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Rich antimony and calamine mines are worked by a French undertaking, and good marble is quarried by an Italian company. The most important minerals are lead and zinc, obtained in lodes in the forms of galena and calamine respectively. Calamine chiefly occurs in Spain, Silesia and in the United States. It is, however, nearly always found associated with zinc blende, and with calamine, although only in small quantities. Galena and other lead ores are abundant in veins in the limestone, but they are now only worked on a large scale at Mill Close, near Winster; calamine, zinc blende, barytes, calcite and fluor-spar are common. Galena and other lead ores are abundant in veins in the limestone, but they are now only worked on a large scale at Mill Close, near Winster; calamine, zinc, blende, barytes, calcite and fluor-spar are common. Many are found as minerals, the more important of such naturally occurring carbonates being cerussite (lead carbonate, PbC03), malachite and azurite (both basic copper carbonates), calamine (zinc carbonate, ZnCO 3), witherite (barium carbonate, BaCO 3), strontianite (strontium carbonate, SrC03), calcite (calcium carbonate, CaC03), dolomite (calcium magnesium carbonate, CaCO 3 MgCO 3), and sodium carbonate, Na 2 CO 3. Second in importance is the carbonate, calamine (q.v.) or zinc spar, which at one time was the principal ore; it almost invariably contains the carbonates of cadmium, iron, manganese, magnesium and calcium, and may be contaminated with clay, oxides of iron, galena and calcite; "white calamine" owes its colour to much clay; "red calamine" to admixed iron and manganese oxides. Of less importance is the silicate, Zn 2 SiO 4 H 2 0, named electric calamine or hemimorphite; this occurs in quantity in Altenburg near Aix-laChapelle, Sardinia, Spain and the United States (New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Wisconsin). Oxide of zinc, like most heavy metallic oxides, is easily reduced to the metallic state by heating it to redness with charcoal; pure red zinc ore may be treated directly; and the same might be done with pure calamine of any kind, because the carbon dioxide of the zinc carbonate goes off below redness and the silica of zinc silicate only retards, but does not prevent, the reducing action of the charcoal. The charge of the retorts consists of a mixture of 1100 lb of roasted calamine and 550 lb of dry powdered coal per furnace. Zinc carbonate, ZnCO 3, occurs in nature as the mineral calamine (q.v.), but has never been prepared artificially, basic carbonates, ZnCO 3 .xZn(OH) 2, where x is variable, being obtained by precipitating a solution of the sulphate or chloride with sodium carbonate. It also enters (as carbonates) into the composition of many minerals, such as chalk, dolomite, calcite, witherite, calamine and spathic iron ore. It is a constituent of the minerals cerussite, malachite, azurite, spathic iron ore, calamine, strontianite, witherite, calcite aragonite, limestone, &c. It may be prepared by burning carbon in excess of air or oxygen, by the direct decomposition of many carbonates by heat, and by the decomposition of carbonates with mineral acids, M2C03+2HC1=2MCl-FH 2 O+CO 2. Algeria is rich in minerals, found chiefly in the department of Constantine, where iron, lead and zinc, copper, calamine, antimony and mercury mines are worked. In 1853 works were established for the manufacture of white oxide of zinc from a calamine found here, in the next year metallic zinc was produced, and in 1865 the first sheet zinc made in America was rolled here. The lead ores are galena and carbonate; the zinc ores, calamine, smithsonite and blende. She didn't bring any calamine lotion because she had never broken out with poison ivy before.
Recycled toilet paper probably doesn’t sound good to you, but actually this is the future, in case you care about the environment and ecology. According to recent researchers, we are basically flushing forests down the toilet. There is even a statistic that shows disturbing fact – the average American is flushing about 57 sheets of toilet paper per day. The figures are growing also in China and Western Europe, despite the efforts for recycling and re-using even the toilet paper. There are already eco-friendly toilet papers in the market. The problem is they are usually more expensive than the others, but doing this you are actually saving a forest. The experts are advising to use portable-self-wash systems, but this is a decision, which requires more efforts. Still, 14.5 million tons of office paper and newspaper in the U.S. gets trashed with no chance for recycling. Therefore recycled toilet paper was turned into a proper decision. Of course there are disadvantages of using it, because recycled paper isn’t as soft as the virgin paper, but still it is an effort to prevent a wasteful future filled with trashed toilet paper.
What is a Revenue Bond A revenue bond is a municipal bond supported by the revenue from a specific project, such as a toll bridge, highway or local stadium. Revenue bonds are municipal bonds that finance income-producing projects and are secured by a specified revenue source. Typically, revenue bonds can be issued by any government agency or fund that is managed in the manner of a business, such as entities having both operating revenues and expenses. BREAKING DOWN Revenue Bond Revenue bonds, which are also called municipal revenue bonds, differ from general obligation bonds (GO bonds) that can be repaid through a variety of tax sources. While a revenue bond is backed by a specific revenue stream, holders of GO bonds are relying on the full faith and credit of the issuing municipality. Typically, since holders of revenue bonds can only rely on the specific project's income, it has a higher risk than GO bonds and pays a higher rate of interest. Structure of Revenue Bonds For example, if a revenue bond is issued to build a new toll road, the tolls that are collected from motorists who drive on the road would be used to pay off the bond, after the building expenses have been paid. A primary reason for using revenue bonds is that they allow the municipality to avoid reaching legislated debt limits. An agency that is run solely on tax dollars, such as a public school, cannot issue revenue bonds, since these entities would be unable to pay off the bond using revenues from the specific project. Real Life Examples St. Louis, Missouri, engages in tax-exempt revenue bond financing. Typical projects funded this way are multi-family housing, in which a minimum of 20% of the units are set aside for households meeting income guidelines; publicly owned facilities; pollution control facilities; and various fixed assets such as land/buildings. The maturity of most of the issues is 20 to 30 years, and interest earned is generally tax-exempt from federal and most state income taxes. This also allows the issuer to pay a lower interest rate. New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) decided to offer Green Bonds in February 2016. The MTA is using the $500 million of proceeds to pay for planned infrastructure renewal projects, including upgrades on its railroads. The bonds, issued under MTA's Transportation Revenue Bond, are backed by the agency's operating revenue and subsidies received from New York State.
A career as an emergency preparedness specialist, or emergency management specialist, allows a person to use creative thinking and an attention to detail to create plans and procedures geared towards helping a population to save themselves from harm should an emergency occur. This public health career offers a high salary, room for growth, many career setting opportunities, and an unrivaled ability to help populations and improve the lives of other people. Public health careers are flourishing in an age where many other careers are falling behind, and this creates an ideal environment for today’s aspiring professional. These careers offer medical training and experience to those who would prefer not to work in a strictly clinical setting, and those that work in these careers find that they provide a myriad of personal rewards. What Is An Emergency Preparedness Specialist? An emergency preparedness specialist is tasked with a very important job in terms of public health, as these are the professionals who come up with plans and protocols should a public health emergency occur. In the instance of a disaster, outbreak, or accident, a preparedness specialist considers all factors and crafts or develops emergency plans that help all individuals to get out of harm’s way safely, and these disaster response plans are very important to maintaining a positive level of public health. On any given day, an emergency preparedness specialist in the public health field may be found: - Working on various emergency plans that may involve natural disasters, disease outbreaks, accidents, or environmental hazards - Training other emergency professionals as well as public health professionals in their roles of the emergency plan - Researching new solutions or technology that may be available to improve an emergency or disaster plan - Overseeing quality control within emergency preparedness drills - Hosting emergency preparedness drills within a public health establishment or team to ensure that all employees and co-workers know and can follow the plan safely. - Coordinating emergency personnel In instances of health or safety emergencies, it is always best to have a plan in place to minimize any potential risks, and it is the job of an emergency preparedness specialist to carefully craft these plans in order to maintain a healthy public. The plans created by these professionals will involve public health personnel workers, emergency responders, and members of a population, and they will consider all factors when developing plans for safety. Education And Training The typical educational requirement for an emergency preparedness specialist is a bachelor’s degree, however a professional may decide to pursue a number of different certifications in the field in order to gain an employment advantage. A bachelor’s degree emergency management or another related field is ideal, and this will involve the taking of a 4 year undergraduate course in order to complete a full-time program. Certification in emergency preparedness management as well as the National Incident Management System is often preferred by employers hiring new emergency preparedness specialists, and these certifications may be earned through the completion of a program. Each certification program will last around 1 year on average, and upon the completion and passing of a final exam, a person can then become a certified specialist in emergency preparedness. While being certified is not always required, many employers will place a level of preference on certified individuals, which is why it is important for professionals in this field to always consider certification. Emergency preparedness specialists can be employed by the private, public, or government sectors and work in the field of public health, and the demand for qualified professionals in this field is expected to rise by around 22% by the year 2018. This steep rise in need allows for those looking to embark on this career to feel confident about their chances to find rewarding employment, as 2,800 new jobs are expected to open in this booming field. The mean annual salary for an emergency preparedness specialist is around $56,900, however those holding advanced positions within a team, those working in certain settings, and those with years of experience may expect to make more. The top 10% of emergency preparedness specialists make around $90,340, allowing them a comfortable living working an important career with room for growth.
At the beginning of the year, teachers should decide classroom rules according to to the students' ages and levels. Eveything should be clear. Students should know what is acceptable and not acceptable. Rules should be short and inclusive, comprehensive. For example; one of my rule is " Make smart choices" which includes so many behaviours in it. After that, you should decide punishments and awards in the class. They should keep in their mind if they obey the rules, they are going to get awards and if not, they will get punished. I decided to use SuperImproviser( Scoreboard) which is from WholeBrainTeaching. First two weeks, you suffer to teach the rules but, after two weeks, everything runs well in the classroom. Students take pleasure of it also teachers as well. Decide your criterions and give them stars according to them. Every ten stars, they level up. Every level up give them some awards. I started using that scoreboard this year. Off task students are getting less day by day. If you want, I can send you whole pack of this scoreboard with colored worksheets. Send me a mail!
Send the link below via email or IMCopy Present to your audienceStart remote presentation - Invited audience members will follow you as you navigate and present - People invited to a presentation do not need a Prezi account - This link expires 10 minutes after you close the presentation - A maximum of 30 users can follow your presentation - Learn more about this feature in our knowledge base article Transcript of Don Quixote Spanish novelist, poet, and playwright Spanish referred as "la lengua de Cervantes" (the language of Cervantes) Born near Madrid, moving from town to town Left for Italy, introduced to Renaissance art, architecture, and poetry In 1570, Cervantes enlisted as a soldier stationed in Naples In 1571, fought in the Battle of Lepanto, losing his left arm in the process Cervantes was captured by Algerian corsairs in 1575 Spent five years as a slave Ransomed by his family and returned home Married and settled down in Spain Other Major Works Part 1 Plot "Don Quixote is to the Spanish language what Shakespeare is to English, Dante to Italian, and Goethe to German: the glory of that particular vernacular." "Though it stands for ever as the birth of the novel out of the prose romance, and is still the best of all novels, I find its sadness augments each time I reread it, and does make it 'the Spanish Bible', as Miguel de Unamuno termed this greatest of all narratives." "The physical and mental torments suffered by Don Quixote and Sancho Panza had been central to Cervantes's endless struggle to stay alive and free." Critics First modern narrative National work of Spain Unique fame/Quixotic Los tratos de Argel (1580) La Galatea (1585) Don Quixote Part I (1605) Novelas Ejemplares (1613) Viaje del Parnaso (1614) Don Quixote Part II ( 1615) Persiles and Segismunda (1616) Genre Picaresque novel Farce Alonso Quijano, a hidalgo, begins to mix reality and fiction Sets out to revive chivalry under the name of Don Quixote, fighting for Dulcinea del Toboso, and riding his trusty horse Rocinante Leaves one morning and ends up at an inn, believing it to be a castle Returns home with a neighbor Sets out again with his neighbor Sancho Panza and begins the series of famous adventures Windmills = fearsome giants, a flock of sheep = a great army, etc. The mind of Don Quixote creates scenarios that turn anything and everything into chivalric quest Bloom Plot (continued) Priest and barber bring Don Quixote home The end... or is it? Part 2 Spain has become familiar with Don Quixote and his squire The characters are aware of Part One as well as a fraudulent Part Two The adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza continue Set out to find Don Quixote's beloved Dulcinea Meet a Duke and Duchess who use Don Quixote and Sancho as entertainment Plot (continued) Knight of the White Moon defeats Don Quixote Falls ill when he returns home Bedridden for six days, on the seventh day he regains his senses Dies after writing his will for his niece, housekeeper, and Sancho Ivan Turgenev "It seems to me that in these two types are embodied two opposite fundamental peculiarities of man's nature—the two ends of the axis about which it turns." "...every one of us resembles either Don Quixote or Hamlet." "What does Don Quixote represent? Faith, in the first place; faith in something eternal, immutable; faith in the truth, in short, existing outside of the individual, which cannot easily be attained by him, but which is attainable only by constant devotion and the power of self-abnegation." "Now what does Hamlet represent? Analysis, first of all, and egotism, and therefore incredulity." Nabokov “Reality and illusion are interwoven in the pattern of life.” "The result is a fertile hybrid, a new species, the European novel." W.H. Auden "Heroes are conventionally divided into three classes, the epic hero, the tragic hero, and the comic hero. Don Quixote is none of these."
Answer to Question #44025 in Other Programming & Computer Science for faisal To help decide which program isbest for storing your data, ask yourself the following question: is the data relational or not? Data that can be efficiently contained in a single table or worksheet is called flat or nonrelational data. For example, if you want to create a simple list of customers, with only one address and contact person for each customer, Excel might be the better choice. You can use Excel to connect to awide variety of data sources including Access, SQL Server and Analysis Services databases, text and XML files, and ODBC and OLE DB data sources. However, you cannot edit the data to change the source data through the Excel user InExcel, you can use what-if analysis tools to forecast the outcome of a worksheet model. What-if analysis allows you to run different scenarios on your data, such as best case and worst case scenarios, and compare the resulting data of several scenarios in a summary report. Multiple user access to data In Excel, you can share a workbookwith other users, but multi-user collaboration functions best when users work on the data in that workbook at different times instead of simultaneously. In effect, users of an Access database collaborate on a set of data, and users of an Excel workbook collaborate on a document. Need a fast expert's response?Submit order and get a quick answer at the best price for any assignment or question with DETAILED EXPLANATIONS!
The kiva is always the center of the mandala. It is the secret, hidden place where the sipapu meets the sky, the safe place where the past meets the future. The kiva is a place of refuge, a sanctuary from the unpredictability of the elements, a private and safe space combining the practical and spiritual dimensions of existence in one form, a womb of culture and vision, a special opening into the reality of mother. Smaller kivas may have been used like living rooms, the focal point for local clans, a place to stay warm on a winter's day or to keep cool during the summer months while relaxing. The larger kivas provided a place to smoke and discuss community business. At certain times of year, they were used as holy places, accomodating many people visiting from outside the canyon. At these times, there would be chanting, recounting of oral histories, relevant stories and teachings in preparation for rituals. The circle around a central fire pit is a natural mandala, tending to bring the participants into visual contact and intimate communication. The kiva is an architectural form designed to host the spirit of council fires and gatherings of all kinds which had once taken place outdoors or in caves and natural rockhouses. Nine of the 37 kivas found in Pueblo Bonito. Kiva means 'world below'. Small kivas such as these may have been a suite of domestic rooms. The Anasazi who settled in Chaco around 550 AD, lived on the mesas above the canyon in simple dwellings called pit houses. A shallow depression would be dug out of the earth, the edge lined with flat stones leaning outward. Four posts arranged in a square were inserted into the floor of the pit. Four horizontal beams were lashed to these, defining the roof of the structure.Log sections were added to span the distance from the beams to the earth and covered in poles, sticks and mud. A basin in the floor served as a fire pit, used for cooking and heating. Since most of the structure was above ground, there may have been many variations in size and shape which are no longer apparent. Soon the Anasazi were building arcs of multi-room additions around their pit houses. Later, it became fashiohable to move into the outer storage rooms. The pit gradually became identified with the past and the ancestors, a return to traditional ways. By the middle of the eighth century , pit houses were no longer used for storage but occupied the center of pueblos throughout the southwest; by the millenium, the pit house is designed on a bigger scale and surrounded by multi-storied dwellings. (Mesa Verde pit house photo courtesy of Time Life Books,The Mound Builders & Cliff Dwellers, 1992) The floor of the Great Kiva in Chetro Ketl Two of the four masonry-lined pits used for roof support posts; when they were excavated, one of the pits still held a post 26 1/2 " thick, as well as offerings of turquoise chips in leather bags. The large sandstone disk was used as a footing for the post. The square structure is a firebox. Niches in the outer walls held strings of stone and shell beads and were then sealed with masonry. turtle hill ©2000
Managing my time Upper intermediate level By the end of the lesson, learners will have practiced their listening for gist and detailed comprehention (e.g timely tips) To provide learners with some time management useful vocabularies. Procedure (31-45 minutes) T will present a video of time management mistakes for student to watch and discuss about it. Students will then answer the following 2 questions: How do you remember appointments, things you need to buy, people's birthdays, etc.? Do you usually do everything you plan to do each day? If not, why not? Students will be divided into two groups to compete and match the right meaning to the vocabularies. Teacher wait for feedback and clarify words they might not understand and do some pronunciation drilling of the vocabularies highlighting the stress. ICQs Priority: Is it my first concern(Yes) Interruptions: Is it when something being stop or delay? (Yes) Procrastination: Did I delay my task? Yes Dread: It is to worry or get nervous about something? (yes) Ss will take one 2 minutes to read the article for gist and guess the tittle from 3 choice options, and then complete the following exercise. Check answer with pairs and wait for feedback. Student will take 4 minutes to ready the article to search for details to complete exercise 2. The exchange answer with pairs to see if they got it right. Students will divided into groups to answer questions in exercise 3 and discuss it among the to allow a freer practice. Teacher will monitor
Living Rights Then & Now: The Winnipeg General Strike Welcome to Living Rights Then & Now: a MARL blog. The goal of this blog is to spread knowledge about the unique history of human rights struggle within the province of Manitoba, and the multiple struggles, victories, and challenges that have occurred here. Living Rights Then & Now will help enlighten Manitobans and anyone interested that the rights we enjoy did not arise out of nowhere, and that human rights abuses and issues remain within our province today. The Winnipeg General Strike made global news and brought the city to its knees. In 1919, Winnipeg was noteworthy for its rapid growth and for the vastness of its social and economic inequality. This opulence can still be seen in Winnipeg’s architecture, its Crescents, Avenues, even its famous lakefronts. Yet the underclass toiled miserably, often 14 hours or more a day. Many earned mere subsistence wages, outpaced by inflation after WWI. Something had to give. Over 30,000 workers in Winnipeg’s public and private sectors – including all of the telephone operators, firefighters and city police force – went on strike. On June 26th, over 25,000 strikers flooded the streets demanding justice. Soon after these events, governments here and elsewhere were urged to alter their agendas to include redistribution dedicated to improving the working and living conditions of the poor. According to the Robson Commission report: “It is necessary that steady labour see that it has the consideration from the government and other elements of the population, and that such consideration takes practical form.” What forced this major shift in thinking, making consideration of the poor now ‘necessary’? It was not our collective capacity to share and to reform. It was not our reason, nor our moral enlightenment, nor even a compassionate awareness of unnecessary suffering. To win this consideration took a real fight. These reforms were hard-won by many people over a brutal and chaotic season in our city. Their insistence on a more just arrangement and their willingness to put their livelihoods and even their lives on the line made a new political reality an absolute necessity. Their legacy echoes in the political commitments we now recognize and struggle to uphold toward one another today. Blog by: Emily Muller
In the early days of mankind, man would stay warm by building a fire pit in their living space. They would stay warm and cook their food using these fire pits. Soon after, they learned to build hearths. In fact, hearths have been used to heat homes since about 42,000 B.C. The Roman and Korean societies used under-floor radiant heating thousands of years ago. The Romans used a system of hypocausts, which pumped heated air into open spaces beneath raised buildings. The Koreans, on the other hand, used furnaces at one end of the home that pumped hot air under the home to a chimney on the other side. Insulation & Chimneys & Other forms of Heating Although homes in the Middle Ages were still heated with fires on open hearths, they needed to figure out a way to keep the heat inside. Medieval home builders used clay and straw as a home insulation technique. Beginning in the 14th century, European homes began to have chimneys used to heat their homes, which allowed hearths to be moved from the center of the room to up against the wall. This improved living spaces, but the popularity of chimneys was slow moving and were relatively uncommon 200 years later. In the late 17th century, the next big movement in home heating came with the invention of the stove and was very popular over the next two centuries. Coal and wood were both primarily used as fuel for those who heated their homes with stoves. However, burning coal in stoves left black stains on the walls and ceilings. In addition, coal generated an especially large amount of soot, which is bad for the environment. Sulfur dioxide, a by-product of burning coal, is largely responsible for acid rain. In 1815, the first gas metering system for the home was invented, however, it wasn't used until 25 years later in the 1840s. Later in the 1920s, the oil burning furnace became a popular domestic heating option. Electric furnaces came along soon after and quickly became a favored option of home heating. Over half of homes in America heated with gas fired forced air furnaces. Oil fired forced air are still used in some homes. However, in warmer climates, homes are heated using electric heat pumps to supply both heating and cooling energy. Heat Your Home With Royal Heating & Air Heating has become an important part of society and home comfort. At Royal Heating & Air, we are experts in all things related to heating and cooling at the Lake of the Ozarks. If your furnace needs maintenance or repairing, call the best HVAC repair company at the Lake of the Ozarks at 573-480-4313 to schedule your appointment today.
The battleship is a large warship, with more firepower, armor, and shielding than cruisers, battlecruisers, and all classes below them. They are very expensive and very heavy, making them one of the slowest warships. There is also a noticeable size jump between most cruisers and battleships - where cruisers are manned by 8 crew, have 3 or 4 heavy weapons, and support 4 shield layers, most battleships are double the size, take close to 20 crew, can have 8 or more heavy weapons, and support over 6 shield layers. Battleships are unique in that they are the smallest class able to support anti-ship batteries, which are cannon-like weapons so large and powerful that they are known to punch holes right through cruisers. They often carry fighter bays in addition to their armaments, although never as many as a carrier-class would have. Battleships are the most common class used as a flagship in military fleets. While they cannot chase down a retreating destroyer escort, they can hold their own against many smaller ships, and usually serve as the backbone of their fleets during the heat of battle.
Taking Your Singing Agility to New Levels Singing fast scales develops agility — the ability to change notes quickly and easily. Agility is important no matter what kind of music you plan to sing. If your voice can move easily and quickly, you’re much more likely to enjoy singing faster songs, because you can sing them well. Some voices are designed to sing fast. If your voice happens to love only slow songs, be disciplined and work through these agility patterns. Later, you may be glad you did. Agility is especially important for singing classical music and upbeat pop songs. Moving along the scale The patterns in the following illustrations begin by moving quickly among just a few notes. Take your time getting used to all the notes. The patterns get progressively harder and longer and include more notes as they go. In addition, the tempo starts slowly and gradually speeds up. This gives you a chance to settle into the pattern before it starts moving too quickly. The following illustration moves along a pattern and repeats a few of the notes along the way. Notice that the first two notes are repeated as are the highest two notes in the pattern. This gives you flexibility; you don’t have to try to control every note in the pattern. Be sure to notice your breath connection: You want your breath to move the voice along, not bounce your jaw or your larynx. Picking up the pace By practicing scales or patterns that move quickly, you can develop better agility. The pattern in the next illustration helps you sing at a faster pace up and down a scale. This pattern is a full scale plus one extra note on the top. It’s often called a nine-tone scale, in technical terms. These tips can help you sing this track: Try to feel the pivot points or accents on the fifth note and the top note. You can see a line over the pivot notes. If you aim for these pivot notes, you can feel the pattern in two sections instead of one long, run-on pattern. Make sure that your jaw stays still as you sing the pattern and that your larynx doesn’t bob up and down. Use a mirror and check the movement of both. Keep your fingers on your larynx if you can’t see it in the mirror. If you have trouble getting all the notes, add a consonant — for example, add L or D to sing lah or dah. By inserting the consonant, you feel the movement of your tongue as you sing each note, helping you land more confidently on each note. Later you can take away the consonant and sing just the vowels. Try to hear the familiar five-note sequence and think of those notes as your pivot notes. You can see a line over the pivot notes. You really have to let go of control to sing this pattern. Watch yourself in the mirror and make sure that your jaw isn’t bouncing with each note. If you find yourself trying to change the rhythm, sing half of the pattern each time it plays so that you can really focus on the first few notes to release the tension in your throat or jaw.
315 pages | 9 Color Illus. | 55 B/W Illus. Dating back to the early Cambrian period, crustaceans had ample time to undertake endless experimentation with form and function. Today, no other group of plants or animals on the planet exhibit the range of morphological diversity seen among extant Crustacea. With more than 52,000 species, they are placed fourth in terms of overall species diversity. This book comprehensively elucidates the reproduction and development of all the taxonomic groups of Crustacea and bridges the gap between conventional zoologists and molecular biologists. Reproductive modes from the point of embryonic stem cells and primordial germ cells is discussed with a special section on cysts. Taxonomy and diversity. Life span and reproduction. Energy allocation. Morphology and anatomy. Gametogenesis and vitellogenesis. Insemination and sperm storability. Brooders and shedders. Larval development. Translocation and in-vitro incubation. Sexual reproduction. Gonochorism. PGCs and Sexualization. Sex ratio. Alternative Mating Strategy (AMS). Fecundity. Senescence and menopause. Oviparity and ovoviviparity. Hermaphroditism. Simultaneous. Protandry. Protogyny. Androdioecy. Parthenogenesis. Obligatory and facultative. Cyclic. Geographic. Asexual reproduction. ESCs and agametism-Hemocoelomates and elimination of ESCs. Exceptional Taxa-Regeneration. Sex Determination. Karyotype. Heterogamety. Ploidy induction. Genomics and sexonomics. Sex Differentiation. Endocrine glands. Neuroendocrines: Ablation of eyestalks and androgenic glands. Castration and ovariectomy: Endocrine disruption. Parasitic castration. Social induction of sex by food. Cysts. Atremia and aquaculture. Geographical distribution. Diapause. Resting stages. Sperm preservation.
What is a base64 string? Base64 is an encoding procedure to encode 8 bit binary data (i.e. executable programs, zip files or images) into a character sequence which does only consist of readable, code independent ASCII characters. In combination with for example OpenPGP an additional checksum is appedend. This slightly different approach is called Radix-64. Base 64 is additionally used as well for encoding the username and password in the HTTP Basic authentication.
Humankind has been creating art since we first began using tools. Some of this art came in the form of art on cave walls, some on rocks in the open that has since been washed away by the elements, and some in the form of sculptures that were carefully and meticulously crafted by some of our earliest ancestors. Sculptures, much like paintings, have been a form of our expressive side for hundreds of thousands of years, and even in today’s world of modern technology and endless distractions, such as television, video gaming, and online slots real money Canada, we’re still taking the time to create new and interesting sculpture. The $100 Million Sculpture On the 4th of November 2014, a sculpture created by famed artist Alberto Giacometti sold at Sotheby’s in New York for over $100 million in total. While the huge amount of cash is impressive, what’s more impressive is that we, as a species, have always been fascinated with art, and even those that have access to anything and everything in the world will still pursue various pieces of art, no matter how costly. And it’s this fascination with art that defines us as a species – we’ve been creating it for at least half a million years, and will continue to do so until we’re no longer around. The World’s Oldest The oldest recorded sculpture in the world is known as the Tan-Tan sculpture. It can be found in the country of Morocco, located at the top of Africa, the continent that gave birth to modern humans. It was discovered in an open site of an ancient river deposit of the river Draa. It is Acheulian, and has been dated back as far back as somewhere between 300,000 and 500,000 years ago. It’s 6 centimetres in height and 1 centimetre wide. The shape of the tiny quartzite pebble resembles that of a human. It was originally discovered near some primitive stone tools, which were most likely used in the carving of the sculpture. The majority of the pebble occurred naturally, and archaeologists believe that the person that discovered it noticed it’s more human-like shape and decided to modify if further. Analysis under a microscope reveals that its natural shape may have been emphasized by small but deliberate alterations to the natural grooves that run along the body. The Next Discovery In 1981, archaeologist N. Goren-Inbar discovered a small pebble made of volcanic rock at the Berekhat Ram site on the Golden Heights. The pebble resembled a female human form, and was named the Berekhat Ram sculpture. The grooves around the neck and sides suggest that it was sculpted to resemble that of a female. It stood out immediately, being extremely different to the same types of pebbles found in the surrounding area. An examination of the pebble revealed that it was made somewhere between 250,000 and 280,000 years ago, and was discovered near a set of stone tools. The analysis confirmed that it was created by the hominid hands.
Aerators (Tanks and Ponds) Aeration of liquids is a process used in the treatment of industrial effluents containing organic pollutants which have to be degraded by oxidation in order to be eliminated. Aerator are ejectors that insert air in the tank or pond in order to remove the organic matter from fluids. Their main features are the following: - High oxidation efficiency (O2 dissolved / O2 injected) - High rate of oxygen reaction caused by the turbulence originated both inside and outside the equipment. - Uniform and fast distribution of emulsions. - Generation of small bubbles. - Industrial organic fluids treatment. - Biological fermentations. - Inorganic solutions oxidation.
FCE Vocabulary - Environment 2 Complete each sentence with one of the words. The tiles in the right-hand column are sortable. ANSWERS - Fossil _ _ _ _ _ are non-renewable energy resources such as oil and coal. - Endangered _ _ _ _ _ are those animals that are at risk of extinction. - The _ _ _ _ _ effect is a naturally occurring process. - We can _ _ _ _ _ plastic bottles and obtain decorative objects. - Solar _ _ _ _ _ is radiant light and heat from the Sun. - Motor vehicle exhaust _ _ _ _ _ are a major source of air pollution. - Lions have lost three-quarter of their original natural _ _ _ _ _ in Africa. - Scientists are worried that the _ _ _ _ _ layer may be getting thinner. - Many rain _ _ _ _ _ have been destroyed in recent years. - Industrial sewage continues to _ _ _ _ _ our beaches.
- Knowledge of curriculum, instruction and assessment - already written about in the previous post - involves being knowledgeable about how the innovation will affect practices in the school. - Optimizer - being the driving force behind the new innovation and major initiatives and fostering the belief that it can produce exceptional results. This involves inspiring teachers to accomplish things and having a positive attitude about the ability of teachers to accomplish substantial things. It's also about leading from the front. - Intellectual stimulation - this refers to the extent to which the principal ensures that teachers are aware of the cutting-edge research, theories and practices regarding effective schooling and makes reading about and discussing them a regular aspect of the school culture. Providing faculty with intellectual stimulation is vital for increasing achievement, but costly in terms of time and money as teachers need to attend quality conferences, workshops and PD programmes. - Change agent - a great principal needs to consider new and better ways of doing things, constantly challenging the status quo, even if it temporarily upsets the school's equilibrium, and needs to be willing to lead change initiatives and move forward with uncertain outcomes that have no guarantee of success. S/he needs to consistently attempt to operate "at the edge versus the center of the school's competence". - Monitoring and evaluating - already written about in a previous post - a great leader needs to be continually monitoring the impact of the innovation. - Flexibility - this refers to the extent to which leaders adapt to the needs of the situation, how comfortable they are with making major changes in how things are done and how comfortable they are with dissent. Great leaders encourage people to express diverse and contrary opinions and don't take these personally. - Ideals and beliefs - already written about as this is also important for day to day changes - but clearly it is important for leaders to operate in a manner consistent with his/her beliefs. This is the really interesting thing for me: some of the leadership responsibilities are actually negatively affected by innovation and change. For example culture, team spirit, cooperation, communication, order and routine may actually deteriorate for a while as a school starts to move forward. It was good for me to read this and reflect on it as I have come to realise that what I have experienced and what makes me uncomfortable might actually be a sign that things are moving in the right direction and perhaps I need to be a little less hasty to judge and to look more at the long picture and not just the short-term. Photo Credit: Leadership
Pagan is the largest and most resplendent centre of Buddhist art in the ancient world. Indeed, nearly three thousand brick monuments dot the landscape up and down the banks of the Irrawaddy as far as the eye can see. Construction at Pagan peaked between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries when the city was home to the country’s kings and its chief religious personalities. Local architects mastered complex brick vaulting techniques unrivalled in Asia, while mural painters and stone carvers fashioned a distinctive style of Burmese art. By the mid-fourteenth century the capital had shifted north to what is now the Mandalay region, and the pace of building slowed dramatically. However, the city never lost its special religious and cultural significance, furnishing a field of merit to Buddhists old and new. Burma, now known as Myanmar, was terra incognita in Southeast Asia for many decades, but the lifting of travel restrictions has made this temple city now accessible. Dr. Donald M. Stadtner, a distinguished scholar with decades of experience in Burma, has selected thirty-three monuments that highlight Pagan’s unique history. Michael Freeman’s superlative photographs accompany the text.
(order Phthiraptera, suborder Amblycera) Family of chewing lice which are parasitic chiefly on Australian marsupials. Only two species are not found on marsupials: Heterodoxus spiniger has become established on dogs, presumably having transferred to dogs since humans introduced them to Australia, and is now found all around the world between latitudes 40°N and 40°S; and Therodoxus oweni is found on the cassowary. Members of the family differ from other Amblycera in possessing a seta borne on a protuberance on each side of the mesonotum, and in the fusion of the metanotum to abdominal tergum I. There are eight genera, with about 35 species. Subjects: Zoology and Animal Sciences.
Today’s blog post is a teaching tip about how to keep your group members engaged when you’re studying a longer passage of Scripture. A typical Bible study may have 10-12 verses that are covered in a single session, but occasionally a study has a longer passage, maybe even upwards of 16 to 20 verses. How can you keep your people from zoning out and “going to the beach”? Round robin reading Round robin reading may be a way for you to keep your adult learners engaged. While this approach is not popular among teachers of children, especially in the public school arena, it can work well when used in adult groups. When confronted by a long passage of Scripture you want the group to read in its entirety to get the general context, flow, and ideas in the passage, simply designate someone in the group to read the first verse. The person on their right or left reads the second verse, and so on. People have to pay attention to the verses being read or they will not be ready when their turn rolls around. A variation on round robin reading is to have the adults who are not reading listen for key things in the passage, such as: - Who said a certain thing - The location where the story took place - The main characters - The key idea - Words that are repeated for emphasis by the author - Actions that took place - Attitudes that were expressed
by R.T. Jones. Explains early theories of lift, aircraft design, and math modeling of fluid motion. Purpose of special airfoils and laminar airfoils are discussed. Wing design, wing sweep, use of winglets, longitudinal stability, and neutral point. Includes a listing of the Oshkosh Airfoil Program for the IBM-PC. R.T. Jones is one of the world’s leading aerodynamicists with over 50 years of experience in designing aircraft working at NASA as chief research scientist, and teaching at Stanford University. The book is written for the novice as well as the experienced aerodynamicist. If you have any interest in aeronautics, this book is hard to put down once you start to read. 114 page and over 52 figures.
When the tissues of the Thyroid Gland are attacked by rogue cells, the patient is said to have Thyroid Cancer. Because the gland produces many hormones important to the health of the patient, this type of cancer must be treated very aggressively in order to ensure continued good health. A failure to maintain the health of the patient will render them unable to handle chemotherapy and other treatment options that might be necessary to overcome the cancer. People between the ages of 25 and 65 are the most affected, women more prevalently affected than men. Anyone with a thyroid condition, especially when the gland is enlarged, is at a higher risk for the onset of thyroid cancer than other people. Therefore, their doctor will regularly monitor the thyroid in order to detect and irregularities as soon as possible. Blood tests and tissue biopsies are the primary methods used by physicians to diagnose the presence of thyroid cancer in a patient. Elevated or severely decreased hormone levels will often indicate the presence of a problem, and additional tests will allow the determination of the presence of thyroid cancer. Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are commonly used in the treatment of this cancer. But there is another weapon for use against thyroid cancers, hormone therapy. This type of treatment is most successfully used in the treatment of thyroid cancer because of the hormone levels within the gland itself, cells can sometimes be stopped in their tracks by additional hormones being introduced. Prognosis for patients diagnosed with thyroid cancer will depend on the health of the patient, the stage of the cancer and the genetic make-up of the patient.
Problems & Conditions As more than 180 million Americans have some form of vision impairment – whether it is near- or far-sightedness, or both – teens need to be encouraged to tell parents about their vision problems and eye conditions, and they need to be informed about their options. Protecting teens' eye health begins with having a comprehensive eye exam, by recognizing the warning signs associated with eye conditions, and by acting on them with a visit to an eye care provider. Uncorrected vision problems can impact teens' academic performance, athletic performance and even their safety, particularly when driving. In addition, some eye conditions are more easily treated and corrected in their initial stages, and when the patient is younger, instead of waiting until the condition becomes unmanageable. Some vision problems have no warning signs, and if left untreated, can cause permanent vision loss, while others have warning signs such as sudden eye pain, changes in vision or difficulty with night vision. Some warning signs may be felt by the teenager himself or herself, while others may be noticed by a parent, guardian or teacher. Scheduling them an annual eye exam with an eye care provider is key for detecting these problems when they begin. Below are some warning signs of potential vision problems in adults and children: Teen Vision Problems – Warning Signs - Double vision - Difficulty reading and performing up-close work, such as sewing - Changes in the way you see colors - Impaired night vision, especially while driving and encountering oncoming headlights - Frequent eyeglass prescription changes - Experiencing problems with glare from lights or the sun - Halos appearing around lights - A white or cloudy spot in the black pupil – the eye’s lens - Trouble seeing things to your side
- Alcohol, Drugs, and Smoking - Back to School - Cellphone Parenting - Character Strengths and Life Skills - Cyberbullying, Haters, and Trolls - Early Childhood - Facebook, Instagram, and Social - Learning with Technology - Marketing to Kids - Mental Health - News and Media Literacy - Privacy and Internet Safety - Screen Time - Sex, Gender, and Body Image - Special Needs and Learning Difficulties - Technology Addiction - Violence in Media What should I do if my teenager is cyberbullied in an online game? First, determine if it's real cyberbullying or just heated trash talk. Here are some examples of gameplay behavior that could cross the line into cyberbullying: "Griefing." Repeatedly harming a player's avatar or placing the avatar in harmful situations that make it hard to play the game. This behavior is often directed at new players by more experienced players. "Trolling." Intentionally trying to frustrate, anger, and offend other players. Trolls may pretend to be someone they're not or say inflammatory things. Invading privacy. Using personal information (such as an address, a phone number, or even friends' names) in direct threats. Stalking. Everywhere your kid goes in a game, the bully is there -- often with private information on your kid. Ganging up. Enlisting other players to surround a player and intimidate and scare him or her. If your kid is the target of hostile online play, he or she should block the offending player, flag the behavior, and report the player. Nearly every reputable online game (and virtual worlds for younger kids) has community-reporting tools that you can use to call out behavior that violates the site's terms of service.
A tick is not an insect, but an arachnid, related to spiders. Ticks are active whenever the temperature is over 40 degrees and are rarely found over 18 inches above the ground. Ticks do not jump, fly or descend from trees. Tick bites do not hurt, and if you are bitten you probably won’t feel it. That is why it is important to check for ticks frequently during and after outdoor activities. The sooner you find and remove a tick the less likely any disease transmission will occur. Ticks feed on vertebrates, everything from reptiles to birds or humans. In the New York Tri-State area the ticks of most concern are the Deer tick, Wood tick and Dog tick. They usually have a preferred host, i.e. Wood ticks and the Dog tick prefer dogs but will feed on another host if dogs are not available. Ticks will also feed on different types of hosts during different stages of development, i.e. Deer ticks start out on deer mice then move to larger vertebrates like deer or humans. Research on tick control is ongoing. Workers have shown that by using registered insecticides at the proper time, tick contact may be greatly reduced. Treating with an insecticide does not guarantee that no ticks will be present. People still need to dress appropriately and use repellants when in potentially tick-infested areas, and check regularly for the presence of ticks.
Digital X-ray Use and Safety Q: How often should a child have dental X-ray films? A: Since every child is unique, the need for dental X-ray films varies from child to child. Films are taken only after reviewing your child’s medical and dental histories and performing a clinical examination, and only when they are likely to yield information that a visual examination cannot. In general, children need X-rays more often than adults. Their mouths grow and change rapidly. They are more susceptible than adults to tooth decay. For children with a high risk of tooth decay, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends X-ray examinations every six months to detect cavities developing between the teeth. Children with a low risk of tooth decay require X-rays less frequently. Q: Why should X-ray films be taken if my child has never had a cavity? A: X-ray films detect much more than cavities. For example, X-rays may be needed to survey erupting teeth, diagnose bone diseases, evaluate the results of an injury, or plan orthodontic treatment. X-rays allow dentists to diagnose and treat conditions that cannot be detected during a clinical examination. If dental problems are found and treated early, dental care is more comfortable and affordable. Q: Will X-ray films be taken routinely? A: No. X-ray films are recommended only when necessary to evaluate and monitor your child’s oral health. The frequency of X-ray films is determined by your child’s individual needs. If your child’s previous dentist obtained X-ray films, request copies be sent to your new pediatric dentist to help reduce radiation exposure. Q: How safe are dental X-rays? A: Pediatric dentists are particularly careful to minimize the exposure of child patients to radiation. With contemporary safeguards, the amount of radiation received in a dental X-ray examination is extremely small. In fact, dental X-rays represent a far smaller risk than undetected and untreated dental problems. Q: What safeguards are used to protect my child from X-ray exposure? A: Lead body aprons and shields help protect your child. Today’s equipment filters out unnecessary X-rays and restricts the X-ray beam to the area of interest. We utilize digital x-rays, which reduce the radiation exposure of your child by almost 80% compared to the standard dental x-rays. By being digital, we can store your child’s x-rays in our computer. This also allows us to send your child’s record to other dentists or orthodontist by e-mail when you request it. Digital x-rays eliminate the need to use chemicals normally used in standard dental x-ray developers, keeping our environment cleaner at the same time assuring that your child receives a minimal amount of radiation exposure.
Random Access Memory is the part of the computer that stores information the computer needs while it is operating. openvms It is Random Access because the computer can get the data in any order, not necessarily the order in which it is stored. Generally speaking, the more RAM the better. 512 to 1024 megabytes is common for memory. openvms It holds the computer operating system. openvms An operating system like Windows uses around 4 gigabytes of hard drive space. The extra space is used to install computer programs and to store your personal data. openvms So there you have it. The basic computer needs just 7 major components. For the best performance, these components must integrate well. The motherboard is the most important component for determining the type and specification of the other parts. openvms Choosing an appropriate mobo for your computer needs is the first step and may require a quick call to your local geek. Computers are used to make our tasks easier and perform them in short span of time. openvms However, if your computer starts working slow, then there is no major significance of having it and using it to carry out various tasks. Many people get frustrated with the slow performance of their PC and end up spending money by upgrading memory or even sometimes by purchasing a new computer to get rid of slow performance. However, you cannot do it every time your PC becomes slow. You should look for a more efficient solution. Remove all the temporary files stored in your computer system. The temporary files are voracious eaters of system memory. So, the best practice to improve the system performance is to regularly delete the temporary files from the computer. Update Windows by turning on the automatic update feature when connected to Internet. Registry is a central database of any computer which maintains a record of the activities and stores them in the form of registry entries like when you install any software application on your PC then an entry is made in the registry about the installation of the software. So, check for any registry error. Kevin Smith is a computer specialist at iYogi that offers 24/7/365 remotePC repair via phone, chat and e-mail and fix whatever tricky problems you are facing. You can choose from a variety of friendly and affordable plans that the company offers. The company’s Microsoft Certified Technicians helps in slow computer fix over the Internet while you sit back and relax. Meditation can be a fine approach to help your entire body to loosen up. With the help of meditation and usage of breathing exercises your whole body will soon begin to feel the anxiety being relieved. Connection between pressure and memory loss has long since been scientifically proven. So the more you are relaxed the better will your brain and memory operate. When you begin to recognize that this is happening to you it will just pile up yet more pressure on your mind. This is an particularly strenuous situation which you will have a extremely difficult time getting out off. But, by means of meditation practice which a lot of us are using successfully for years, you can unravel your memory and just let all this tension out. This is going to make it possible for your brain and memory to work much faster. A lot of people think of a meditation as a demanding and somewhat enigmatic practice. Meditation has many very uncomplicated exercises that just about anyone of us can set aside a couple of minutes every day to assist you enhance memory. Try to find a small peaceful part of your home to meditate. You can also use scented candles and essential oils to improve the mood. There are various ways in which you can start meditating or learning to meditate. You can enroll in a seminar, many of those are easy to locate. If you are not aware of any meditation class nearby just go online and look for ‘meditation+where you live.
Russian and British scientists are joining forces in an expedition to study exotic anemones, crabs and blind shrimp that live around hot vents along the mid-Atlantic Ridge. The scientists set sail from Southampton next week aboard the Akademik Mstislav Keldysh, a Russian research ship. British oceanographers led by Adam Schultz from the University of Cambridge and Rachel Mills from the University of Southampton will work with Russian researchers from the Shirshov Institute of Oceanography. With the help of Russian submersibles, they aim to study hot vents at depths of 3 kilometres. The vents resemble massive chimneys, discharging superhot water laden with metals and sulphides. Exotic forms of life form strange communities around the vents. The project is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council as part of the British Mid-Ocean Ridge Initiative, a five-year programme to study the mid-ocean ridge, a volcanic range that stretches for 40 000
As promised, we’ve done the research to answer some Chicago history questions we’ve encountered on our architectural walking tours. I’ll admit, we haven’t posted these in a while. Operating a small business is lots of work! So here we are. Thanks to all of our inquisitive guests, this will be part one of answers. Why is the Pedway symbol blue and gold? How did they come up with that logo? This is one of the most common Chicago history questions from our Loop Interior Architecture Walking Tour. I spoke with Vick Moore, an associate of graphic design firm Carol Naughton & Associates, who worked on the project in the early 2000s. He said the compass was basically a symbol to “imply direction,” meant to orient the Pedway walker. Many of the signs include information about street names, block numbers, and landmarks to connect people underground who may “lose touch” with the rest of the city above ground. As for the color, Moore said that many hue combinations were tested. The blue and gold was simply the most popular from an aesthetic standpoint. Apparently there’s no symbolism with the colors. Is Lower North Michigan Avenue exactly what Pine street was? Partly. Pine Street dates back as far as 1834, back then it was a muddy trail leading north of the river to a little north of Chicago Avenue to Pearson Street – any further north and you would run into the lake’s shore. Over the years, the entire shoreline grew out farther from filling in land. The debris from the Chicago Fire of 1871 made up some landfill. Pine Street itself changed, from ending just after Chicago Avenue. Now, it enda at Oak Street, where it becomes North Lakeshore Drive. In the 1920’s, Pine Street was also widened by 64 feet to the east. That’s when it was redubbed North Michigan Avenue. Do any other cities have multiple levels like downtown Chicago and lower Wacker? A very early concept of the double-deck street comes from 48 AD, an English town called Chester. Essentially, the foot traffic was on the bottom level and people walked above for shopping. Daniel Burnham implemented this system as part of his 1909 Plan for Chicago. No where else quite has this double-decked urban design. Many cities like Minneapolis, Cleveland, Montreal, even Tokyo have moderate to elaborate underground cities like our Chicago Pedway containing tunnels and malls. In the United States, Seattle‘s marshy coast had to raise their grade level to what it is now. The original street levels and underground storefronts are now part of a fun and interesting “Seattle Underground” tour (pictured here) that I was lucky enough to go on. Another city with a lower level is Atlanta, Georgia. Its lower level was once a very popular entertainment district in the 1970’s and today is still holding on. These cities raised the street level “after the fact,” while Lower Wacker Drive and Lower Michigan Avenue were specifically designed to separate freight traffic and faster traffic from pedestrian level. Well that’s all for now, check back later to see if any of your Chicago history questions were researched and answered here. We have more answers in the works, and if you came on our Inside the Loop or Good Times Historic Bar walking tours and haven’t seen your question. answered, please let us know by emailing info at chicagodetours dot com. –Marianna Foral, Research and Editorial Intern
By Lena Wagner on October 21 2018 20:30:43 I believe in the importance of mathematics in our daily lives and it is critical that we nurture our kids with a proper math education. Mathematics involves pattern and structure; it`s all about logic and calculation. Understanding of these math concepts are also needed in understanding science and technology. Learning math is quite difficult for most kids. As a matter of fact, it causes stress and anxiety to parents. How much stress our kids go through? Thus, the math worksheets which you get for your kids should include interesting word problems that help them with the practical application of the lessons they learn. It should also present the same problem in a variety of ways to ensure that a child`s grasp of a subject is deeper and comprehensive. The internet had endless possibilities to assist your child`s math skills. There are many websites host worksheets built into games that can test them on multiplication, fraction. Moreover, they are organized according to types of worksheets suitable for your child. Math can be challenging and exciting; it is a field wherein it there needs to be diligence and dedication. No matter how we avoid math, it is everywhere. Not all children are blessed with gifted math skills but no matter what how hard math is, there are still ways on how to help our kids to learn. It is essential that you find good resources that will make teaching effective and easier. What are math worksheets and what are they used for? These are math forms that are used by parents and teachers alike to help the young kids learn basic math such as subtraction, addition, multiplication and division. This tool is very important and if you have a small kid and you don`t have a worksheet, then its time you got yourself one or created one for your kid. There are a number of sites over the internet that offer free worksheets that are downloadable and printable for use by parents and teachers at home or at school. Learning math requires repetition that is used to memorize concepts and solutions. Studying with math worksheets can provide them that opportunity; Math worksheets can enhance their math skills by providing them with constant practice. Working with this tool and answering questions on the worksheets increases their ability to focus on the areas they are weaker in. Math worksheets provide your kids` the opportunity to analytical use problem solving skills developed through the practice tests that these math worksheets simulate. Solving math is crucial and essential to generate superior and effective problem-solving skills amongst children. For this purpose a range of websites have sprung up online offering math assignment help helping those who find the task of solving problems daunting. These assignments are known to help people in their mathematical problems. They cater to people with problems right from the basic addition or subtraction to the complex algebra lessons and trigonometry problems. Especially, students are known to benefit tremendously from these online materials. free printable preschool worksheets tracing letters
Ask any space explorer, and they’ll have a favorite photograph or two from their mission. For Jorge Núñez, an astrobiologist and planetary scientist working on the science team of NASA’s Perseverance rover, one of his current favorites is a rover’s-eye panorama of the “South Séítah” region of Mars’ Jezero Crater. Exploring the geologic unit was among the major objectives of the team’s first science campaign because it may contain some of the deepest, and potentially oldest, rocks in the giant crater. “Just like any excited tourist approaching the end of a major road trip, we stopped at a lookout to get a first view of our destination,” said Núñez, who is based at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland. “This panorama is spectacular because you feel like you are there. It shows not only the incredible scale of the area, but also all the exploration possibilities South Séítah has to offer. With multiple intriguing rocky outcrops and ridgelines, each one is seemingly better than the last. If it’s not a field geologist’s dream, it’s pretty close.” Composed of 84 individual enhanced-color images that were later stitched together, the mosaic was taken on September 12 (the 201st Martian day, or sol, of the mission) by the Mastcam-Z camera system as the rover was parked on an elevated overlook just outside its entry point into South Séítah. Perseverance had just completed a record 190-yard (175-meter) drive the previous sol. The mosaic was taken at the highest magnification and stretched to allow subtle color differences in the rocks and soil to be visible to the naked eye. Left of center and halfway up the image are the gray, darker gray, and Swiss-coffee-colored rocky outcrops of the ridge nicknamed “Faillefeu” (after a medieval abbey in the French Alps). The distinctly thin, at times tilted layering evident in several of Faillefeu’s rocks would have been high on the science team’s list of things to explore, because tilted layering suggests the possibility of tectonic activity. But similar features – along with other compelling geology – were visible on another ridgeline that the mission’s science team opted to explore instead. The “Martre Ridge” (named after a commune in southeastern France) is like Faillefeu except three times as big. It contains not only low-lying flat rocks near the base of the ridge, but also rocky outcrops with thin layering at the base and massive caprocks near and at the ridge’s peak. The caprocks are usually made of harder, more resistant material than those stacked below them, suggesting potential differences in how the material was deposited. “Another cool thing about this image is that one can also see in the background, on the right, the path Perseverance took as it made its way to South Séítah,” said Núñez. “And finally, there is the peak of ‘Santa Cruz’ far in the distance. We’re currently not planning on going there; it’s too far out of our way. But it is geologically interesting, reinforcing just how much great stuff the team gets to pick and choose from here at Jezero. It also looks cool.” More About Perseverance A key objective for Perseverance’s mission on Mars is astrobiology, including the search for signs of ancient microbial life. The rover will characterize the planet’s geology and past climate, pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet, and be the first mission to collect and cache Martian rock and regolith. Subsequent NASA missions, in cooperation with ESA (European Space Agency), would send spacecraft to Mars to collect these sealed samples from the surface and return them to Earth for in-depth analysis. The Mars 2020 Perseverance mission is part of NASA’s Moon to Mars exploration approach, which includes Artemis missions to the Moon that will help prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet. JPL, which is managed for NASA by Caltech in Pasadena, California, built and manages operations of the Perseverance rover.
One of the largest arguments used to support keeping wild animals like dolphins and whales in captivity is the fact that they would never be able to survive in the wild after life in a tank. While this may be a valid concern for animals born into life at a marine park or aquarium who never learned the basic skills of hunting or interacting with other members of a pod, for animals who were taken from their native habitat and forced into a tank, the story is a bit different. With the proper rehabilitation, dolphins and whales can be successfully released back into the wild – just take a look at the case of Sambal the dolphin. Sambal was illegally captured along with three other dolphins for display at Jeju’s Pacific Land theme park and the Grand Seoul Zoo in South Korea. After it was discovered that the animals had been illegally apprehended, however, the Supreme Court ruled that the cetaceans would have to be given up. Luckily, the Korean Animal Welfare Association and Ric O’Barry set to work helping to rehabilitate these dolphins and prepare them to return to the wild. The dolphins were weaned off dead fish and rehabilitated in sea pens. According to O’Barry, Sampal was the most eager to return to the wild and escaped her sea pen before the official release. It is reported that she rejoined her pod shortly thereafter. Nearly three years later and Sambal is thriving in her wild home! She was recently spotted off the coast of South Korea with a healthy calf in toe! Jang Yi-kwon, a professor at Ehwa Womans University called the successful breeding a culmination of the project of releasing captive dolphins and an unprecedented exemplary case. Cho Hee-kyung, leader of the Korean Animal Welfare Association expressed a similar joy, and told the Korean Herald,”that the birth will hopefully raise more attention to the cause of returning dolphins at aquariums to the wild.” Wild release is not always an option for captive animals, O’Barry explains, “[for these dolphins] Captivity has destroyed something vital in their lives, something that, were they human, we would call ‘spirit.’ For them, it is too late.” But in the case where rehabilitation and release is an option, it certainly presents a positive alternative to keeping animals locked up in tanks indefinitely. Sambal is an amazing example of what can happen when dolphins are given the chance to return to the life they deserve and her success gives us hope that this can be possible for many others as well. Although attitudes towards keeping wild animals in captivity are starting to change across the world, there is still a long way to go until all of the tanks are emptied. We can all help make this possible by refusing to attend marine parks and other captive animal attractions. No animal deserves to suffer for the sake of our entertainment. In-text image source: WDC Lead image source: Flickr
Logging and early settlements, pp. 8-20 Walking Bridge across the Big Eau Pleine at Webertown. Courtesy Caroline Reichert I ~4 Weber Settlement was a thriving community until the arrival of the Chicago and North Western Railway which attracted the young, ambitious lumberman, W.D. Connor, who, in 1891, established the village of Stratford. Today, all that remains of Webertown are two old ceme- teries, a few stone structures ob- scured by the terrain, descen- dants of the settlers, and the ever flowing, meandering wa- ters of the rippling Big Eau Pleine. (The writer, Patti Laessig Zimmerman, is a decendant of the Laessigs and Webers of Webertown) Julie Wagner on walking bridge across the Big Eau Pleine at Webertown about 1916. There is a sign above the bridge that warns of a $5.00 fine if more than two people are on the bridge at the same time Courtesy Adella Cline. This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17, US Code).| For information on re-use see: http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/Copyright
It may not surprise anyone to learn that teenage drivers are especially dangerous, primarily due to their inexperience. However, a new study by the American Automobile Association’s (AAA) safety foundation indicates that there are certain risk factors that greatly increase the danger when a teen is behind the wheel of a car. The study shows that a key factor is who else is in the car. If there are other young people traveling as passengers, the risk goes up. The risks go down, however, if an older adult is in the car with the teen driver. According to the report, “Teen Driver Risk in Relation to Age and Number of Passengers,” the chances of a driver aged 16 to 17 suffering a fatality in an automobile accident increases with every additional young person in the car.1 The numbers are eye-opening: as compared to driving with no passengers, the risk of fatality increases by 44 percent when there is one passenger under21, in the car. With two young passengers, the risk doubles, and with three, it quadruples. In contrast, if there is an older passenger present in the car, the risk is greatly reduced. The study found that a teenage motorist’s risk of death is reduced by 62 percent if one or more passengers aged 35 or older are present. In addition, the chance of being involved in any crash reported to the police is reduced by 46 percent. Some states have adopted restrictions on the number of passengers for teenage drivers, and the number of teen traffic fatalities has decreased overall in recent years. But the problem is still significant. AAA’s study analyzed data from 2006 to2010 in Illinois, which saw 273 fatal collisions involving a driver aged 16 or 17. Of those accidents, 52 percent occurred when there were one or more passengers under the age of 21 present in the automobile with the teen motorist. The number dropped to 8 percent when there was one or more passengers over the age of 21 present. Beth Mosher, AAA Chicago’s director of public affairs, addressed the findings. “We know that carrying young passengers is a huge risk, but it’s also a preventable one,” she said. “These findings should send a clear message to families that parents can make their teens safer immediately by refusing to allow them to get in the car with other young people, whether they’re behind the wheel or in the passenger seat.”
Birth Defects of the Hands Abnormalities of the hand that a child is born with can interfere with the growth and use of the hand. With modern surgical techniques, most of these defects can be correct early - sometimes in infancy and in other cases before the age of three. There are different types of birth defects that affect the hand. One of the most common is syndactyly, in which two or more fingers are fused together. Other common defects include short, missing or deformed fingers, tendons that don't move or abnormal nerves or blood vessels Causes and Risk Factors It is not known what causes these defects. There may be an inherited element or it may be the result of something that happened during the baby's development before birth. Most birth defects of the hands are easy to see and identify. Patterns of how the baby uses its hands may also point to an underlying problem with tendons. The is designed to hand the delicate and precise surgery that is frequently needed to correct these types of birth defects. In the case of syndactyly, the surgeon may not only have to separate tissue to separate the fused fingers, he or she may also have to separate bones, if they also are fused. Additionally, skin grafts may be needed to cover the areas that had been fused. Surgery can also treat and make significant improvements in other types of defects such as short, missing or deformed fingers, immobile tendons and abnormal nerves or blood vessels.
Highlights of nitrate-N leaching results (see linked pdf for more details) From 1984 - 1993, continuous corn was grown with spring chisel tillage, while in 1994 a no-till soybean-corn rotation was begun with a winter wheat cover crop after corn to “trap” nitrogen remaining in the soil. Fertilizer N rates were decreased over the 15 years, as N fertilizer “philosophy” and recommendaions changed. Preplant anhydrous ammonia rates were 250 lb/A in 1984-88, 200 lb/A in 1989-93, 175 lb/A in 1995, and 155 lb/A in 1997 and 1999, with small additional amounts of N applied as starter. Nitrate-N concentrations in drainflow decreased greatly over the 15-yr period, as a result of the changes in management practices (Fig. 1). Concentrations were consistently in the 20 to 30 ppm range in the 1985 to 1988 period and in the 7 to 10 ppm range in the 1996 to 1999 period. Fertilizer N rates during the 1985-88 period were high by today’s standards but were the recommended rates at the time. The conversion from continuous corn with high fertilizer N rates, to a corn-soybean rotation with lower fertilizer N rates and a winter cover crop following corn, resulted in concentrations of nitrate-N in tile drainage below 10 ppm, on this low organic matter, silt loam soil. Higher total amounts of nitrogen were lost per acre from the narrower drain spacings compared with wider drain spacings, especially in years with higher overall losses (Fig.2). Since more water is drained from the narrower spacings, more pounds of N are also lost in the water (since concentrations are similar among all spacings). This underscores the importance of using cover crops or other practices to trap or treat nitrate leaving the soil in drainage, especially as drainage intensity is increasing.
For the past two months, the earliest known community spread of Covid-19—passed between people here in the United States, rather than a traveler bringing it home from abroad—was a case identified at the UC Davis medical center on February 26. Now we have confirmation the virus was circulating here far earlier than that. Last week, health officials in Santa Clara County, California, announced that a 57-year-old woman died of Covid-19 at her home in San Jose on February 6. Two others followed her in mid-February and early March. None of those people had recently traveled abroad. Their diagnoses were all confirmed posthumously from tissue samples taken by the county coroner and sent to the Centers for Disease Control for testing. Health officials are likely to turn up more cases like those. “They’re really like iceberg tips,” said Sara Cody, the public health officer for Santa Clara County, at a press conference last week. “When you have an outcome like death … that means there’s an iceberg of cases of unknown size.” The findings have underlined the early failures of the US’s pandemic response. As federal officials, including President Donald Trump, downplayed the crisis and cast it as a foreign problem, the virus was already here, slipping through border checks and spreading undetected due to a lack of tests. They also left people wondering once again whether they might have already had the disease and hoping they are now immune. (The answer, still, is probably not.) For scientists who have studied the early spread of Covid-19 in the US, the virus’s timeline did not need to be rewritten. “There’s nothing even vaguely surprising about this finding,” says Arthur Reingold, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Berkeley. “It’s easy to be smart in hindsight, but all the evidence we have has pointed to this.” “This is in line with our projections,” says Kate Coronges, director of the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University. Using travel patterns and data about the virus’s transmission, a team there recently estimated that tens of thousands of invisible cases were already occurring in US cities prior to March 1. As the new cases confirm, fatalities from the virus were invisible, too, going unexplained or labeled with the wrong cause of death. But even with the new information, their models still point to a likely mid-January introduction in states like California and New York. Even if the experts expected this result, the new cases highlight some of the challenges of precisely understanding the early stages of the virus’s spread in the US—a process that could have lessons for containment if the virus roars back later this year after social distancing measures are relaxed. That starts with what researchers have learned about how the virus arrived here in the first place. Much of what we know about the early spread of Covid-19 has been learned from sleuthing through the virus’s genetic code. As a virus spreads, hijacking the cellular machinery of its host’s cells to replicate its RNA, it picks up mutations at a relatively predictable pace. That allows researchers to walk backwards through the virus’s evolutionary history, tracing when mutations occur and where the virus splits off into new strains. Researchers have used those genetic techniques to trace the origins of the virus back to strains circulating in China, and to draw various paths that brought it to the US.
Basic Guidelines For English Spellings another term for Ladino - ‘Sephardic Jews spoke Arabic, too, but inside the community, their language was Judezmo, a Jewish language based on Spanish, with a written form called Ladino.’ Old Spanish, ‘the Jewish manner’. Are You Learning English? Here Are Our Top English Tips
Recently I have come across a meme posted by my friend. He is an English teacher and runs his own language school. The meme suggests that the Polish language is relies heavily on letters of the alphabet located towards the end, somewhat in opposition to the English language. Since I already had both Polish and English dictionary in a digital form, as I needed them for my AI Hangman project, I figured I would do a quick check to verify this claim. Here we go! I used an English dictionary containing around 466K entries and a Polish one containing around 4.3M(yes, four point three million) words. The mind blowing number comes from the fact that we express tenses (past, present and future) by modifying the headword itself, therefore the number of possible combinations of each word is much higher than in English.Using Python I iterated through all the words and calculated the probability of a letter occurring in a randomly selected word from each dictionary. The formula for each letter is simple: Probability(letter) = Number of words that contain a given letter / number of all words in the dictionary. I used Tableau Public to visualize my data as I like this software very much. The first graph shows the letters alphabetically. You can see there are some letters at the end that don’t exist in English. Also, natively letters X, Q and V don’t exist in the Polish language. Only foreign words contain them and there aren’t that many of them in Polish. Otherwise the shapes of the distributions are roughly similar. The second graph shows what letters are most likely being used in any randomly selected word. The first 5 in Polish are I,A,O,E,N. Not really letters from the end of the alphabet. But you can see that W,Z and Y are far more prevalent in Polish than in English. In order to have the full view of the differences between English and Polish I calculated the LIFT measure. It tells you how a number compares to baseline. For instance, the probability of using an O when writing an English word is 49% (0.4899 on the graph above), but in Polish it is 66% (0.6670). So Polish people are 36% more likely to use an O in any given word. The below graph shows the differences with English as the baseline. It’s clear that we use more W, Y and Z. These letters are indeed at the end of the alphabet. But we also use far more J and K that are more in the middle. Also, this is a good example of baseline fallacy. Since the probability of using a Z in English is really small – only 3.5% - then the percentage increase in probability seems enormous. If you look at the second graph again you will see that W,Z Y are not at the top of most used letters, but are 7th,8th and 9th, respectively. Much more liberal use of W,Y and Z in Polish create the impression that we tend to use only the letter from the end of the alphabet, which does not seem to be supported by numbers. Admittedly, if we took into consideration only the most frequently used words and not all dictionary entries, the result might have been different. But with the available data we can only say that the meme is an exaggeration.
William May Halliday was born in Wellington County, Ontario in 1866. He reportedly moved to the Comox area with his family on July 1, 1873. He worked in Victoria for the publisher R.T. Williams & Co. and is credited as the author of Williams’ British Columbia Directory 1891: Containing general information and directories of the various cities and settlements in the province. In 1893 William and his brother Ernest Halliday settled a pre-emption and built a homestead in the estuary at Kingcome Inlet, the traditional territory of the Dzawada’enuxw First Nation. William lived on the homestead until about 1897, when he moved to Alert Bay and took on a job as assistant principal at St. Michael’s Residential School. Ernest and his family stayed on the Kingcome farm. Until recently, the progeny of the long-horned cows reared by the Hallidays roamed wild on the tidal flats. In 1906 William took on the job of Indian Agent for the Kwakewlth Agency, serving the North Island and adjacent Mainland Inlets. He served in this capacity for 26 years. Halliday presided over the implementation of the potlatch ban in the heart of its territory, including the arrest of many participants, and the confiscation of a significant amount of ceremonial items and regalia. Although he felt that traditional First Nations customs had some redeeming qualities, Halliday stated that the potlatch: “was a particularly wasteful and destructive custom, and created ill-feeling, jealousy, and in most cases great poverty…” He sincerely felt that it was destructive to communities. In 1913 Halliday first made some of the first potlatch arrests, but the courts were not supportive of the arrests and gave very lenient sentences. After a change in legislation, in early 1921 a huge potlatch was hosted by Dan Cranmer at Village Island. Informants reported the event to Halliday, and 34 people were arrested. Participants were encouraged to plead guilty, and could avoid prison time if they swore that they would stop participating in the potlatch activities and forfeit their paraphernalia. While some agreed to these terms, others did not, and these men were sentenced to between two and six months hard jail time in Oakalla Prison in Vancouver. In 1921 and 1927 artist Mollie Wilson completed paintings on the rocky shore by the mouth of the Kingcome River which depicted First Nations ceremonial coppers in conflict with cows, meant to symbolize the clash of cultures between the First Nations and Halliday. It has been reported that Halliday and other bureaucrats illegally sold ceremonial items and took others for their personal collections. This treatment of many sacred items was very offensive to many of the Kwakwaka’wakw, and many items were only discovered when efforts began in earnest to have the items returned to the community in the 1960s. Halliday is quoted as having reported to his superiors, “The potlatch is killed.” This has become a well-known quote related to the potlatch ban. Halliday is now looked back upon as having presided over an unfortunate and misguided government initiative, however in his mind he spent decades working to help advance the interests and cause of local First Nations. In 1935 he published a book about his experiences, called Potlatch and Totem and the Recollections of an Indian Agent. William May Halliday retired in 1932 to Victoria, where he passed away in 1957. Brenda McCorquodale is a Port Hardy resident and North Island history enthusiast. If you have any stories or local lore you’d like to share, email her at [email protected]. A collection of her past articles is available on her blog at undiscoveredcoast.blogspot.ca/.