' = 2 cover.living_room_large 'Main living room blinds' = open cover.wine_cellar 'Wine cellar door' = closed todo.kids_homework_deadlines = 7 light.guest_room 'Guest room Lights' = off;sienna (161, 60, 86);48% light.dining_room_3 'Dining Room Light' = off;lightskyblue (130, 238, 245);41% cover.greenhouse 'Greenhouse door' = open switch.terrace_lighting 'Terrace lighting control' = on fan.ceiling_2 'Ceiling Fans' = off todo.warranty_tracker 'Warranty expiration tracker' = 30 fan.dining_room 'Dining Room Fan' = on lock.bedroom_3 'Third Bedroom Lock' = unlocked cover.liftmaster_2 'LiftMaster' = closed fan.dining_area 'Dining Area Fan' = on fan.indoor_gym 'Indoor Gym Fan' = off light.back_stairwell_warm 'Back Stairwell Warm Light' = off;skyblue (95, 198, 240) light.upstairs_library_zigbee 'Upstairs Library Light' = on media_player.apple_tv_4k 'Apple 4K Streaming Device' = idle;vol=0.16 light.front_utility_ge 'Front Utility Light' = off;dimgray (134, 103, 80);14%
how many units can be found on my kids homework deadlines at the present moment?
you will find 7 units on my kids homework deadlines at the present moment.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: light.back_courtyard_lifx 'Back Courtyard Light' = off;rosybrown (162, 117, 173);24% fan.indoor_gym 'Indoor Gym Fan' = on light.kitchen_counter_cool 'Kitchen Counter Cool Light' = on;48% media_player.xbox_one 'Xbox One' = off light.back_zen_warm 'Back Zen Light' = on;100% light.front_courtyard_homekit 'Front Courtyard Light' = on;27% climate.nest_learning 'Nest Learning Thermostat' = heat_cool;Auto High;21C;25% media_player.guest_room_tv_set 'Guest Room Television' = on;Mamá no enRedes;vol=0.38 light.front_tv_room_ge 'Front TV Room Light' = on;55% light.back_arcade_warm 'Back Arcade Warm Light' = off;tomato (230, 73, 67) light.master_bedroom_2 'Master Bedroom Lights' = off light.upstairs_bathroom_homekit 'Upstairs Bathroom Light' = on;mediumorchid (163, 87, 220) cover.side 'Side Garage Door' = open switch.under_cabinet_lights 'Under Cabinet Lights Switch' = off light.patio 'Patio Lights' = off;burlywood (233, 191, 127);69% light.downstairs_zen_homekit 'Downstairs Zen Light' = on light.kitchen_bookshelf_warm 'Kitchen Bookshelf Warm Light' = on;darkolivegreen (93, 74, 26) todo.movie_watchlist = 7 fan.shed 'Shed fan' = off lock.sunroom 'Sunroom Lock' = locked fan.study_1 'Study fan' = on light.back_sitting_lifx 'Back Sitting Room Light' = on;darkcyan (41, 141, 150);21% light.back_bedroom_warm 'Back Bedroom Warm Light' = on
how many units can be found on my movie night watchlist at the present moment?
you will find 7 units on my movie night watchlist at the present moment.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: todo.movie_watchlist 'Movie night watchlist' = 16 lock.attic 'Attic Door Lock' = unlocked fan.living_room_2 'Living Room fan' = off fan.ceiling_2 'Ceiling Fans' = on lock.laundry_room 'Laundry Room Lock' = locked lock.utility_room 'Utility room lock' = locked media_player.epson_home_cinema 'Epson Video Projector' = on;Pacific Rim;vol=0.81 light.living_room_ceiling 'Living Room Ceiling Light' = off;darkslateblue (79, 90, 144);23% fan.nursery 'Nursery Fan' = off todo.book_reading_list 'Reading list organizer' = 27 fan.shed 'Shed fan' = off lock.basement 'Basement Lock' = locked light.downstairs_tv_room_homekit 'Downstairs TV Room Light' = on;mediumslateblue (113, 86, 238);5% light.front_playroom_homekit 'Front Playroom Light' = off;thistle (233, 199, 223);44% lock.porch_door 'Porch door lock' = unlocked light.front_corridor_homekit 'Front Corridor Light' = on;97% fan.kitchen_island 'Cooling kitchen fan' = on media_player.sonos_kitchen 'Sonos Kitchen' = off light.front_zen_ge 'Front Light' = on;64% light.kitchen_freezer_warm 'Kitchen Freezer Light' = off;limegreen (31, 210, 83);87% cover.living_room 'Living Room Blinds' = closed light.kitchen_wall_cool 'Kitchen Wall Cool Light' = off;lightgray (222, 204, 193) light.dining_room 'Dining Room Light' = off;lime (28, 254, 6);1% light.back_family_room_warm 'Back Family Room Warm Light' = off;2% todo.insurance_renewal_alerts 'Insurance renewal alerts' = 9 light.front_fireplace_homekit 'Front Fireplace Light' = on;chocolate (200, 116, 19);23% cover.guest 'Guest Garage Door' = open light.office_2 'Office Light' = on;sandybrown (235, 176, 93);10% switch.attic_lights 'Attic Lights Switch' = off todo.weekend_projects = 7
how many units can be found on my weekend diy projects list at the present moment?
you will find 7 units on my weekend diy projects list at the present moment.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration) Devices: todo.warranty_tracker = 7 light.downstairs_cinema_mqtt 'Downstairs Cinema Light' = off;22% todo.grocery_shopping_list 'Grocery shopping organizer' = 11 timer.my_timer 'Personalized timer' = active switch.outdoor_security_lights 'Outdoor Security Lights Switch' = on cover.greenhouse 'Greenhouse door' = open light.attic 'Attic Light' = off;springgreen (23, 250, 86) light.back_den_warm 'Back Den Warm Light' = on;lightseagreen (42, 150, 146);73% light.nursery 'Nursery Light' = off;11% climate.emerson_sensi_touch 'Emerson Sensi Touch Wi-Fi Thermostat' = heat_cool;Auto Low;74F;71% light.downstairs_office_mqtt 'Downstairs Office Light' = on
how many units can be found on my warranty expiration tracker at the present moment?
you will find 7 units on my warranty expiration tracker at the present moment.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: climate.nest_learning 'Nest Learning Thermostat' = fan_only;Auto Low;73F;14% light.kitchen_wall_cool 'Kitchen Wall Cool Light' = off;gray (132, 145, 100);51% light.backyard 'Backyard Light' = on;olivedrab (104, 145, 25);79% cover.one_car 'One Car Garage' = open light.front_attic_homekit 'Front Attic Light' = on;blueviolet (136, 27, 217) todo.workout_routine_tracker = 7
how many units can be found on my workout routine scheduler at the present moment?
you will find 7 units on my workout routine scheduler at the present moment.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: light.back_entryway_lifx 'Back Entryway Light' = on;mediumseagreen (51, 234, 114) lock.back_door 'Backyard entry lock' = unlocked light.kitchen_table_warm 'Kitchen Table Warm Light' = on;darkolivegreen (59, 79, 2);49% light.back_bedroom_warm 'Back Bedroom Warm Light' = on;red (238, 33, 7);33% lock.porch_door 'Porch door lock' = locked todo.insurance_renewal_alerts = 7 light.upstairs_sitting_zwave 'Upstairs Sitting Room Light' = on;mediumslateblue (121, 77, 229) light.downstairs_arcade_homekit 'Downstairs Arcade Light' = on;87% light.downstairs_utility_homekit 'Downstairs Utility Light' = on;mediumturquoise (104, 217, 207) lock.schlage_smart 'Schlage Smart Lock' = locked lock.pantry 'Pantry Lock' = unlocked light.lifx_master 'Master Light' = off;20% media_player.guest_room_tv_set 'Guest Room Television' = off light.kitchen_2 'Second Kitchen Light' = off;darkkhaki (150, 178, 105)
how many units can be found on my insurance renewal alerts at the present moment?
you will find 7 units on my insurance renewal alerts at the present moment.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: switch.sauna_lights 'Sauna Lights Switch' = on todo.book_reading_list = 7 media_player.panasonic_4k_bluray_player 'Panasonic Blueray Player' = off light.downstairs_livingroom_lifx 'Downstairs Living Room Light' = on;darkseagreen (144, 210, 156) cover.bike_storage 'Bike Storage Garage' = open light.back_library_warm 'Back Library Warm Light' = off;61% cover.bike_shed 'Bike shed door' = closed light.bedroom_2 'Bedroom Light' = on;72% light.front_playroom_homekit 'Front Playroom Light' = on;turquoise (52, 246, 218) lock.yale_kitchen 'Yale Kitchen' = unlocked vacuum.upstairs_dyson 'Upstairs dust buster' = docked switch.home_theater_lighting 'Home theater lights control' = on media_player.bose_home_speaker 'Bose Wireless Speaker' = off media_player.office_pc_speakers 'Office Computer Speakers' = paused;We're the Millers;vol=0.39 cover.patio 'Patio Blinds' = closed
how many units can be found on my reading list organizer at the present moment?
you will find 7 units on my reading list organizer at the present moment.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: vacuum.living_room_roomba 'Living room vacuum' = docked light.upstairs_study_zwave 'Upstairs Study Light' = off light.front_nursery_homekit 'Front Nursery Light' = on;4% light.basement_workshop_mqtt 'Basement Workshop Light' = on;mediumseagreen (84, 169, 113);50% media_player.sunroom_cd_player 'Sunroom CD Player' = off switch.garage_door_opener 'Garage Door Opener Switch' = on light.kitchen_pantry_cool 'Kitchen Pantry Cool Light' = off;20% lock.music_room 'Music Room Lock' = locked light.back_sideyard_warm 'Back Side Yard Warm Light' = off;mediumseagreen (49, 168, 124);5% lock.hallway_closet 'Hallway Closet Lock' = locked timer.driveway_security_lights 'Driveway security timer' = active light.kitchen_floor_cool 'Kitchen Floor Cool Light' = on;peru (205, 156, 77) todo.birthday_reminder_list = 7 light.kitchen_microwave_warm 'Kitchen Microwave Warm Light' = on;indianred (175, 118, 96);98% fan.bathroom 'Bathroom Fan' = on cover.carport 'Carport Garage Door' = open media_player.panasonic_4k_bluray_player 'Panasonic Blueray Player' = off cover.hallway 'Hallway Blinds' = open vacuum.kitchen_xiaomi 'Kitchen vacuum' = docked
how many units can be found on my birthday reminder list at the present moment?
you will find 7 units on my birthday reminder list at the present moment.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: switch.bedroom_lights 'Bedroom Lights Switch' = on light.downstairs_mancave_homekit 'Downstairs Man Cave Light' = off;66% fan.porch 'Porch ceiling fan' = on media_player.backyard_outdoor_projector 'Backyard Projector' = off light.downstairs_corridor_mqtt 'Downstairs Corridor Light' = on;50% todo.home_renovation_planner = 7
how many units can be found on my home renovation scheduler at the present moment?
you will find 7 units on my home renovation scheduler at the present moment.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: media_player.nintendo_switch 'Nintendo Switch' = standby;vol=0.86 todo.kids_homework_deadlines = 7 light.kitchen_sideboard_cool 'Kitchen Sideboard Cool Light' = on;mediumblue (24, 47, 225);46% media_player.attic_vinyl_turntable 'Attic Vinyl Record Player' = on;Psycho;vol=0.14 switch.laundry_room_lights 'Laundry Room Lights Switch' = on cover.living_room 'Living Room Blinds' = closed media_player.lg_oled_tv 'LG OLED Television' = paused;Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure;vol=0.76 media_player.playstation_5 'Sony PS5' = off cover.side_2 'Side garage door' = closed light.back_attic_lifx 'Back Attic Light' = off;darkslateblue (105, 59, 127);31% lock.mailbox 'Secure mailbox lock' = unlocked media_player.google_nest_hub 'Google Assistant Smart Display' = on;Ultimate Nature Collection;vol=0.21 light.outdoor 'Outdoor Lights' = on;mediumvioletred (201, 45, 130);20% vacuum.master_bedroom_shark 'Master bedroom vacuum' = docked light.kitchen_ceiling_cool 'Kitchen Ceiling Cool Light' = on;98% lock.kitchen_door 'Kitchen entry lock' = locked light.living_room_1 'Living Room Lights' = off;mediumvioletred (191, 17, 94);50% cover.skylight 'Skylight Blinds' = closed todo.car_maintenance_log 'Car maintenance tracker' = 19
how many units can be found on my kids homework deadlines at the present moment?
you will find 7 units on my kids homework deadlines at the present moment.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: light.downstairs_playroom_mqtt 'Downstairs Playroom Light' = off;palevioletred (219, 64, 145) light.hallway_upstairs 'Upstairs hallway light' = on;crimson (232, 10, 32);21% light.kitchen_rack_cool 'Kitchen Rack Cool Light' = off;42% switch.bedroom_lights 'Bedroom Lights Switch' = on lock.tool_shed 'Tool shed lock' = unlocked light.basement_storage_cool 'Basement Storage Cool Light' = on;mediumorchid (193, 70, 219);5% switch.security_system 'Security system switch' = on media_player.nintendo_switch 'Nintendo Switch' = paused;Team Umizoomi: Journey to Numberland;vol=0.71 todo.recipe_collection = 7 lock.attic 'Attic Door Lock' = unlocked light.back_cinema_lifx 'Back Cinema Light' = off light.downstairs_entryway_mqtt 'Downstairs Entryway Light' = off;darkolivegreen (80, 97, 50) cover.basement 'Basement Garage Door' = closed
how many units can be found on my recipe collection at the present moment?
you will find 7 units on my recipe collection at the present moment.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration) Devices: light.front_office_mqtt 'Front Office Light' = on;20% lock.vehicle_gate 'Vehicle gate lock' = unlocked todo.subscription_management = 8 light.downstairs_entryway_mqtt 'Downstairs Entryway Light' = on;95% climate.zen_wifi_thermostat 'Zen Thermostat WiFi Edition' = cool;On Low;15C;34% climate.netatmo_smart 'Netatmo Smart Thermostat' = heat;On High;77F;35% media_player.roku_living 'Roku Living Room' = idle;vol=0.1 light.kitchen_bookshelf_warm 'Kitchen Bookshelf Warm Light' = on;firebrick (156, 24, 26);26% media_player.apple_tv_4k 'Apple 4K Streaming Device' = idle;vol=0.39 light.front_pantry_homekit 'Front Pantry Light' = off;35% timer.morning_alarm 'Morning wakeup alarm' = active media_player.roku_bedroom 'Bedroom Roku player' = off light.bathroom_mirror 'Mirror lights' = off;lightslategray (124, 152, 192);27% light.upstairs_fireplace_zwave 'Upstairs Fireplace Light' = off light.front_living_room_ge 'Front Living Room Light' = off;16%
could you inform me as to how many articles are located on the subscription management tool right now?
i'd be happy to inform you that there are 8 articles located on the subscription management tool right now.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: lock.pool_gate 'Swimming pool gate' = locked light.side_hallway_hue 'Side Hallway Hue' = off lock.conservatory 'Conservatory Lock' = unlocked cover.golf_cart 'Golf cart door' = open cover.office_window 'Office Window Blinds' = open todo.grocery_shopping_list 'Grocery shopping organizer' = 1 todo.daily_chores_list 'Daily chores tracker' = 19 todo.weekend_projects = 8 light.study_2 'Study Lights' = off;darkmagenta (157, 34, 137);13% timer.timer0 'General purpose timer' = paused light.dining_room_chandelier 'Dining Room Chandelier' = off;80% light.dining_room_3 'Dining Room Light' = on light.front_sitting_homekit 'Front Sitting Room Light' = off light.back_stairwell_warm 'Back Stairwell Warm Light' = on;gray (130, 142, 109);58% vacuum.downstairs_guest_room 'Downstairs guest room vac' = docked media_player.samsung_tv 'Living room TV' = off lock.bike_rack 'Bike rack lock' = locked cover.upper_level 'Upper Level Garage' = open todo.vacation_planning 'Vacation planning assistant' = 18 lock.pantry 'Pantry Lock' = locked light.kitchen_rack_cool 'Kitchen Rack Cool Light' = off;45% light.downstairs_dining_homekit 'Downstairs Dining Light' = on light.front_sunroom_ge 'Front Sunroom Light' = off;1% media_player.guest_room 'Guest Room Media' = off light.downstairs_corridor_mqtt 'Downstairs Corridor Light' = on;77% media_player.attic_vinyl_turntable 'Attic Vinyl Record Player' = on;Now You See Me 4K Ultra HD;vol=0.82 light.hallway_upstairs 'Upstairs hallway light' = off;mediumturquoise (79, 201, 232) cover.hallway 'Hallway Blinds' = open light.downstairs_courtyard_mqtt 'Downstairs Courtyard Light' = off;51% light.downstairs_library_homekit 'Downstairs Library Light' = off;darkslategray (48, 65, 87);85% light.front_bedroom_homekit 'Front Bedroom Light' = on;hotpink (255, 102, 180)
could you inform me as to how many articles are located on the weekend diy projects list right now?
i'd be happy to inform you that there are 8 articles located on the weekend diy projects list right now.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: light.downstairs_sunroom_homekit 'Downstairs Sunroom Light' = on light.back_observatory_warm 'Back Observatory Warm Light' = off;silver (188, 218, 170) light.downstairs_office_mqtt 'Downstairs Office Light' = on;darkseagreen (153, 187, 118);8% media_player.attic_vinyl_turntable 'Attic Vinyl Record Player' = off lock.stair_gate 'Staircase gate lock' = unlocked todo.insurance_renewal_alerts = 8 todo.vacation_planning 'Vacation planning assistant' = 16 lock.fence_gate 'Fence gate lock' = locked lock.bedroom_3 'Third Bedroom Lock' = unlocked lock.elevator 'Private Elevator Lock' = locked switch.sunroom_lights 'Sunroom Lights Switch' = on light.upstairs_arcade_zigbee 'Upstairs Arcade Light' = off;32% lock.bedroom_2 'Second Bedroom Lock' = locked switch.den_lights 'Den Lights Switch' = on switch.master_bedroom_lights 'Master Bedroom Lights Switch' = off todo.weekend_projects 'Weekend DIY projects list' = 5 todo.workout_routine_tracker 'Workout routine scheduler' = 18 light.downstairs_tv_room_homekit 'Downstairs TV Room Light' = on;blueviolet (109, 27, 187);64% fan.outdoor 'Outdoor fan' = off cover.bike_storage 'Bike Storage Garage' = closed cover.motorcycle 'Motorcycle Garage' = open cover.office_window 'Office Window Blinds' = closed light.bedroom_3 'Bedroom Light' = off;82% light.upstairs_workout_zwave 'Upstairs Workout Light' = on;81% light.back_entryway_lifx 'Back Entryway Light' = off;greenyellow (206, 245, 14);81% lock.sunroom 'Sunroom Lock' = locked light.garage 'Garage Light' = off;76% climate.carrier_cor 'Carrier Cor Wi-Fi Thermostat' = cool;On High;21C;85% todo.movie_watchlist 'Movie night watchlist' = 17 media_player.epson_home_cinema 'Epson Video Projector' = off
could you inform me as to how many articles are located on the insurance renewal alerts right now?
i'd be happy to inform you that there are 8 articles located on the insurance renewal alerts right now.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: fan.guest_bedroom 'Guest room fan' = on media_player.samsung_hw_q90r 'Samsung Surround Soundbar' = off light.kitchen_1 'Main Kitchen Light' = off light.hallway 'Hallway Lights' = off;39% lock.living_room 'Living Room Lock' = locked media_player.sonos_beam 'Sonos Compact Soundbar' = on;Songcatcher;vol=0.92 fan.master_bath 'Master bathroom fan' = on media_player.sony_ps_lx310bt 'Sony Bluetooth Turntable' = idle;vol=0.21 light.back_cinema_lifx 'Back Cinema Light' = off light.front_porch 'Front Porch Light' = on;purple (107, 19, 78) light.downstairs_study_mqtt 'Downstairs Study Light' = off;97% todo.grocery_shopping_list = 8
could you inform me as to how many articles are located on the grocery shopping organizer right now?
i'd be happy to inform you that there are 8 articles located on the grocery shopping organizer right now.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: switch.terrace_lighting 'Terrace lighting control' = on light.garage 'Garage Light' = on;76% cover.patio 'Patio Blinds' = open light.kitchen_1 'Main Kitchen Light' = off;49% light.downstairs_closet_mqtt 'Downstairs Closet Light' = on media_player.dining_room_jukebox 'Dining Room Jukebox' = off vacuum.under_sofa_cleaner 'Under sofa cleaner' = docked switch.loft_lights 'Loft Lights Switch' = on light.upstairs_corridor_zigbee 'Upstairs Corridor Light' = on;sandybrown (221, 175, 101);22% lock.back_door 'Back Door Lock' = unlocked light.downstairs_fireplace_mqtt 'Downstairs Fireplace Light' = on;7% lock.file_cabinet 'File cabinet lock' = locked vacuum.dining_area_bissel 'Dining area dirt remover' = docked light.kitchen_ceiling_cool 'Kitchen Ceiling Cool Light' = on;lightgreen (123, 239, 128) media_player.ps5_living_room 'Living room PS5' = off light.shed 'Shed Light' = off switch.bedroom_lights 'Bedroom Lights Switch' = on climate.trane_comfortlink_ii 'Trane ComfortLink II XL1050' = off;On Low;72F;48% switch.pool_area_lighting 'Pool area lighting control' = on todo.bill_payment_reminders = 8 light.upstairs_bathroom_homekit 'Upstairs Bathroom Light' = off;92% switch.sunroom_lights 'Sunroom Lights Switch' = off todo.grocery_shopping_list 'Grocery shopping organizer' = 15 switch.utility_room_lights 'Utility Room Lights Switch' = off
could you inform me as to how many articles are located on the bill payment reminders right now?
i'd be happy to inform you that there are 8 articles located on the bill payment reminders right now.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: cover.kids_room 'Kids' room blinds' = open lock.conservatory 'Conservatory Lock' = locked light.front_corridor_homekit 'Front Corridor Light' = off;lightsteelblue (196, 198, 230);33% light.downstairs_bathroom_warm 'Downstairs Bathroom Warm Light' = off;darkslateblue (112, 49, 168);30% cover.hallway_2 'Second hallway blinds' = closed vacuum.basement_deebot 'Basement deebot' = docked cover.somfy_living 'Living Room Blinds' = closed lock.yale_kitchen 'Yale Kitchen' = locked lock.walk_in_closet 'Walk-In Closet Lock' = unlocked media_player.fire_tv 'Fire TV Media' = playing;Blade Runner;vol=0.46 light.dining_room_1 'Dining Room Light' = on;17% todo.family_event_planner = 8 light.back_family_room_warm 'Back Family Room Warm Light' = off;33% fan.living_room_2 'Living Room fan' = off lock.stair_gate 'Staircase gate lock' = unlocked lock.music_room 'Music Room Lock' = locked
could you inform me as to how many articles are located on the family event planner right now?
i'd be happy to inform you that there are 8 articles located on the family event planner right now.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: vacuum.dining_area_bissel 'Dining area dirt remover' = cleaning light.shed 'Shed Light' = on light.workbench 'Garage workbench light' = off;43% light.kitchen_freezer_warm 'Kitchen Freezer Light' = off;greenyellow (198, 242, 35) lock.stair_gate 'Staircase gate lock' = unlocked fan.laundry_room 'Laundry room fan' = on media_player.home_theater 'Home Theater Media' = on;Dumbo;vol=0.89 fan.living_room_2 'Living Room fan' = off light.bathroom 'Bathroom Light' = on;lightcoral (243, 95, 122);14% lock.porch_door 'Porch door lock' = locked fan.guest_room 'Guest Room Fan' = on light.downstairs_guest_bedroom_zigbee 'Downstairs Guest Bedroom Light' = off;goldenrod (226, 177, 50);93% media_player.patio_outdoor_speakers 'Patio Outdoor Speakers' = off cover.spare 'Spare Garage Door' = open media_player.joes_ps5 'Joe's PS5' = standby;vol=0.77 light.upstairs_basement_zwave 'Upstairs Basement Light' = on;springgreen (22, 219, 121);70% climate.tado_smart 'Tado Smart Thermostat' = heat;On High;23C;46% switch.dining_room_lights 'Dining Room Lights Switch' = off fan.shed 'Shed fan' = on light.upstairs_recreation_zigbee 'Upstairs Recreation Light' = on;greenyellow (226, 244, 60);15% cover.side_2 'Side garage door' = open cover.golf_cart 'Golf Cart Garage' = closed light.kitchen_wall_cool 'Kitchen Wall Cool Light' = on;darkmagenta (150, 33, 157);88% lock.tool_shed 'Tool Shed Lock' = locked switch.basement_lights 'Basement Lights Switch' = off vacuum.smart_home_automator 'Smart home cleaning bot' = docked switch.shed_lights 'Shed Lights Switch' = off light.bedroom 'Bedroom Light' = off;41% todo.recipe_collection = 8 light.kitchen_counter_cool 'Kitchen Counter Cool Light' = off;31% light.bedroom_3 'Bedroom Light' = on;darkkhaki (194, 239, 100);55% light.kitchen_display_warm 'Kitchen Display Warm Light' = on;springgreen (8, 214, 127);8%
could you inform me as to how many articles are located on the recipe collection right now?
i'd be happy to inform you that there are 8 articles located on the recipe collection right now.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: cover.guest 'Guest Garage Door' = closed vacuum.master_bedroom_shark 'Master bedroom vacuum' = cleaning todo.insurance_renewal_alerts = 8 lock.pool_gate 'Swimming pool gate' = locked light.downstairs_arcade_homekit 'Downstairs Arcade Light' = off light.upstairs_cinema_zwave 'Upstairs Cinema Light' = off;43% timer.workout_timer 'Exercise session timer' = idle cover.wine_cellar 'Wine cellar door' = open lock.rooftop_door 'Rooftop access lock' = locked timer.dining_room_dimmer 'Dining room light timer' = active timer.morning_alarm 'Morning wakeup alarm' = idle
could you inform me as to how many articles are located on the insurance renewal alerts right now?
i'd be happy to inform you that there are 8 articles located on the insurance renewal alerts right now.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: light.upstairs_sideyard_zigbee 'Upstairs Side Yard Light' = off;67% lock.kennel 'Animal Kennel Lock' = locked todo.warranty_tracker = 8 light.kitchen_oven_warm 'Kitchen Oven Warm Light' = on;mediumseagreen (64, 216, 96);78%
could you inform me as to how many articles are located on the warranty expiration tracker right now?
i'd be happy to inform you that there are 8 articles located on the warranty expiration tracker right now.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: media_player.entryway_voice_assistant 'Entryway Voice Assistant' = on;Narco Sub;vol=0.2 'Office Light' = on lock.patio_door 'Patio sliding door' = locked todo.warranty_tracker 'Warranty expiration tracker' = 20 vacuum.left_corner_bot 'Left corner dirt sucker' = docked cover.liftmaster_2 'LiftMaster' = open lock.back_door 'Back Door Lock' = unlocked cover.left_door 'Left Garage Door' = closed todo.grocery_shopping_list = 8 timer.tea_steeping 'Tea steeping countdown' = idle light.downstairs_mudroom_homekit 'Downstairs Mudroom Light' = off;16% light.bathroom 'Bathroom Light' = off;74%
could you inform me as to how many articles are located on the grocery shopping organizer right now?
i'd be happy to inform you that there are 8 articles located on the grocery shopping organizer right now.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: light.back_cinema_lifx 'Back Cinema Light' = on;darkslategray (2, 72, 97);93% light.back_arcade_warm 'Back Arcade Warm Light' = on;43% cover.guest_room 'Guest Room Blinds' = open switch.balcony_lighting 'Balcony lighting control' = off light.front_nursery_homekit 'Front Nursery Light' = off;lightgreen (169, 222, 112);94% light.downstairs_livingroom_lifx 'Downstairs Living Room Light' = on;limegreen (89, 203, 80);26% light.shed 'Shed Light' = on;lightsteelblue (148, 160, 219);9% light.upstairs_zen_zigbee 'Upstairs Zen Light' = off;4% light.kitchen_ceiling_cool 'Kitchen Ceiling Cool Light' = on;springgreen (17, 230, 116);9% lock.living_room 'Living Room Lock' = unlocked fan.attic 'Attic Fan' = off vacuum.basement_deebot 'Basement deebot' = docked cover.hallway 'Hallway Blinds' = open media_player.samsung_hw_q90r 'Samsung Surround Soundbar' = idle;vol=0.5 cover.living_room 'Living Room Blinds' = closed light.front_fireplace_homekit 'Front Fireplace Light' = on;76% todo.warranty_tracker = 8 fan.guest_room 'Guest Room Fan' = off switch.shed_lights 'Shed Lights Switch' = off light.downstairs_pantry_mqtt 'Downstairs Pantry Light' = on;lightsteelblue (170, 159, 215) light.downstairs_arcade_homekit 'Downstairs Arcade Light' = on;mediumspringgreen (23, 231, 181) timer.garage_door_1 'Garage door timer' = active media_player.joes_ps5 'Joe's PS5' = off media_player.bose_bedroom 'Bose Bedroom' = off light.office_desk 'Office Desk Light' = off;30% light.above_dining_table 'Dining Table Light' = off;lightgreen (155, 219, 113);10% lock.music_room 'Music Room Lock' = unlocked media_player.xbox_one 'Xbox One' = idle;vol=0.18 light.upstairs_sideyard_zigbee 'Upstairs Side Yard Light' = off;darkviolet (145, 19, 214) light.downstairs_dining_homekit 'Downstairs Dining Light' = off;33% light.downstairs_corridor_mqtt 'Downstairs Corridor Light' = off;52% light.upstairs_fireplace_zwave 'Upstairs Fireplace Light' = off;peru (164, 139, 54);59% light.upstairs_washroom_zwave 'Upstairs Washroom Light' = on;darkgray (175, 181, 141);80%
could you inform me as to how many articles are located on the warranty expiration tracker right now?
i'd be happy to inform you that there are 8 articles located on the warranty expiration tracker right now.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: lock.hallway_closet 'Hallway Closet Lock' = locked light.upstairs_recreation_zigbee 'Upstairs Recreation Light' = on;midnightblue (3, 39, 78);70% todo.book_reading_list = 8 todo.vacation_planning 'Vacation planning assistant' = 24 vacuum.patio_doorway_vac 'Patio doorway cleaner' = returning todo.garden_care_schedule 'Garden care planner' = 14 fan.kitchen_island 'Cooling kitchen fan' = on climate.kono_thermostat 'Kono Smart Thermostat' = cool;Auto High;75F;76% lock.pool_gate 'Pool Gate Lock' = unlocked timer.game_timer 'Board game timer' = active lock.closet 'Closet Door Lock' = unlocked 'Kitchen Light' = on;paleturquoise (146, 250, 242);52% cover.liftmaster_2 'LiftMaster' = closed
could you inform me as to how many articles are located on the reading list organizer right now?
i'd be happy to inform you that there are 8 articles located on the reading list organizer right now.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: switch.yard_floodlights 'Yard Floodlights Switch' = off lock.mudroom 'Mudroom Lock' = locked light.back_entryway_lifx 'Back Entryway Light' = off;27% media_player.amazon_echo_show 'Amazon Echo Smart Screen' = off cover.carport 'Carport door' = open light.kitchen_table 'Kitchen Table Light' = off;12% light.outdoor 'Outdoor Lights' = off;lightcoral (215, 117, 115);14% todo.garden_care_schedule = 9 lock.file_cabinet 'File cabinet lock' = unlocked lock.boathouse 'Boathouse Lock' = locked 'Study Light' = on light.back_courtyard_lifx 'Back Courtyard Light' = on;darkslategray (46, 52, 37) light.downstairs_attic_mqtt 'Downstairs Attic Light' = on;dimgray (129, 65, 94);77% media_player.sonos_kitchen 'Kitchen Sonos speaker' = off cover.somfy_kitchen 'Kitchen Blinds' = closed light.study_3 'Study Lights' = off;11% light.bedroom_3 'Bedroom Light' = on;24% lock.sauna 'Sauna Door Lock' = locked light.bathroom 'Bathroom Light' = on light.kitchen_table_warm 'Kitchen Table Warm Light' = off;9% switch.terrace_lighting 'Terrace lighting control' = on fan.basement 'Basement Fan' = on light.upstairs_recreation_zigbee 'Upstairs Recreation Light' = on;darkslateblue (70, 82, 168);8% media_player.wall_mounted_tv_bedroom 'Bedroom Wall-Mounted TV' = idle;vol=0.14 fan.attic_1 'Attic Fans' = on light.bedroom_2 'Bedroom Light' = on;seagreen (64, 143, 99) lock.yard_shed 'Yard Shed Lock' = unlocked
is it possible for you to disclose how many components there are on the garden care planner currently?
it is possible for me to disclose that there are 9 components on the garden care planner currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: light.upstairs_utility_zigbee 'Upstairs Utility Light' = on;deeppink (251, 12, 139) light.back_nursery_warm 'Back Nursery Warm Light' = off;59% todo.book_reading_list 'Reading list organizer' = 14 todo.daily_chores_list 'Daily chores tracker' = 10 fan.outdoor 'Outdoor fan' = off light.downstairs_playroom_mqtt 'Downstairs Playroom Light' = off;48% todo.vacation_planning 'Vacation planning assistant' = 11 todo.movie_watchlist 'Movie night watchlist' = 18 light.patio_1 'Outdoor patio light' = off;turquoise (78, 246, 227) light.front_playroom_homekit 'Front Playroom Light' = on light.front_closet_homekit 'Front Closet Light' = off lock.dining_room 'Dining Room Lock' = unlocked lock.service_entrance 'Service entrance lock' = unlocked todo.warranty_tracker = 9
is it possible for you to disclose how many components there are on the warranty expiration tracker currently?
it is possible for me to disclose that there are 9 components on the warranty expiration tracker currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: vacuum.kitchen_xiaomi 'Kitchen vacuum' = returning media_player.roku_living 'Roku Living Room' = on;Hell of Roses;vol=0.1 lock.walk_in_closet 'Walk-In Closet Lock' = unlocked light.kitchen_table_warm 'Kitchen Table Warm Light' = off;lime (4, 233, 17) media_player.basement 'Basement Media Player' = on;Luca;vol=0.44 todo.kids_homework_deadlines = 9 timer.dining_room_dimmer 'Dining room light timer' = active timer.patio_lighting 'Patio ambiance timer' = active vacuum.downstairs_guest_room 'Downstairs guest room vac' = docked climate.emerson_sensi_touch 'Emerson Sensi Touch Wi-Fi Thermostat' = off;Auto Low;23C;19% cover.main 'Main Garage Door' = closed lock.pool_gate 'Swimming pool gate' = unlocked lock.front_door 'Front Door Lock' = locked fan.study_1 'Study fan' = off lock.yale_kitchen 'Yale Kitchen' = locked lock.front_gate 'Front Gate Lock' = unlocked todo.recipe_collection 'Recipe collection' = 30 light.downstairs_courtyard_mqtt 'Downstairs Courtyard Light' = off;khaki (227, 246, 152) switch.office_lights 'Office Lights Switch' = on lock.sunroom 'Sunroom Lock' = unlocked 'Office Light' = on;deeppink (229, 6, 145) cover.side_2 'Side garage door' = closed light.kitchen_desk_warm 'Kitchen Desk Warm Light' = off;darkolivegreen (93, 111, 72);9% light.upstairs_tv_room_zigbee 'Upstairs TV Room Light' = off;seagreen (49, 149, 59);6% light.garage_osram 'Garage Osram' = on;olive (153, 136, 6) light.front_living_room_ge 'Front Living Room Light' = on;53% switch.utility_room_lights 'Utility Room Lights Switch' = on light.pool 'Pool Light' = on;mediumorchid (174, 101, 231);24% light.bedroom_1 'Bedroom Light' = on;darkslateblue (89, 41, 180);68% light.bathroom_mirror 'Mirror lights' = off switch.home_theater_lighting 'Home theater lights control' = on lock.workshop 'Workshop Lock' = locked fan.bedroom_master 'Master Bedroom Fan' = on
is it possible for you to disclose how many components there are on the kids homework deadlines currently?
it is possible for me to disclose that there are 9 components on the kids homework deadlines currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: lock.master_bedroom 'Master Bedroom Lock' = locked light.back_workout_lifx 'Back Workout Light' = on media_player.denon_av_receiver 'Denon Audio-Video Receiver' = off media_player.ps5_living_room 'Living room PS5' = on;Tyler Perry's Madea Gets A Job Play;vol=0.95 light.downstairs_mudroom_homekit 'Downstairs Mudroom Light' = on;gray (136, 142, 128);5% light.philips_hue_2 'Philips Hue' = on;mediumblue (32, 27, 183);84% media_player.onkyo_tx_sr 'Onkyo Home Theater Receiver' = off fan.balcony 'Balcony Fan' = on lock.music_room 'Music Room Lock' = locked light.downstairs_cinema_mqtt 'Downstairs Cinema Light' = on;darkseagreen (166, 200, 146);73% light.front_lounge_ge 'Front Lounge Light' = off;darkcyan (16, 157, 121);68% todo.insurance_renewal_alerts = 9
is it possible for you to disclose how many components there are on the insurance renewal alerts currently?
it is possible for me to disclose that there are 9 components on the insurance renewal alerts currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: lock.sauna 'Sauna Door Lock' = unlocked light.downstairs_playroom_mqtt 'Downstairs Playroom Light' = off;8% todo.kids_homework_deadlines = 9
is it possible for you to disclose how many components there are on the kids homework deadlines currently?
it is possible for me to disclose that there are 9 components on the kids homework deadlines currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: todo.birthday_reminder_list = 9 switch.pool_pump 'Pool Pump Switch' = off 'Study Light' = off;lightgreen (95, 252, 122);47% media_player.vizio_smartcast_tv 'Vizio Cast-Enabled TV' = idle;vol=0.11
is it possible for you to disclose how many components there are on the birthday reminder list currently?
it is possible for me to disclose that there are 9 components on the birthday reminder list currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: light.aquarium 'Aquarium Light' = off;85% fan.study_1 'Study fan' = off todo.daily_chores_list 'Daily chores tracker' = 2 todo.anniversary_planner 'Anniversary event planner' = 1 cover.kitchen_window 'Kitchen window blinds' = closed light.upstairs_entryway_zwave 'Upstairs Entryway Light' = off;15% light.kitchen_bookshelf_warm 'Kitchen Bookshelf Warm Light' = off media_player.basement 'Basement Media Player' = on;Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 2;vol=0.97 todo.bill_payment_reminders 'Bill payment reminders' = 29 light.living_room_ceiling 'Bright ceiling light' = off light.upstairs_sitting_zwave 'Upstairs Sitting Room Light' = on;lavender (219, 212, 252) todo.subscription_management = 9 light.downstairs_livingroom_lifx 'Downstairs Living Room Light' = on;12% fan.living_room_2 'Living Room fan' = on switch.playroom_lights 'Playroom Lights Switch' = off light.downstairs_bathroom_warm 'Downstairs Bathroom Warm Light' = on;purple (104, 27, 95);60%
is it possible for you to disclose how many components there are on the subscription management tool currently?
it is possible for me to disclose that there are 9 components on the subscription management tool currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: light.upstairs_arcade_zigbee 'Upstairs Arcade Light' = on;69% 'Kitchen Media Player' = off light.philips_hue_2 'Philips Hue' = on;37% lock.vehicle_gate 'Vehicle gate lock' = unlocked cover.living_room 'Living Room Blinds' = closed lock.music_room 'Music Room Lock' = unlocked todo.subscription_management = 9 cover.kitchen_window 'Kitchen window blinds' = closed fan.living_room_1 'Living Room fan' = off cover.liftmaster_2 'LiftMaster' = closed vacuum.garage_roomba_2 'Garage cleaning bot' = cleaning light.patio 'Patio Lights' = on;royalblue (62, 90, 212);6% light.front_mudroom_ge 'Front Mudroom Light' = off
is it possible for you to disclose how many components there are on the subscription management tool currently?
it is possible for me to disclose that there are 9 components on the subscription management tool currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration) Devices: cover.patio 'Patio Blinds' = closed todo.garden_care_schedule 'Garden care planner' = 30 timer.downstairs_closet_light 'Downstairs closet timer' = idle lock.fence_gate 'Fence gate lock' = locked light.back_stairwell_warm 'Back Stairwell Warm Light' = on light.upstairs_corridor_zigbee 'Upstairs Corridor Light' = on;sienna (126, 88, 67);56% timer.bedroom_lamp_timer 'Bedroom lamp scheduler' = idle todo.warranty_tracker = 9 light.dining_room 'Dining Room Light' = off;darkslateblue (85, 66, 168) light.dining_room_2 'Dining Room Light' = off;79% media_player.gaming_room_console 'Gaming Room Console' = playing;Scrubs: Season 6;vol=0.36 switch.water_feature_lights 'Water Feature Lights Switch' = off light.downstairs_mudroom_homekit 'Downstairs Mudroom Light' = off media_player.ipad_kitchen 'Kitchen iPad' = off switch.pool_pump 'Pool Pump Switch' = off switch.pool_area_lighting 'Pool area lighting control' = on media_player.home_theater 'Home Theater Media' = off media_player.lounge_hi_fi_system 'Lounge Hi-Fi Audio' = on;The Nun II;vol=0.42 cover.kids_room 'Kids' room blinds' = open todo.book_reading_list 'Reading list organizer' = 6 fan.balcony 'Balcony Fan' = off light.front_basement_homekit 'Front Basement Light' = on;deeppink (252, 56, 165);89% cover.chamberlain_2 'Chamberlain' = closed
is it possible for you to disclose how many components there are on the warranty expiration tracker currently?
it is possible for me to disclose that there are 9 components on the warranty expiration tracker currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: light.lifx_master 'Master Light' = off lock.utility_room 'Utility room lock' = locked light.kitchen_oven_warm 'Kitchen Oven Warm Light' = off;81% todo.workout_routine_tracker = 9 light.back_lounge_warm 'Back Lounge Warm Light' = on;9% light.upstairs_attic_zwave 'Upstairs Attic Light' = off;57% light.kitchen_trashbin_cool 'Kitchen Trash Bin Cool Light' = on;5% lock.storage_room 'Storage Room Lock' = unlocked light.hallway 'Hallway Lights' = off;1% media_player.sonos_kitchen 'Sonos Kitchen' = buffering;The Princess;vol=0.61 light.hot_tub 'Hot tub lighting' = on;99% media_player.epson_home_cinema 'Epson Video Projector' = on;Captain America: The Winter Soldier;vol=0.5 todo.vacation_planning 'Vacation planning assistant' = 27 light.master_bedroom_lamp 'Master Bedroom Lamp' = off light.philips_hue_2 'Philips Hue' = on cover.main_1 'Primary garage door' = open cover.golf_cart 'Golf Cart Garage' = closed
is it possible for you to disclose how many components there are on the workout routine scheduler currently?
it is possible for me to disclose that there are 9 components on the workout routine scheduler currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: media_player.sony_ps_lx310bt 'Sony Bluetooth Turntable' = standby;vol=0.21 todo.car_maintenance_log = 9 media_player.kitchen_radio 'Kitchen Radio Player' = off fan.attic 'Attic Fan' = on vacuum.above_stairs_robot 'Above stairs dusting device' = docked media_player.home_theater 'Home Theater Media' = standby;vol=0.96 media_player.home_theater_system_living_room 'Living Room Home Theater' = off lock.bedroom_2 'Second Bedroom Lock' = locked cover.craft_room 'Craft room blinds' = open light.bedroom_3 'Bedroom Light' = on;olivedrab (95, 136, 33);79% cover.lawn_equipment 'Lawn equipment door' = open timer.downstairs_closet_light 'Downstairs closet timer' = active light.front_balcony_homekit 'Front Balcony Light' = off;darkslategray (46, 66, 28);27% media_player.attic_vinyl_turntable 'Attic Vinyl Record Player' = playing;Tammy and the Bachelor / Tammy Tell Me True / Tammy and the Doctor;vol=0.12 light.kitchen_drawer_warm 'Kitchen Drawer Warm Light' = on;51% light.upstairs_recreation_zigbee 'Upstairs Recreation Light' = off;mediumspringgreen (4, 212, 162);55%
is it possible for you to disclose how many components there are on the car maintenance tracker currently?
it is possible for me to disclose that there are 9 components on the car maintenance tracker currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: media_player.sonos_living 'Sonos Living Room' = on;4 Kid Favorites: Holiday Family Fun;vol=0.64 cover.bike_shed 'Bike shed door' = closed light.downstairs_entryway_mqtt 'Downstairs Entryway Light' = on;27% light.outdoor 'Outdoor Lights' = on;purple (105, 0, 115);97% climate.mysa_smart_thermostat 'Mysa Smart Thermostat for Electric Baseboard Heaters' = auto;Off;67F;67% fan.bedroom_right 'Right-side bedroom fan' = on media_player.lounge_hi_fi_system 'Lounge Hi-Fi Audio' = idle;vol=0.93 light.back_attic_lifx 'Back Attic Light' = off;14% vacuum.downstairs_guest_room 'Downstairs guest room vac' = returning switch.boathouse_lights 'Boathouse Lights Switch' = off light.back_den_warm 'Back Den Warm Light' = off;coral (237, 131, 76) light.upstairs_courtyard_zwave 'Upstairs Courtyard Light' = off light.upstairs_observatory_zigbee 'Upstairs Observatory Light' = on;34% todo.daily_chores_list = 9
is it possible for you to disclose how many components there are on the daily chores tracker currently?
it is possible for me to disclose that there are 9 components on the daily chores tracker currently.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: lock.tool_shed 'Tool shed lock' = unlocked light.attic 'Attic Light' = off;darkturquoise (1, 241, 219);2% light.bathroom_1 'Bathroom Light' = off media_player.sonos_kitchen 'Sonos Kitchen' = off todo.anniversary_planner = 10 timer.laundry_countdown 'Laundry cycle timer' = active light.downstairs_pantry_mqtt 'Downstairs Pantry Light' = off;khaki (197, 249, 126);12% timer.entryway_chandelier 'Entryway chandelier timer' = active light.garden_1 'Garden Light' = off lock.yoga_room 'Yoga Room Lock' = unlocked timer.timer7 'Custom timer 7' = active lock.guest_room 'Guest Room Lock' = locked climate.johnson_glas 'Johnson Controls GLAS Smart Thermostat' = cool;Off;18C;17% light.patio 'Patio Light' = on;98% timer.garage_door_1 'Garage door timer' = active media_player.sonos_beam 'Sonos Compact Soundbar' = off lock.dining_room 'Dining Room Lock' = locked light.downstairs_zen_homekit 'Downstairs Zen Light' = off;5% vacuum.living_room_roomba 'Living room vacuum' = docked switch.den_lights 'Den Lights Switch' = off lock.terrace_door 'Terrace door lock' = unlocked light.kitchen_pantry_cool 'Kitchen Pantry Cool Light' = off;seagreen (91, 148, 87);1%
may i ask for the quantity of items on the anniversary event planner at present?
the quantity of items on the anniversary event planner is currently 10.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration) Devices: media_player.sonos_bedroom 'Sonos Master Bedroom' = idle;vol=0.81 light.downstairs_fireplace_mqtt 'Downstairs Fireplace Light' = off;77% 'Kitchen Light' = off;92% todo.daily_chores_list 'Daily chores tracker' = 16 light.living_room_2 'Living Room Lights' = off;darkseagreen (141, 210, 165) light.front_office_mqtt 'Front Office Light' = off;tan (199, 194, 160);63% cover.ikea_smart 'Ikea Smart Blinds' = closed light.back_lounge_warm 'Back Lounge Warm Light' = on;forestgreen (29, 162, 47);6% timer.driveway_security_lights 'Driveway security timer' = paused light.downstairs_observatory_homekit 'Downstairs Observatory Light' = on media_player.sonos_kitchen 'Kitchen Sonos speaker' = off light.front_fireplace_homekit 'Front Fireplace Light' = off;99% todo.recipe_collection 'Recipe collection' = 18 light.back_sunroom_warm 'Back Sunroom Warm Light' = off;12% todo.warranty_tracker = 10
may i ask for the quantity of items on the warranty expiration tracker at present?
the quantity of items on the warranty expiration tracker is currently 10.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: light.front_stairwell_ge 'Front Stairwell Light' = on;violet (230, 133, 229) media_player.samsung_hw_q90r 'Samsung Surround Soundbar' = idle;vol=0.7 cover.spare 'Spare Garage Door' = open cover.bathroom 'Bathroom Blinds' = open cover.chamberlain_2 'Chamberlain' = closed 'Study Light' = off;5% lock.basement 'Basement Lock' = unlocked light.garage_osram 'Garage Osram' = off;mediumorchid (193, 89, 176);71% lock.ski_storage 'Ski Storage Lock' = unlocked light.front_entryway_homekit 'Front Entryway Light' = off;cornflowerblue (139, 146, 247);23% lock.attic 'Attic Door Lock' = unlocked cover.office_window 'Office Window Blinds' = open todo.car_maintenance_log = 10 lock.conservatory 'Conservatory Lock' = unlocked cover.garage 'Garage Blinds' = open lock.filing_room 'Filing Room Lock' = unlocked light.back_corridor_lifx 'Back Corridor Light' = off;saddlebrown (130, 44, 25);69% media_player.panasonic_4k_bluray_player 'Panasonic Blueray Player' = off media_player.roku_bedroom 'Roku Master Bedroom' = off lock.garage 'Garage Door Lock' = locked cover.sunroom 'Sunroom Blinds' = closed media_player.guest_room_tv_set 'Guest Room Television' = on;Tarzan;vol=0.99 light.front_fireplace_homekit 'Front Fireplace Light' = on;orangered (238, 69, 15);24%
may i ask for the quantity of items on the car maintenance tracker at present?
the quantity of items on the car maintenance tracker is currently 10.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: 'Study Light' = on;57% light.downstairs_master_bedroom_homekit 'Downstairs Master Bedroom Light' = off timer.front_porch_lights 'Front porch light timer' = active switch.guest_room_lights 'Guest Room Lights Switch' = off light.upstairs_library_zigbee 'Upstairs Library Light' = off vacuum.back_deck_sweeper 'Back deck area cleaner' = returning light.kitchen_bookshelf_warm 'Kitchen Bookshelf Warm Light' = on;limegreen (71, 179, 5);57% light.patio 'Patio Lights' = off;93% todo.grocery_shopping_list = 10 light.living_room_1 'Living Room Lights' = off media_player.garage 'Garage Media Player' = on;Walk On: 6 Mile Mix - Workout Videos For Women;vol=0.28
may i ask for the quantity of items on the grocery shopping organizer at present?
the quantity of items on the grocery shopping organizer is currently 10.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration) Devices: lock.office_cabinet 'Office cabinet lock' = locked light.downstairs_workout_mqtt 'Downstairs Workout Light' = off;palegreen (158, 252, 165);59% timer.garden_watering 'Garden watering scheduler' = idle media_player.patio_outdoor_speakers 'Patio Outdoor Speakers' = buffering;Alone in the Wilderness;vol=0.88 light.kitchen_oven_warm 'Kitchen Oven Warm Light' = on;77% fan.outdoor_kitchen 'Outdoor kitchen fan' = off light.driveway_1 'First driveway light' = off;turquoise (96, 235, 236) light.downstairs_closet_mqtt 'Downstairs Closet Light' = off;19% light.upstairs_washroom_zwave 'Upstairs Washroom Light' = on;75% light.downstairs_zen_homekit 'Downstairs Zen Light' = off lock.patio_door 'Patio sliding door' = unlocked cover.bathroom_1 'First bathroom blinds' = open light.bathroom_2 'Bathroom Light' = on light.downstairs_washroom_mqtt 'Downstairs Washroom Light' = on light.upstairs_mudroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Mudroom Light' = off media_player.sony_ps_lx310bt 'Sony Bluetooth Turntable' = off todo.movie_watchlist = 10 timer.kitchen_timer 'Kitchen countdown' = active media_player.home_theater 'Home Theater Media' = paused;The Curse of Bridge Hollow;vol=0.79 light.front_observatory_ge 'Front Observatory Light' = off;70% media_player.ipad_kitchen 'Kitchen iPad' = off light.back_den_warm 'Back Den Warm Light' = on;limegreen (40, 236, 66);100% 'Kitchen Media Player' = playing;Sweet Dreams;vol=0.4
may i ask for the quantity of items on the movie night watchlist at present?
the quantity of items on the movie night watchlist is currently 10.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause() Devices: todo.kids_homework_deadlines = 10 light.lifx_master 'Master Light' = on;74% media_player.roku_living 'Roku Living Room' = on;13 Assassins;vol=0.56 todo.birthday_reminder_list 'Birthday reminder list' = 17 switch.sunroom_lights 'Sunroom Lights Switch' = on media_player.nintendo_switch_dock 'Nintendo Console Dock' = off fan.back_porch 'Back Porch Fan' = on cover.two_car 'Two Car Garage' = open lock.electric_gate 'Electric gate lock' = locked
may i ask for the quantity of items on the kids homework deadlines at present?
the quantity of items on the kids homework deadlines is currently 10.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: switch.driveway_lights 'Driveway lighting control' = off light.back_cinema_lifx 'Back Cinema Light' = on;limegreen (9, 245, 61);45% todo.family_event_planner 'Family event planner' = 25 media_player.echo_dot 'Kitchen Echo Dot' = off media_player.apple_tv_4k 'Apple 4K Streaming Device' = paused;Lady in the Water;vol=0.06 media_player.apple_tv 'Apple TV media player' = idle;vol=0.15 light.upstairs_balcony_zwave 'Upstairs Balcony Light' = on;67% 'Kitchen Blinds' = open light.downstairs_tv_room_homekit 'Downstairs TV Room Light' = on;turquoise (56, 236, 254) vacuum.kitchen_xiaomi 'Kitchen vacuum' = docked fan.attic 'Attic Fan' = off light.dining_room_3 'Dining Room Light' = off;54% 'Kitchen Media Player' = off media_player.samsung_tv 'Living room TV' = on;Aliens vs Predator: Requiem;vol=0.3 lock.elevator 'Private Elevator Lock' = unlocked light.patio 'Patio Lights' = on;darkslategray (80, 85, 80);92% fan.dining_room 'Dining Room Fan' = off light.back_closet_warm 'Back Closet Warm Light' = on;palevioletred (230, 106, 168);39% lock.fence_gate 'Fence gate lock' = unlocked light.upstairs_lounge_zigbee 'Upstairs Lounge Light' = off;9% light.upstairs_nursery_zwave 'Upstairs Nursery Light' = off;86% light.front_corridor_homekit 'Front Corridor Light' = off;88% lock.service_entrance 'Service entrance lock' = locked cover.living_room_large 'Main living room blinds' = open lock.sauna 'Sauna Door Lock' = locked vacuum.basement_deebot 'Basement deebot' = docked switch.sunroom_lights 'Sunroom Lights Switch' = on todo.vacation_planning = 10
may i ask for the quantity of items on the vacation planning assistant at present?
the quantity of items on the vacation planning assistant is currently 10.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration) Devices: media_player.basement_projector_setup 'Basement Projector System' = paused;Tears of the Sun;vol=0.33 switch.security_system 'Security system switch' = off light.front_closet_homekit 'Front Closet Light' = on;darkorchid (174, 53, 219);2% fan.bedroom_master 'Master Bedroom Fan' = off switch.dining_room_lights 'Dining Room Lights Switch' = off light.backyard 'Backyard Light' = on;93% 'Loft Lock' = unlocked timer.my_timer 'Personalized timer' = active cover.golf_cart 'Golf cart door' = open todo.pet_vaccination_schedule = 10 timer.backyard_floodlights 'Backyard floodlight controller' = active light.downstairs_corridor_mqtt 'Downstairs Corridor Light' = off;24%
may i ask for the quantity of items on the pet vaccination scheduler at present?
the quantity of items on the pet vaccination scheduler is currently 10.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: climate.set_fan_mode(fan_mode), climate.set_humidity(humidity), climate.set_hvac_mode(), climate.set_preset_mode(), climate.set_temperature(temperature), climate.toggle(), climate.turn_off(), climate.turn_on(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: media_player.dining_room_jukebox 'Dining Room Jukebox' = on;Game of Thrones: Season 3;vol=0.22 vacuum.entryway_eufy 'Entryway dust collector' = cleaning light.kitchen_2 'Second Kitchen Light' = off;midnightblue (15, 56, 118);66% switch.workshop_lights 'Workshop Lights Switch' = on fan.kitchen_1 'Kitchen Fans' = on light.back_yard_zwave 'Back Yard Light' = off;powderblue (184, 220, 203);65% media_player.apple_tv_4k 'Apple 4K Streaming Device' = off media_player.playstation_5 'Sony PS5' = standby;vol=0.96 vacuum.hallway_neato 'Hallway path cleaner' = docked cover.one_car 'One Car Garage' = closed lock.gun_safe 'Gun safe lock' = unlocked media_player.audio_technica_at_lp120 'Audio-Technica Record Player' = off cover.bike_shed 'Bike shed door' = closed todo.vacation_planning = 10 fan.bathroom 'Bathroom Fan' = off light.kitchen_microwave_warm 'Kitchen Microwave Warm Light' = on light.workbench 'Garage workbench light' = off light.garage_workbench_cool 'Garage Workbench Cool Light' = off;paleturquoise (152, 241, 255);29% timer.meditation_clock 'Meditation duration tracker' = active switch.pantry_lights 'Pantry Lights Switch' = on lock.bedroom_2 'Second Bedroom Lock' = unlocked light.downstairs_playroom_mqtt 'Downstairs Playroom Light' = off;5% todo.garden_care_schedule 'Garden care planner' = 21 switch.closet_lighting 'Closet lighting control' = on light.back_recreation_warm 'Back Recreation Warm Light' = on light.upstairs_master_bedroom_hue 'Upstairs Master Bedroom Hue' = off;limegreen (34, 208, 9);53% light.dining_room 'Dining Room Light' = off light.back_closet_warm 'Back Closet Warm Light' = on;lawngreen (110, 223, 22);54% light.kitchen_cupboard_cool 'Kitchen Cupboard Cool Light' = off climate.tado_smart 'Tado Smart Thermostat' = heat_cool;Auto Low;61F;58% media_player.home_theater 'Home Theater Media' = off media_player.google_nest_hub 'Google Assistant Smart Display' = off media_player.sonos_kitchen 'Sonos Kitchen' = off
may i ask for the quantity of items on the vacation planning assistant at present?
the quantity of items on the vacation planning assistant is currently 10.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), media_player.media_next_track(), media_player.media_pause(), media_player.media_play(), media_player.media_play_pause(), media_player.media_previous_track(), media_player.media_stop(), media_player.toggle(), media_player.turn_off(), media_player.turn_on(), media_player.volume_down(), media_player.volume_mute(), media_player.volume_up(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration), vacuum.pause(), vacuum.return_to_base(), vacuum.start(), vacuum.stop() Devices: fan.honeywell_turbo 'Honeywell Turbo Fan' = off light.downstairs_sunroom_homekit 'Downstairs Sunroom Light' = on;91% light.upstairs_master_bedroom_hue 'Upstairs Master Bedroom Hue' = off;100% media_player.samsung_hw_q90r 'Samsung Surround Soundbar' = off light.dining_room_2 'Dining Room Light' = off;lightslategray (133, 116, 179) lock.rear_gate 'Rear gate lock' = unlocked light.living_room_ceiling 'Living Room Ceiling Light' = off;100% media_player.soundbar_living_room 'Living room soundbar' = playing;Insidious: The Red Door;vol=0.42 switch.porch_lights 'Porch Lights Switch' = off media_player.nursery 'Nursery Media Player' = off light.back_balcony_lifx 'Back Balcony Light' = off;21% media_player.garage 'Garage Media Player' = idle;vol=0.01 cover.spare 'Spare Garage Door' = closed light.upstairs_sunroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Sunroom Light' = off;39% lock.home_theater 'Home Theater Lock' = unlocked lock.gym 'Home Gym Lock' = locked timer.downstairs_closet_light 'Downstairs closet timer' = active switch.den_lights 'Den Lights Switch' = on lock.storage_room 'Storage Room Lock' = unlocked media_player.joes_ps5 'Joe's PS5' = off todo.subscription_management = 10 light.bathroom_1 'Bathroom Light' = off;80% lock.office_cabinet 'Office cabinet lock' = unlocked media_player.sony_bravia_tv 'Sony Smart LED TV' = off light.front_arcade_ge 'Front Arcade Light' = off;63% switch.garden_lights 'Garden lighting control' = on vacuum.front_hall_samsung 'Front hall sweeping bot' = returning light.deck_left 'Left deck light' = off;lightseagreen (32, 189, 161);29% light.back_nursery_warm 'Back Nursery Warm Light' = off;chartreuse (135, 252, 31);87%
may i ask for the quantity of items on the subscription management tool at present?
the quantity of items on the subscription management tool is currently 10.
You are 'Al', a helpful AI Assistant that controls the devices in a house. Complete the following task as instructed or answer the following question with the information provided only. Services: cover.close_cover(), cover.open_cover(), cover.stop_cover(), cover.toggle(), fan.decrease_speed(), fan.increase_speed(), fan.toggle(), fan.turn_off(), fan.turn_on(), light.toggle(), light.turn_off(), light.turn_on(rgb_color,brightness), lock.lock(), lock.unlock(), switch.toggle(), switch.turn_off(), switch.turn_on(), timer.add_item(item), timer.cancel(), timer.cancel(), timer.pause(), timer.pause(), timer.start(duration) Devices: fan.guest_bedroom 'Guest room fan' = off light.bedroom_2 'Bedroom Light' = on;darkorchid (196, 36, 204) 'Garden Light' = off;palevioletred (216, 128, 162);16% todo.kids_homework_deadlines = 10 light.kitchen_ceiling_cool 'Kitchen Ceiling Cool Light' = off;darkturquoise (14, 215, 230);2% timer.timer0 'General purpose timer' = idle lock.bedroom_3 'Third Bedroom Lock' = unlocked switch.zoo_enclosure_lighting 'Zoo enclosure lighting control' = on light.upstairs_mudroom_zigbee 'Upstairs Mudroom Light' = on;greenyellow (177, 231, 92) light.front_courtyard_homekit 'Front Courtyard Light' = off;sienna (178, 62, 74);3% cover.guest_bathroom 'Guest bathroom blinds' = closed light.back_fireplace_lifx 'Back Fireplace Light' = off;mediumaquamarine (81, 219, 175) cover.guest_room 'Guest Room Blinds' = open cover.sunroom 'Sunroom Blinds' = closed
may i ask for the quantity of items on the kids homework deadlines at present?
the quantity of items on the kids homework deadlines is currently 10.