1 value
1 value
Presidential candidate hillary-clinton in a victory speech after the March 15 primaries: Our campaign depends on small donations for the majority of our support.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
State Representative tom-grady in an e-mail to Crist.: Says Crist campaign website "has eliminated all references to our Republican Party."
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
sarah-palin in a Washington Post op-ed: On a cap-and-trade plan.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
U.S. Representative gerry-connolly in an interview.: There hasnt really been a lot of net growth in the federal workforce when you compare it to say, 1990.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Pediatrician marish-agana in a news release announcing her candidacy: The American Conservative Union gives [Rep. Tim] Ryan a dismal 0.0 percent rating for the billions he has contributed to our national debt.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
U.S. Congressman jeb-hensarling in a hearing of the congressional "Supercommittee": The departments of Commerce, Education and Energy and the EPA saw their spending increase by between 130 percent and 219 percent between 2008 and 2010.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
charlie-crist in a TV interview: Says he hasnt changed his view on abortion restrictions.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
attorney joaquin-castro in a tweet about Carol Everett of the Heidi Group: Says the director of an anti-abortion group receiving a Texas grant to provide womens health services believes HIV can be spread through the sewer system.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Maryland governor martin-omalley in a press release: Says Rick Perry of Texas was the governor who relied most on stimulus funds to close his states budget deficit in 2010.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Governor bruce-rauner in a speech at the Illinois State Fair: Democrats are cutting our school funding. Four times in the last 10 years before we came into office.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
governor greg-abbott in a press conference with Sen. Ted Cruz: Says President Barack Obama himself has granted waivers allowing into the United States refugees who provided material support to terrorists.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Leader, Shinyribs band kevin-russell in an opinion column: In almost every other country in the world, artists and musicians are paid when their music is played on the radio. In fact, the only countries besides the U.S. who do not have a radio-performance right are China, Iran and North Korea.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
U.S. senator john-mccain in a TV ad airing in Virginia, the District of Columbia and Maryland: One man sacrificed for his country. One man opposed a flawed strategy in Iraq. One man had the courage to call for change. One man didn't play politics with the truth. One man stands up to the special interests.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
President barack-obama in a tweet: Says Paul Ryan supports banning all abortions, even in cases of rape or incest.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
chain-email in a chain email: More than 1,000 American soldiers have lost their lives in Afghanistan in the last 27 months. This is more than the combined total of the nine years before.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
President barack-obama in a speech in Knoxville, Tenn.: Weve doubled the production of clean energy.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Presidential candidate gary-johnson in a Medium post: Most Americans support the legalization of marijuana.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
american-future-fund in a campaign ad: Under Barack Obama, the U.S. now has the lowest workforce since (President Jimmy) Carter.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Attorney general of Missouri chris-koster in an Instagram post: A rural hospital in Missouri closes every 8 months. The legislatures failure to expand Medicaid has brought crisis to many of Missouris rural health care providers.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
blog-posting in articles on the Internet and social media posts: Harambe received 15,000 votes in the presidential election.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
family-foundation in a Facebook post.: The United States is one of only seven nations that allows elective abortions after 20 weeks post-fertilization.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
political action committee senate-majority-pac in a campaign ad: Says Thom Tillis gives tax breaks to yacht and jet owners.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Co-host on CNN's "Crossfire" newt-gingrich in a campaign video: During his time as House speaker, unemployment came down from 5.6 percent to under 4 (percent).
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
ellen-qualls in comments on Fox News Channel: Obamacare was the Republican plan in the early 90s.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
U.S. representative, Florida District 22 allen-west in a Fox News TV show: We had an amendment in the health care law that said the federal government is going to take over education.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Governor of New Jersey chris-christie in a video posted on YouTube: (Assembly Democrats) wanted to raise the gas tax by $2.4 billion. We said no to that....Theyre down on the ground. Theyre sweating. Theyre twitching. Its ugly, cause I keep saying no.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Milwaukee County Executive scott-walker in a speech: Says he turned down a Medicaid expansion under Obamacare, but because of actions he took, for the first time in Wisconsins history everyone living in poverty is covered under Medicaid.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
U.S. House of Representatives alan-grayson in an interview with CBS4: Says Patrick Murphy switched his vote on All Aboard Florida ... because his father tried to get in a bid to build it and was unsuccessful.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Ohio treasurer josh-mandel in a news release: Says U.S. Sen Sherrod Brown promised that the first stimulus bill would fund the Brent Spence Bridge.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Mayor, St. Petersburg bill-foster in a mayoral forum: Tampa got more (federal housing) money because they scored higher on the blight scoring system, so theyve got a much bigger problem than we do.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Presidential candidate hillary-clinton in a Democratic debate in Brooklyn: In nine Democratic debates, Weve not had one question about a womans right to make her own decisions about reproductive health care, not one question.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
national-rifle-association in a statement: The Manchin-Toomey amendment would have criminalized certain private transfers of firearms between honest citizens, requiring lifelong friends, neighbors and some family members to get government approval.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
democratic-national-committee in a news release: McCain Trying to Have it Both Ways on Iraq
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
House Majority Leader eric-cantor in a letter to the editor of the Richmond Times-Dispatch: The budget submitted by Obama will add more to the debt than the outstanding debt of the previous 43 presidents combined.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
President barack-obama in an address from the Oval Office: I've issued a six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
naral-pro-choice in an ad.: Toomey and Trump will ban abortion and punish women who have them.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
State Senator barbara-buono in a speech to students at the Rutgers New Brunswick campus: Tuition at Rutgers has increased 10 percent since Gov. Chris Christie took office because he cut funding for higher education.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
President barack-obama in an interview with YouTube celebrity Bethany Mota: The reason we even have colleges is that at some point there were politicians who said, You know what? We should start colleges.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Co-owner and morning show host, KOKE FM, Austin bob-cole in morning radio show on KOKE-FM: Capital Metro originally said MetroRails yearly operating costs would be about $2.5 million. Last year ... it cost $13 million to operate.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
venture capital company founder gina-raimondo in a fundraising letter.: Providence has more of its pension fund invested in hedge funds and is less transparent about it than the state.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
j-jacobs in an interview: Says President John F. Kennedy released a star Green Bay Packer from military reserve duty so that he could play in the 1961 NFL Championship Game.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Candidate for governor tom-wolf in his budget proposal address: If the General Assembly does not address the states structural deficit, more than 23,000 education professionals will be immediately yanked out of Pennsylvania schools.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Businessman farouk-shami in a TV ad: Says he brought 1,200 jobs to Texas by moving his factories here from China.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
stephen-simpson in an article: U.S. Rep. Paul Broun has not authored any legislation that has been adopted by Congress.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
President barack-obama in a prepared statement: On recess appointments.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
vernon-jones in a candidate forum: Four years as a congressman, he [U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson] never talked about MARTA.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary kathleen-sebelius in an opinion column: Texas has the highest rate of uninsured in the nation. ... And there are more uninsured children in Texas than in any other state.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
U.S. House member louie-gohmert in a speech at the New Hampshire Freedom Summit: Eighty percent of Wall Street executives and their spouses donations go to Democrats.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Member of Congress jim-sensenbrenner in a radio ad for the Scott Walker gubernatorial campaign: Like me, Scott Walker opposed the 1998 transportation bill and the $9 billion of wasteful spending.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
republican-party-florida in a campaign ad: Newspapers say Florida made bad investments, lost hundreds of millions of dollars, billions in pension funds lost. Who was in charge of Floridas investments? Alex Sink.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
State Senator alan-bates in a floor speech.: Says 80 percent of the health care dollars are spent by 20 percent of the population.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
allen-boyd in a TV ad: Steve Southerland did not pay his taxes in 05, 06, 07, 08 or 09.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Former governor mitt-romney in a presidential primary debate in New Hampshire: Eliminating Obamacare ... saves $95 billion a year.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
State senator mark-obenshain in a floor debate.: There are 4.7 percent of Virginians who are minimum wage earners who are over 25 years of age working full-time and trying to raise a family.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Founder, Eagle Forum phyllis-schlafly in an e-mail blast.: Says broken compact fluorescent light bulbs allegedly cause migraines and epilepsy attacks.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Lieutenant governor david-dewhurst in a news story: At least a quarter of those apprehended at the border have criminal records.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
charlie-crist in a post on his campaign website: Says Rick Scotts record on jobs includes Florida ranked 2nd in the nation in long-term unemployment.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
President, Heritage Foundation jim-demint in a news release: Says President Obamas new immigration plan is amnesty.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Republican strategist ed-gillespie in a speech: For the first time in over 40 years, Republicansdont hold a single statewide office in Virginia.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
U.S. Representative gabrielle-giffords in an op-ed in the "New York Times": Polls show that Americans overwhelmingly support expanding background checks.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
city-austin in a press release: Nearly 20% of our residents are born abroad.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
governor jack-markell in a speech at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. : When it comes to jobless workers, Mitt Romney says he likes to fire people.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
john-mccallum in a video: A child born in America today will inherit $1.5 million in debt the moment theyre placed in their mothers arms.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Representative randy-forbes in a column.: Says the U.S. fleet of attack submarines is scheduled to fall below the 48 boats that Navy says it needs to carry out current missions.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
journalists associated-press in in a newspaper article: Georgias share of money from the Federal Highway Trust Fund declined 12 percent between 2008 and 2013.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Presidential candidate hillary-clinton in Plymouth, N.H.: Americans spend 100-million hours a year filling out these forms (FAFSA). That is the equivalent of 55,500 full-time jobs.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
U.S. representative, Florida District 22 allen-west in a candidate forum: If you look at the application for a security clearance, I have a clearance that even the president of the United States cannot obtain because of my background.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
chain-email in e-mail messages circulating on the Internet: Says Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie made a late-night visit to Kinkos to forge President Barack Obamas birth certificate two days before Obama unveiled it to the media.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Presidential candidate hillary-clinton in Iowa: In the Illinois Legislature, Barack Obama "voted 'present,' instead of yes or no" on seven votes involving abortion rights.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Presidential candidate hillary-clinton in a speech in Houston: If you want to vote in Texas, you can use a concealed-weapon permit as a valid form of identification, but a valid student ID isnt good enough.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Maryland governor martin-omalley in interview with Democracy Now!: Says the cascading effects of climate change contributed to the rise of ISIS.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
State Senator, 8th District alberta-darling in a TV ad and campaign flier: Says state Rep. Sandy Pasch, her recall opponent, voted to allow public school employees to use taxpayer dollars to pick up the tab forViagra.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
author jerome-corsi in his book <i>The Obama Nation</i>. : Barack Obama "rejects everyone white, including his mother and his grandparents."
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Member of Florida House of Representatives charles-van-zant in speech in March publicized May 16 by Think Progress: A company hired to do Common Core testing in Florida will attract every one of your children to become as homosexual as they possibly can.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
U.S. Supreme Court Justice clarence-thomas in a speech: The U.S. Supreme Court has not traditionally asked a lot of questions during oral arguments.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
State senator kris-jordan in a speech in the Ohio Senate: Fracturing or horizontally fracturing the shale to open up larger pockets of natural gas ... has been used for over 60 years and, as of 2009, over 80,000 wells have been fracked in Ohio.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
U.S. Representative paul-ryan in a speech to the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs: In 2004, "20 percent of U.S. households were getting about 75 percent of their income from the federal government. ... Another 20 percent were receiving almost 40 percent."
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Governor of Ohio as of Jan. 10, 2011 john-kasich in a news conference: We are now eighth in the nation in job creation . . . we are No. 1 in the Midwest.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
rick-santorum in a house party in Henniker, N.H.: In Europe, church attendance rates (are) in the single digits because churches are supported by taxes.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
adam-hasner in an Internet ad: Says George LeMieux even compared Marco Rubio to Barack Obama.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Consultant matt-mackowiak in an opinion column.: Says Barack Obama promised to halve the deficit in his first term.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
former president bill-clinton in an interview on "The Daily Show": Says the government has gotten the TARP money back plus a profit.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Chief Executive Officer, Points of Light Foundation michelle-nunn in television ad: Points of Light is the worlds largest volunteer organization.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
U.S. House of Representatives tom-cotton in a campaign ad: Says Mark Pryorcut Medicare to pay for Obamacare.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Governor mike-pence in the 2016 Vice Presidential debate: Says Tim Kaine actually tried to raise taxes by about $4 billion.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Candidate for U.S. Senate and physician rand-paul in a debate: Says Marco Rubio is proposing a new $1 trillion welfare program in tax credits and $1 trillion in new military spending.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
don-balfour in campaign flier: I am the only senator who turned down the state pension plan for part-time legislators.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Rancher hugh-fitzsimons in a blog post on campaign website: Female buffalo lead the herd.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
President-Elect donald-trump in a speech on terrorism and immigration: There is no system to vet refugees from the Middle East.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
State Senator barbara-buono in an interview on bluejersey.com: Says Chris Christies plan to kick-start our economy is to propose an income tax cut that disproportionately benefits the wealthy, and...hes still proposing it.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
chain-email in a chain e-mail: Obama used $20 million in federal money to emmigrate (sic) Hamas Refugees to the USA.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
President barack-obama in : On offshore drilling.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Presidential candidate hillary-clinton in an interview on ABC: We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
rick-santorum in in a speech in Wisconsin: I think its seven or eight of the California system of universities dont even teach an American history course. Its not even available to be taught.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
menendez-facts in a blog: Sen. Bob Menendez voted to enact a new tax on the sale of homes of 3.8%.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Governor rick-scott in a news conference: Says his budget provides the highest state funding level in history for education.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Governor jay-nixon in on ABC's "This Week": Ive been here almost every day.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
senior fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute mackubin-thomas-owens in a commentary in The Providence Journal: In the early 1980s, Sen. Edward Kennedy secretly offered to help Soviet leaders counter the Reagan administrations position on nuclear disarmament.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
Governor of Ohio as of Jan. 10, 2011 john-kasich in a news conference: Says an EPA permit languished under Strickland but his new EPA director got it done in two days.
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning
john-burzichelli in an interview with NJToday: Says the governor is going around the state talking about [how] we should fund an income tax cut that benefits higher income earners and not lower income earners
Rate its factual accuracy from 0 (entirely misinformation) to 9 (completely factual). Provide a brief comment explaining the reason. Output format is: rating: number - reasoning