import evaluate import datasets import lm_eval # TODO: Add BibTeX citation _CITATION = """ """ # TODO: Add description of the module here _DESCRIPTION = """ """ # TODO: Add description of the arguments of the module here _KWARGS_DESCRIPTION = """ """ @evaluate.utils.file_utils.add_start_docstrings(_DESCRIPTION, _KWARGS_DESCRIPTION) class llm_harness_mistral_arc(evaluate.Metric): def _info(self): # TODO: Specifies the evaluate.EvaluationModuleInfo object return evaluate.MetricInfo( # This is the description that will appear on the modules page. module_type="metric", description=_DESCRIPTION, citation=_CITATION, inputs_description=_KWARGS_DESCRIPTION, # This defines the format of each prediction and reference features=[ datasets.Features( { "pretrained": datasets.Value("string", id="sequence"), "tasks": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string", id="sequence"), id="tasks"), } )], # Homepage of the module for documentation homepage="http://module.homepage", # Additional links to the codebase or references codebase_urls=[""], reference_urls=[""] ) def _compute(self, pretrained, tasks): outputs = lm_eval.simple_evaluate( model="hf", model_args={"pretrained":pretrained}, tasks=tasks, num_fewshot=0, ) results = {} for task in outputs['results']: results[task] = {'acc':outputs['results'][task]['acc,none'], 'acc_norm':outputs['results'][task]['acc_norm,none']} return results