use aws_config::SdkConfig; use aws_sdk_polly::types::{Engine, OutputFormat, SpeechMarkType, VoiceId}; use aws_sdk_transcribestreaming::types::{LanguageCode}; use futures_util::future::try_join; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter}; use std::io::BufRead; use std::ops::Deref; use std::sync::{Arc, Weak}; use tokio::sync::RwLock; use tracing::{error, warn}; use tokio::select; use crate::asr::{Event, aws::AwsAsr, ASR}; #[cfg(feature = "whisper")] use crate::asr::whisper::WhisperAsr; use crate::Viseme; pub type LessonID = String; pub struct InnerLessonsManager { translate_client: aws_sdk_translate::Client, polly_client: aws_sdk_polly::Client, lessons: Arc>>, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct LessonsManager { inner: Arc, } impl Debug for LessonsManager { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("LessonsManager").finish() } } impl Deref for LessonsManager { type Target = InnerLessonsManager; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.inner } } pub enum AsrEngine { AWS, #[allow(dead_code)] #[cfg(feature = "whisper")] Whisper, } impl AsrEngine { async fn create(self, lang: LanguageCode) -> Box { match self { AsrEngine::AWS => Box::new( AwsAsr::from_env(lang) .await .expect("Failed to initialize AWS ASR") ), #[cfg(feature = "whisper")] AsrEngine::Whisper => Box::new( WhisperAsr::from_config() .await .expect("Failed to initialize Whisper ASR") ), } } } impl LessonsManager { pub fn new(sdk_config: &SdkConfig) -> Self { let translate_client = aws_sdk_translate::Client::new(sdk_config); let polly_client = aws_sdk_polly::Client::new(sdk_config); let inner = InnerLessonsManager { translate_client, polly_client, lessons: Arc::new(RwLock::new(BTreeMap::new())), }; LessonsManager { inner: Arc::new(inner) } } pub(crate) async fn create_lesson(&self, id: LessonID, engine: AsrEngine, speaker_lang: LanguageCode) -> Lesson { let mut map = self.lessons.write().await; let lesson: Lesson = InnerLesson::new(self.clone(), engine, speaker_lang).await.into(); map.insert(id, lesson.clone()); lesson } pub(crate) async fn get_lesson(&self, id: LessonID) -> Option { let map =; map.get(&id).cloned() } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) struct Lesson { inner: Arc, } impl Deref for Lesson { type Target = InnerLesson; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.inner } } impl Lesson { pub(crate) async fn get_or_init(&self, lang: String) -> LangLesson { { let map =; if let Some(lang_lesson) = map.get(&lang).and_then(|weak| weak.upgrade()) { return lang_lesson.into(); } } { let mut map = self.lang_lessons.write().await; if let Some(lang_lesson) = map.get(&lang).and_then(|weak| weak.upgrade()) { lang_lesson.into() } else { let lang_lesson = LangLesson::new(self.clone(), lang.clone()); map.insert(lang.clone(), Arc::downgrade(&lang_lesson.inner)); lang_lesson } } } pub(crate) async fn send(&self, frame: Vec) -> anyhow::Result<()> { Ok(self.speaker_voice_channel.send(frame).await?) } pub(crate) fn transcript_channel(&self) -> tokio::sync::broadcast::Receiver { self.speaker_transcript.subscribe() } } impl From for Lesson { fn from(inner: InnerLesson) -> Self { Lesson { inner: Arc::new(inner), } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct InnerLesson { parent: LessonsManager, speaker_lang: LanguageCode, speaker_voice_channel: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender>, speaker_transcript: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender, lang_lessons: RwLock>>, drop_handler: Option>, } impl InnerLesson { async fn new(parent: LessonsManager, engine: AsrEngine, speaker_lang: LanguageCode) -> InnerLesson { let (speaker_transcript, _) = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel::(128); let shared_speaker_transcript = speaker_transcript.clone(); let (speaker_voice_channel, mut speaker_voice_rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel::>(128); let (drop_handler, drop_rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::(); let mut asr: Box = engine.create(speaker_lang.clone()).await; tokio::spawn(async move { let fut = async { let mut transcribe = asr.subscribe(); loop { select! { msg_opt = speaker_voice_rx.recv() => { match msg_opt { Some(frame) => { asr.frame(frame).await?; }, None => break, } }, evt_poll = transcribe.recv() => { shared_speaker_transcript.send(evt_poll?)?; } } } Ok(()) as anyhow::Result<()> }; select! { res = fut => { if let Err(e) = res { error!("Error: {:?}", e); } } _ = drop_rx => {} } }); InnerLesson { parent, speaker_lang, speaker_voice_channel, speaker_transcript, lang_lessons: RwLock::new(BTreeMap::new()), drop_handler: Some(drop_handler), } } } impl Drop for InnerLesson { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(tx) = self.drop_handler.take() { let _ = tx.send(Signal::Stop); } } } pub(crate) struct InnerLangLesson { parent: Lesson, translated_tx: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender, voice_lessons: RwLock>>, drop_handler: Option>, } impl Drop for InnerLangLesson { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(tx) = self.drop_handler.take() { let _ = tx.send(Signal::Stop); } } } #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct LangLesson { inner: Arc, } impl LangLesson { pub(crate) fn translated_channel(&self) -> tokio::sync::broadcast::Receiver { self.translated_tx.subscribe() } } impl Deref for LangLesson { type Target = InnerLangLesson; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.inner } } impl From for LangLesson { fn from(inner: InnerLangLesson) -> Self { LangLesson { inner: Arc::new(inner), } } } impl From> for LangLesson { fn from(inner: Arc) -> Self { LangLesson { inner } } } impl LangLesson { fn new(parent: Lesson, lang: String) -> Self { let shared_lang = lang.clone(); let shared_speaker_lang = parent.speaker_lang.clone(); let (translated_tx, _) = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel::(128); let shared_translated_tx = translated_tx.clone(); let mut transcript_rx = parent.speaker_transcript.subscribe(); let translate_client = parent.parent.translate_client.clone(); let (drop_handler, drop_rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::(); tokio::spawn(async move { let fut = async { while let Ok(evt) = transcript_rx.recv().await { if !evt.is_final { continue } let output = translate_client .translate_text() .text(evt.transcript) .source_language_code(shared_speaker_lang.as_str()) .target_language_code(shared_lang.clone()) .send() .await; match output { Ok(res) => { let _ = shared_translated_tx.send(res.translated_text); } Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } } Ok(()) }; select! { res = fut => { if let Err(e) = res { warn!("Error: {:?}", e); } } _ = drop_rx => {} } }); InnerLangLesson { parent, translated_tx, voice_lessons: RwLock::new(BTreeMap::new()), drop_handler: Some(drop_handler), } .into() } pub(crate) async fn get_or_init(&mut self, voice: VoiceId) -> VoiceLesson { { let map =; if let Some(voice_lesson) = map.get(&voice).and_then(|weak| weak.upgrade()) { return voice_lesson.into(); } } { let mut map = self.voice_lessons.write().await; if let Some(voice_lesson) = map.get(&voice).and_then(|weak| weak.upgrade()) { voice_lesson.into() } else { let voice_lesson = Arc::new(InnerVoiceLesson::new(self.clone(), voice.clone())); map.insert(voice, Arc::downgrade(&voice_lesson)); voice_lesson.into() } } } } #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct VoiceLesson { inner: Arc, } impl VoiceLesson { pub(crate) fn voice_channel(&self) -> tokio::sync::broadcast::Receiver> { self.voice_lesson.subscribe() } pub(crate) fn lip_sync_channel(&self) -> tokio::sync::broadcast::Receiver> { self.lip_sync_tx.subscribe() } } impl Deref for VoiceLesson { type Target = InnerVoiceLesson; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.inner } } impl From for VoiceLesson { fn from(inner: InnerVoiceLesson) -> Self { VoiceLesson { inner: Arc::new(inner), } } } impl From> for VoiceLesson { fn from(inner: Arc) -> Self { VoiceLesson { inner } } } pub(crate) struct InnerVoiceLesson { lip_sync_tx: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender>, voice_lesson: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender>, drop_handler: Option>, } #[derive(Debug)] enum Signal { Stop, } impl InnerVoiceLesson { fn new(parent: LangLesson, voice: VoiceId) -> InnerVoiceLesson { let shared_voice_id: VoiceId = voice.clone(); let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::(); let mut translate_rx = parent.translated_tx.subscribe(); let (voice_lesson, _) = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel::>(128); let shared_voice_lesson = voice_lesson.clone(); let (lip_sync_tx, _) = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel::>(128); let shared_lip_sync_tx = lip_sync_tx.clone(); let client = parent.parent.parent.polly_client.clone(); // let lang: LanguageCode = parent.lang.clone().parse().expect("Invalid language code"); tokio::spawn(async move { let fut = async { while let Ok(translated) = translate_rx.recv().await { let res = synthesize_speech(&client, translated, shared_voice_id.clone()).await; match res { Ok((vec, audio)) => { let _ = shared_lip_sync_tx.send(vec); let _ = &shared_voice_lesson.send(audio); } Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } } Ok(()) }; select! { res = fut => match res { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { warn!("Error: {:?}", e); } }, _ = rx => {} } }); InnerVoiceLesson { lip_sync_tx, voice_lesson, drop_handler: Some(tx), } } } impl Drop for InnerVoiceLesson { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(tx) = self.drop_handler.take() { let _ = tx.send(Signal::Stop); } } } #[derive(Debug)] enum SynthesizeError { Polly(aws_sdk_polly::Error), Transmitting(aws_sdk_polly::error::BoxError), } async fn synthesize_speech( client: &aws_sdk_polly::Client, text: String, voice_id: VoiceId, ) -> Result<(Vec, Vec), SynthesizeError> { let audio_fut = client .synthesize_speech() .engine(Engine::Neural) .set_text(Some(text.clone())) .voice_id(voice_id.clone()) .output_format(OutputFormat::Pcm) .send(); let visemes_fut = client .synthesize_speech() .engine(Engine::Neural) .set_text(Some(text)) .voice_id(voice_id) .speech_mark_types(SpeechMarkType::Viseme) .output_format(OutputFormat::Json) .send(); let (audio_out, visemes_out) = try_join(audio_fut, visemes_fut) .await .map_err(|e| SynthesizeError::Polly(e.into()))?; let audio = audio_out .audio_stream .collect() .await .map_err(|e| SynthesizeError::Transmitting(e.into()))? .to_vec(); let visemes = visemes_out .audio_stream .collect() .await .map_err(|e| SynthesizeError::Transmitting(e.into()))? .to_vec(); let parsed: Vec = visemes .lines() .flat_map(|line| Ok::(serde_json::from_str::(&line?)?)) .collect(); Ok((parsed, audio)) }